Hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydrochlorothiazide (hydrochlorothiazide)

I'm no longer taking this medication. No longer taking it and my horrible side affects went away quickly. The dr upped my labadelol to 300 mgs 2xs a day an I take an herbal supplement hawthorn capsule all natural ingredient no fillers an bp is excellent.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

The doctor should take this bad "DOPE "

Within 6 hour of taking this med, I had horrible anxiety to the point of panic. It felt like I had constant butterflies in my stomach (not the good kind, the 'you just got startled' kind). Will be discontinuing immediately.

Heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, constipation

This medication making me dizzy and experiencing panic and anxiety attacks as well as immense pressure on my eye balls, thirst and urinating alot. I stopped taking them yesterday after taking them for 3 weeks. I hope I will have much better sleep

Weight gain, irritability, sluggishness, joint pain

I hate it. Feels like poison and I am always very bloated. I will be getting off of it.

Extremely tired. I would black out at any given time. It interferes with my job. I can't get this done cause I keep blacking out.

Brother committed suicide I believ.

Severe anxiety, weakness, suicidal ideation.Eventually led to suicide. Beware!!!!

I cry every day, heart palpitations, tingling sensation like electric feelings on my back, major depression and it didn't even lower my bp I'm coming off of it tomorrow

Weird headaches, lightheaded, anxiety,racing heart,heart palpitations, brain fog felt out of it. Dr told me to drink more water because of palpitations blamed dehydration

I felt relieved that other ppl were experiencing almost the same side effects. You start to doubt yourself and think it's other things going on with you. It's unbelievable how a little pill can cause such havoc with your body. I'm discontinuing this med it's terrible.

Horrible dizziness and throbbing pressure in head when I get up from seated positions. Headaches all day and I'm always in the bathroom. I started getting panic attacks daily and anxiety. My blood pressure has still been through the roof. It was added to my Lisinopril but it only made things worse. The ER couldn't find anything wrong with me but I decided to see if it was my meds. Crazy this tiny pull causes all this! I'm stopping tomorrow and my Lisinopril is next!

weakness, tired depressed, joint pain. Could hardly walk sometimes.

Felt great the first three days, energy, doing good. Then back to normal for a week, then slowly worse and worse until joint pain and leg weakness were making it hard to do a lot in the day. Aged 5 years in three months. stopped taking them and felt much better within a day. doctor is trying a different medication. Did lower my blood pressure but upped my heart rate.

Severe burning pain in neck and back when moving.

Augment Losartan for blood pressure

Increasing insulin resistance and AM glucose elevation. Weight gain.

Good for edema, and does bring both systolic and diastolic blood pressure down, but the effects on insulin resistance and pushing patients toward type 2 diabetes are not worth it. Also, best spread throughout the day, but that is not always followed, and some doctors seem to not realize the connection between HCTZ and insulin resistance.

Rash, hives, unbearably itchy skin, photo sensitivity- burn, hair loss, muscle weakness and cramps, bladder weakness, faster heart rate, increased glucose levels

Saw on another site that taken with synthroid can cause more issues. I am taking synthroid. This is a terrible drug. :(

The the two side effects I seem to be having are terrible constipation and sensitive to Sun. The exposed parts of my body break out into a itchy rash. Is anyone having these problems?

I was put on this to bring my bp down a bit more. I was already on 100 mg losartan. Thc day after my first dose I woke up to a heart rate of 110, normally it's around 65. I kept having to sit down due to severe dizziness and feeling like I was going to pass out. This went on for 3 hours. Same thing next 2 days. I stopped taking it. I had an aortic dissection in October 2021. I have to keep my bp and heart rate down to control it. The high heart rate is dangerous. Terrible medication.

High blood pressure, H2O retention

Some body aches, especially in legs that were previously swollen (water retention).

Since I take Lisinopril (20 MG) daily, I monitor my blood pressure several times a day. I have maintained normal blood pressure (average of 120 over 70) since early November 2021.

I began taking Hydrochlorot 10/14/2021 and stopped taking it on 12/20/2021 due to terrible side effects: Diarrhea, headaches, nausea, dizziness, severe joint/muscle/body pain, muscle spasms, irritability, decreased cognition, rash on face, head, neck and mouth, cloudy red eyes, blurred vision, hot/cold flashes, extreme fatigue, mood changes, depression and suicidal ideation. I went from a very active person, working out daily to a shell of myself and couldn’t work out at all. I stopped taking this medication to reclaim my life back and return to the person I was before I started taking it.

Proceed with extreme caution with this medication.

HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Hydrochlorothiazide belongs to a class of drugs known as diuretics/"water pills." It works by causing you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. This medication also reduces extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath or swelling in your ankles or feet. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I have learned so much from reading all the posts - now finding out that the Buspar I started about one week ago is causing increased numbness and tingling in both arms and legs - sometimes my face. I had taken buspar several years ago for anxiety and loved it. No side effects. However - this time I experience dizziness with each dose that lasts at least 2-3 hours then - increasing amounts of numbness and tingling that just builds in intensity from the day before. Thanks for all your info - I will be discontinuing my buspar today. Bummer - because it does help with anxiety.

Peripheral Nerve Damage in leg

Drowsy. Headaches. Dizzy. Nausea. Extreme depression.

first yeast infection and i used this and felt comfort for about 2 hours then burned the hell out of me. i am now in a cold bath hoping for the burning to go away :( do not use

I've been taking Effexor for about 10 years. Worked great except had weight gain and no sex drive. Over weight anyway so this was a bad side effect for me. Been on Wellbutrin xl for about 7 months. It's been great for the two side effects of the Effexor. Worked up to 300mg's and became a raging lunatic. Went back to 150's and doing better. Still having some nausa and flu like symptoms. Queston is, Is this the Effexor getting out of my system or is this from the Wellbutron? Please someone help before I give up and go back on the Effexor.

Severe stomach pains, swelling of fingers and lower legs, headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety attacks, flu-like symptoms, extreme fatigue. Could not even walk three weeks ago from swelling and leg/foot pain.

I found this drug amazingly relaxing and still had sexual function on 100mg. Weight loss was a bonus. However, when I ran out of medication for 3 days recently, I had visual and auditory distortions/halucinations. I saw wallpaper crawing at one point and also a room full of white mist that wasnt there.DONT RUN OUT OF PILLS It seems stopping could be a bummer

CAUTION reccommended. DO NOT TRY if you are allergic to aspirin, even if the doctor says it is OK.

i had an anxiety attack before surg