Hydralazine hcl (hydralazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydralazine hcl (hydralazine hydrochloride)

Drug induced lupus. Rapid heart rate

Taking it with 300 IRBESARTAN started to get joint pain and muscle cramps on day two but my BP has come down a little and stabilized to 145/99 - 160/113 however today I have no energy - my hands and body ache I am afraid this will get to unbearable - After reading all the reviews I am going to stop and ask for something else -

sleep way too much.SHORT OF BREATH!!!! No energy

Feel bad every day. No activity due to no energu

Headache, dizziness, hear my heart beat in my ears, tingling in hands, some chest pains. I had weakness in legs, eye blurring and neck pain. I had some shortness of breath. I normally have well controlled blood pressure. I have been under alot of stress, so high BP may be related. After a hypertension episode I was instructed to take this medication if my BP reached 170 Systolic or 95 Diastolic. I This last episode I had a heart rate of 184/147. I took as directed. I felt I was possibly having a stroke as I did not know the side effects. It was very frightening. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to change my regular blood pressure meds as they have stopped working. This med was given to me by a Cardiologist in the ER (23 hour observation) as a emergency medication in case I had another episode. We were on a trip so not a familiar cardiologist. This was my 3rd time in 10 days having one. I had similar weakness the first 2 times but not the prestroke symptoms. I also saw it causes medication induced Lupus. I already have Lupus and RA. Stay away from this drug. It is very dangerous

Extreme weakness, no appetite, hair loss, weight loss, can hear heart beat in ear, do not want to get out of bed, can only walk or stand without feeling weak and tired, muscle and joint pain, B/P out of control

This med has done more harm than good.

Headaches light headed, not feeling myself, energy loss. Slight depression because of headache

Blood pressure still the same high!

Doesn't lower blood pressure. Distroys your joints. Cause Lupus. More bad than good with this poison.

Fined a holistic doctor that does not work for Big pharma, and push pills.

Headaches cry all the time chest pain shortness of breathe neuropathy extremly worse in feet and legs sweating profusely. Going to old cardiologist Wednesday coming off this drug it is bad for you !!

I can’t breathe and my chest hurts. I first check and my no is 176/120. Run to my bathroom start a warm bath and meditate for 30 mins to bring it down to 136/86. I suffer from anxiety and this pill makes me feel like I am having a heart attack

Edema in legs. Compression socks exacerbate the problem. Has not lowered my systolic but has lowered my diastolic.No energy no drive to get anything done during the day

Useless drug. Side effects have dampened my quality of life

Lowered diastolic BP. If I missed a dose I would be a bit hypertensive for 1-2 days, despite resuming subsequent doses. Very tired and a little weight gain which may or may not be caused by the med.

Sounds like it isn't good to be on long term and a little nervous about weaning off.

Dizziness, nervousness, not feeling like myself, sinus headaches, increase urination, disoriented, ankles swelling. This medication is a death trap.

Dizziness, nervousness, not feeling like myself, sinus headaches, increase urination, disoriented, ankles swelling. This medication is a death trap.

Gasping for air frequently, pain in head that was different than a common headache.

I felt like someone had cut off my oxygen. Gasping for air and not feeling like I was getting any oxygen.

Erratic heart pounding, moments of feeling weak, high urination leading to dehydration.

This drug did help my blood pressure but I cannot drink enough water to offset dehydration which is giving me headaches and now tinnitus a common side effect of dehydration I found out. I am up 6 times a night to the bathroom. Pretty lousy way to maintain a low blood pressure. I will need to try a diet of low salt as my blood pressure at worst was 140's over 80's before taking this drug.

Began having pain when bending fingers that would run up my arm. After that, various pains in different parts of my body. Pain was so severe that I couldn't sleep and had trouble getting into car and walked with limp. Researched the drug online and self-diagnosed drug-induced Lupus. Went to doctor who prescribed it and he, too, agreed with my diagnosis. Took me off hydralazine and put on prednisone for several months. I certainly have sympathy now for people with Lupus. I had never hurt so bad in my life.

Took for about three months. At first, not too bad, except made my hair start to fall out. At about 3 months, I got joint and muscle pains so bad, I could not even turn over in bed without pain. I immediately stopped this medication, about two months ago. The pain stopped after missing two doses. At this point, my hair is just starting to come back. I cannot ever take this again!

I am in my late 60s and on no other medications. BP systolic reading as high as 175. I took 1/2 tab twice a day - each tab was 50 mg. I stopped taking this drug after 2 days due to the following reactions: I was nauseous and felt like I was going to throw up; could not think straight; brain fog; fatigue; pressure on the eyes and whole head; heat flushing in face and neck; stuffy and runny nose; muscle twitching above left knee about 4 times a day (for several minutes); loose bowels and heavy urine flow. Decrease in systolic BP was 20 points. None of these symptoms were present before taking this drug. As a summary statement, I felt like I had been poisoned. I was able to bring down my systolic reading by 25-30 points by drinking 12 oz. of aloe vera juice a day (4 oz. 3X a day) and drinking hibiscus tea (a natural diuretic) as my only liquid during the day (16 oz. or more). Though my BP is still high, I will look for other natural methods to lower my BP.

I consider this drug a poison.

HYDRALAZINE HCL (HYDRALAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Hydralazine is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Hydralazine is called a vasodilator. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow through the body more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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CNN did a story the other day about the gene that controls hair loss. The story said that once the hair loss gene is activated, you just keep losing your hair. I think Imuran activates that gene. I was only 18 when I started Imuran and I've been losing my hair ever since. Doctors will try blaming this on UC, but it turns out I was misdiagnosed. I didn't have UC, just food poisoning.

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I CANNOT believe my doctor prescribed this drug for me. It is a DISASTER. Getting off the drug is even worse -- if you do it too fast, you'll get SEIZURES. STAY AWAY from this drug. It's like taking every sensation you have and deadening it to the max, and yes, that includes brain sensations. But if you like living like a vegetable, then by all means, partake!

to the poster wondering about liver damage from the acetaminophen; ask your Dr to prescribe with none added. I take oxycodone only, 10-20mg day. Occasionally I will take Tylenol with it, but it's not automatically added to the drug. I feel that it still works well for me. It's a very legit concern; acetaminophen will wreck your liver given time. Your Dr should be concerned as well. We're both young and need to take care of ourselves!

Anxiety Attacks - Panic Disorder

Bad taste in mouth, stomach cramps, dizziness, fatigue


This is my 3rd day taking this drug. I had severe chest congestion for 12 days while on a business trip in China. Immedietly after coming back to US, my doctor put me on this medicine and it does seem to help.However, I am not sure if I can continue the course as my jet-lag doesn't seem to get over due to this medicine. I am sleeping in the evening and waking up in the night. Have severe back-pain and feel so weak. I had never felt this week before in my life.

I was vacationing in spain so i was told to watch the sun. The heat caused unbelievable sweating. Uncontrollable and embarrassing. I was on double dose of the Bactrim DS so it was 4 pills a day. and no GI effects like other people claimed. I was only embarrassed about sweating and was so glad to take my last pill and the sweatting stop. Avoid the heat and the sun. Those were my only side effects. and my swollen infection that was nasty go totally cured. Great drug no Gi effects for me

Severe pain in all joints. Terrible lower back pain. Bones are constantly cracking,,,,,very uncomfortable. Rashes. Anxiety depression. Can't take walks,,,,severe pain.