Esidrix (hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Esidrix (hydrochlorothiazide)

Extreme dizziness, almost fainted twice. Heart palpatations, back pain, insomnia, sudden hot flashes. Allover sick feeling. Very fatigued with strange weakness in the back of my upper arms. I felt like it was an effort to walk across the room and had to sit down often.

I went to the dr for palpatations and she set me up on a holter monitor and then prescribes something that causes palpatations. Go figure. My bp wasn't that high that I needed something so strong.


Had severe anxiety, panic attacks, paranoid, could not handle any stress, could not travel or leave my home, weird thoughts, suicidal thoughts and more. It took me about a year and more to start to feel better from these bad side effects. The effects slowly creep up on you and then they get bad.Also do not stop taking this drug. You will have to slowly ween off the drug or else you will have a bad rebound effect from it. This also happened to me. Not a good drug and should be taken off the market.

HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 5mg or 10mg is for high blood pressure. It is not a good drug and should be taken off the market. Try natural ways like eating alot of veggies and changing your diet instead of taking

retina detachment, blindness, swollen legs and feet, insomnia irregular heartbeat,

Had I known the severity of the side effects I NEVER would have taken this. The blindness was never divulged in any warnings for this medicine. Class Action anyone?

Muscle cramps in arms, neck and back. Painful to lift arms above head. Dry skin and extremely dry feet that cracked so it hurt to walk.

I had muscle weakness taking this drug. I could BARELY lift items and move items that's how weak I was! Also, diuretics in general can cause erectile dysfuntion so if you're a guy, stay away from them if you have high blood pressure! I'm on Enalapril now.

My blood pressure has been a little high so my doc put me on this medication. I lost 30 pounds within 3 months. Loved that! However, my hair started falling out. It took about six months to notice how thin my hair had become. I now only take this medication 3x a week and taking large doses of prenatal vitamins. My hair is starting to grow back after 2 months. My blood pressure was borderline at my last check up.

ESIDRIX (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Hydrochlorothiazide belongs to a class of drugs known as diuretics/"water pills." It works by causing you to make more urine. This helps your body get rid of extra salt and water. This medication also reduces extra fluid in the body (edema) caused by conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease. This can lessen symptoms such as shortness of breath or swelling in your ankles or feet. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Pain relief not immediate but after about three days pain seemed to be lessened. Just don't understand the nasal congestion.

After I had been taking Mirapex for about 3 years, at gradually increasing dosages, I started gambling. I did not connect this to the Mirapex until I read some things on the Internet recently, but previous to the onset of this compulsive behavior I had been very proud for years that I had never gambled, and that I had never even played the lottery. I have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea (severe) and have increased weight, but do not know if Mirapex is the cause of those things.

i was prescribed this drug for sleep and anxiety because i am going through a stressful life situation and because anxiety/phobias run in my family. i am hyper-sensitive to drugs so i take a very low dose, even half of .25mg a few nights a week. it does help with panic and puts me to sleep but i have disturbing dreams and then awake in the middle of the night unable to sleep properly afterward. the next day i feel very "off," as though there are strong drug toxins in my system and i don't feel naturally rested. i struggle through the day unsuccessfully able to nap and praying that i won't need the drug the following night. i have taken only one other benzo (valium) and it gave me the same feeling, only worse. i have no idea how other people take this drug with no real side effects. in my experience, the side effects are almost worse than the anxiety and loss of sleep because of it. i wish i never had doctors who casually prescribe benzos. i'm not an addictive person, but because i have access to this drug it's so much easier to reach for it when i'm anxious. i wouldn't recommend clonazepam because i believe the "cure" is worse than the malady, but sometimes just knowing i have it on hand helps me to be strong and face life and my anxiety without it.

neurologic pain from herniated disc

Gave me no perceptible change in symptoms - I believe that in my case it was a total waste of money.

Dizziness, flu like symptoms, boils appearing, headaches, loss of appetite and hearing loss.

this was my last resort. i'm so thankful. i was living with 28 days of moderate to severe migraines each month. after 8 months of 75 mg of topamax daily i only have 3 per week (12 per month) less than half! and the migraines i do get are light to moderate at most. i typically only have one or two severe migraines each live without the auras, the nausea, the vomitting, and most of all the PAIN of the migraines i was sufferring from is unbelievable. i cannot believe i was living like that before. i was practically a zombie. now i rarely have to take perscription meds to stop an attack, only for the really bad migraines.

Sweating numbness hand legs awful bad head thought lt was going to explode has l have had strokes in past and got over them.not a happy person.hope the numbness comes back.

Let me start by saying I had a wonderful, caring Dr. and staff and I think this alleviates much anxiety up front. I hate to see that so many people had a bad experience with this drug, but I had an excellent experience. The staff joked around with me and put me at ease that way as much as with the drugs demerol and versed. There was complete disclosure and they didn't mislead me. They told me it was a "twilight" sleep and either I would remember much, some, or nothing. I felt no pain or discomfort, but just a strange sensation sometimes of movement inside me. I was lucid for much of my procedure and thought it very interesting. They even let me watch the monitor and soothed me by telling me I was doing great, etc. I do recall a few quick dreams I had, but they were not horrific, just odd. They were similar to waking dreams people have from time to time. Recovery post procedure was quick and they gave me some orange juice to drink and sent my on my way. My wife and I

Akathisia, severe anxiety, Dystonia (like my face, jaw and neck and back were turning in different diffections by force on its own, I felt like I was goin crazy. 5 min after receiving the medication I got a sudden urge to escape and kept thinking of ways to rip out my IV. I thought I was going crazy. I urged them to release me from the hospital and I was very anxious. They didn't notice I was having an adverse reaction so I went home in pain from my body twisting up. Two days later I went back they gave me ativan and IV Benadryl and the symptoms went away.