Eplerenone (eplerenone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eplerenone (eplerenone)

Started out at 25 mg worked somewhat ok; doctor increased to 50 mg which was very effective. Within a month on 50 mg throat started swelling, and tiny red bumps on lips.

I did have occasional stomach pains but was minimal. I would have tolerated that, but not the throat swelling.

I can't lose weight. Big stomach,that never was a problem before, Even if I gained weight

Chest swelling and pain bad cough and throat pain lower stomach pain bad muscle pain and chronic sinus infection four times

I stopped taking eplerenone a week ago all my pain has eased a lot my cough and throat have cleared up my sinus infection has also improved a lot

Very severe cough throat swelling chest pain

A bad tablet that causes a range of bad side effects

Malaise, painful feet (gout-like pain but not confirmed), hard & distended abdomen, weight gain, dark urine, stomach burn after taking

Not helpful - taking with 5 mg prazosin per day (dosed 2-2-1). BP has trended a little lower since stopping eplerenone this week. MD not totally on-board with decision yet. Feet better -- taking walks again.

Post Heart Attack / Heart Failure

Effective at first, but gradually began to experience episodes of vertigo and dizziness. Each episode became more and more severe

Post Heart Attack & Heart Failure

This medicine really helped improve my overall heart function, aided in my chronic heart failure post infarctus, and reduced my shortness of breath. I have had virtually no negative side effects except some male breast enlargement.

The only negative was some noticable male breast enlargement. I am not happy with that but it is only cosmetic. Small price to pay for the excellent benefits that this medicine has given me. Far superior to Spiro.

EPLERENONE (EPLERENONE): This medication is used alone or in combination with other medicines to treat high blood pressure. It works by blocking a chemical (aldosterone) in your body which in turn lowers the amount of sodium and water the body retains. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. It is also used to treat congestive heart failure following a heart attack. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Other than the weight gain I have very happy with the drug. It has created an artifical wall and high from my deep/clinical depression. Thank god otherwise I'm not sure if I would be here to tell teh story.

Bacterial infection (spider bite)

weight gain, spotting, highly emotional

After 11 weeks most gassiness, nausea, and burping went away. Now, dose is up to .75 (Started at .25, then .50), but now constipation has started. Would love to hear from others who have experienced constipation and what, if anything, has helped. Already trying Metamucil.

Made me an emotional wreck. I couldn't control my mood swings and became irrational and angry over minor things. I thought it was stress related until seeking professional help. Within days of stopping I felt the weight lifted from my shoulders. Too bad it destroyed my relationship with the man I was planning on spending the rest of my life with and caused issues with other relationships.

I'm not sure if its helped with acne yet but my appetite is OUT OF CONTROL! Hopefully, it will even out soon.

I'am always tired. Not enough energy to exercise. Cannot maintain an erection. Cannot loose weight even after healthy diet.

But, if taken properly, Ambien can be a very effective sleep aid.

I totally experienced the calls and emails to other people, who later told me I sounded drunk. Never thought I would Ambien dial. I also talked irrationally on a transcontential flight after taking it- so beware.

I have not had a decrease in sex drive (I'm also on 20 mg Prozac for dysthymic disorder) and I trust this pill for birth control. I switched briefly to Yasmin and that actually made the cramping and breakthrough bleeding worse. My boyfriend and I use withdrawal, too, and no worries so far! My health insurance doesn't cover this med, but I stick with it because it's so effective and I love it! Weary about trying other methods such as NuvaRing and OrthoEvra patch because of side effects (I also read about women who got pregnant while on NuvaRing). I take this pill at the exact same time every day and do not skip the placebo to start a new pack.