Dilacor xr (diltiazem hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dilacor xr (diltiazem hydrochloride)

Low energy- problem walking for more than a few minutes.hard to go up stairs

Side Effects fordilacor xr (diltiazem hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Ive had enough of the side effects (not to mention sexual)and have made appt. with my doctor. Ive had the weird feelings of doom and lethargy --I thought all of this was me getting older as this occured slowly over a period of time for me. So you think its other factors not your blood pressure meds that are so common.

I have a very very hard time with medicine. Even mild medications have made me extremely sick. I can't tolerate cipro or Bactrim, and get easy utis. I was terrified this time when they gave me macrobid because I'd never had it. Even zpack made me very sick. And then I read these reviews and just cried at the thought of taking it. I went out and bought crackers and sprite, etc. to prepare for what's been described here. Then I took it, and waited. ... and waited.... and waited. Nothing horrible ever happened. It's important to remember that everyone has a different experience. Don't even read these. My main advice w this med is to eat eat eat. If anything happens you feel is weird just ask your dr. But mostly, relax and trust your dr.

High blood pressure,high hematocrit,high RBC and hemoglobin

my side effects were dizziness, hot flashes, violent mood swings, joint pain

Awful taste. Gagging and vomiting

itz a good pill..i would recommend it 2 friends & otha ppl i kno 4sho!

I am wondering if I am absorbing it. I have had endometrial hyperplasia with Vivelle dot.075 patch and have also been on continuous prometrium. My osteoarthritis in feet, handsand back have increased over the last 2 yrs.I am so frustrated.

Why still the smell? N do anyone think I could have damage something inside my body? Or could it given me another infection on top of the one I already had bcuz of how long they had me taking it. I pray not n I'm well!

diarrhea, headache, jittery, tired

severe chest and joint pains severe stomach cramps nose bleedsfeeling very unwell