Corzide (bendroflumethiazide; nadolol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Corzide (bendroflumethiazide; nadolol)

good reduction of Blood pressure BUT lowered salt levels in blood worsened my Parkinsons symtoms: partcularly severe tiredness, crashes, bad days increased, loss of balance increased. I had to give up work. since stopping this drug there has been a marked improvement. SO much I may be able to work .... if only I could get my work back.

Low Heart Rate. Occassional dizziness, sometimes severe.

CORZIDE (BENDROFLUMETHIAZIDE; NADOLOL): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications, nadolol and bendroflumethiazide. Nadolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by keeping certain natural chemicals such as epinephrine from acting on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. Bendroflumethiazide is a "water pill" (diuretic) and causes your body to get rid of extra salt and water. This effect may increase the amount of urine you make when you first start the medication. It also helps relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I have been on Avanza (60mg) for about 18 months, and the doctor recently recommended adding 75mg of Efexor in the morning, and reducing the Avanza to 30mg at night. First day (Wednesday) was fine, second day (Thursday) i started getting anxiety attacks every couple of hours, leading up to around lunchtime when i found myself to be extremely agitated and in a permanent state of anxiety, the likes of which i have never experienced before - shakes, very panicky, extremely agitated and nervous, etc. Friday i was in two minds about taking the pill, but did it anyway, and the anxiety just didn't stop. I have not taken the effexor since Friday morning, it is now Monday and i am JUST starting to lose the anxiousness, not to mention the feeling of total exhaustion and loss of sleep. It was that bad that i basically have hidden all weekend, didn't answer the phone and was very apprehensive about even going downstairs to do the washing. At least i finally managed to get some sleep last night, with the help of 2 stillnox tablets. For me this drug has been shit and i will never take it again. The side effects are easily found on the net, so if you are a first timer, be wary of the side effects.

No side effects but I still have several outbreaks each month so I'm not sure it's worthwhile taking it. I'm trying to research whether I can increase the dosage I am taking (250 mg twice a day)

No period at all so far.Before taking this pill I had quite bad breakouts of acne during my period, and relatively clear skin for the rest of the month. So far while taking micronor I haven't had a period and have had clear skin so I'd say it's benefitted my skin.Have put on 3 pounds since starting it but I've been eating loads- don't know if that's because pill has increased my appetite or not but either way I've put on weight.No increase in breast size.No depression or mood swings.Basically micronor has made me have no pms symptoms at all because no period.

After taking this many years out of the blue my feet,legs and ankles swelled up badly. Never had this issue even when I first stated using this medication.I have weaned myself off it but my swelling is still effecting me. I will consult a kidney doctor to see what is going on.

I am experiencing many of the side effects that are described for this drug. My first round (10 pills) was in February and I experienced mood swings (bad), tender breasts, mild cramping, and somewhat tired. About 4 days after the 10th pill my period came, and I bled worse than I have ever in my life! I couldn't leave my house for 3 days because I was bleeding so heavy and it couldn't be controlled. Lots of clotting. Now I've just completed my second round of Provera, and anxiously waiting for my period, in hopes that it's not that bad the second time around. However, for some reason, the side effects were even worse this time. Tired during the day, but sleeplessness at night, severe mood swings, tender and firm breasts, and very bloated.

vomiting, severe headaches, itchy eyes, dizziness, lethargic. feeling stoned and generally unwell. constipation, loss of appetite, itchiness.

please remember everyone reacts differently to medication.

birth control/stop heavy cycle

Terrible mood swings... I was loving then all of the sudden I hated everything. I am ususally not the one to cry and almost started crying during a conversation with my husband about what we were going to have for dinner... that was pretty much it!

It's AMAZING! I've had chronic debilitating headaches for 8 years. Doctors thought it was tmj, migraine, etc. until I finally saw a newrologist who prescribed this! It's a wonder drug for me and has completely got rid of my headaches which were severe, debilitating stabbing pains in my right cheekbone, several times a day for 30 mins at a time. I thought it was hopeless. This drug has changed my life.