Capozide 25/15 (captopril; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Capozide 25/15 (captopril; hydrochlorothiazide)

None so far. It's been amazing. I feel so much better of the other!

After coming off the Metoprolol, I have to say that this drug is amazing. I usually have a very bad effect to medications, and so far, this hasn't given me any side effects. I have lost weight that I gained on the Metoprolol, so I'm feeling much better. This may be the one for me.

Side Effects forcapozide 25/15 (captopril; hydrochlorothiazide) - User Comments


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I was 18 when I took Codeine 3.

Headaches, agitation/hyperness, constipation

Heartburn, diarrhea, cramps, miserable gas, night sweats, abdominal gurgling, muscle tenderness, and exhaustion.

This drug has been the best drug for my bipolarity that I have ever taken. I avoided taking lithium due to its reputation as a mind-numbing, difficult drug with a myriad of side effects. However, it has proved, for me at least, to be wonderful. I can better function on this drug and it has kept away my depression. The depression _wants_ to reappear, but lithium is somehow keeping it away. Miracle drug. Give it a chance; it will not turn you into a zombie.

this is the first day of 5 of me taking the drug, and after reading all these comments i am terrified to continue.. but anyway, i am on 3x 400 mg daily for 5 days & so far, i have only experienced mild nausea (probably more linked to the amount of chocolate i have eaten today) and a dry mouth. i'm possibly the only person to have ever written on this page that does not have a bad taste! i couldn't taste it when i took it, and i can't taste it now! i hope to god the symptoms don't get worse as the course continues..

gallbladder had to be removed due to 200 gallstones w/in 60 days of starting drug, thyroid problems requiring treatment, pain in limbs and internal spasms of blood vessel

While my body was adjusting, I had night sweats like crazy the first few weeks but they subsided, vivid dreams, through the roof libido (with multiple orgasms)

Major change in regards of depressive symptoms! I`m experiencing a feeling of being "normal" in my reactions-for the first time since age twelve :)!Slight increase in hypo reactions,but without "going bonkers"..Time to look at my borderlinethoughts and adjust my thinking instead of exploding- HURRAY !!

Extremely tired. Loss of appetite. My mood is fine. Some days are better than others.

bipolar II disorder/ mixed episodes