Apresoline (hydralazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Apresoline (hydralazine hydrochloride)

Drug induced lupus Rapid heart rate

Horrible drug!I experienced head pressure like u wouldn't believe. Going back to doc to be taking off this horid med!

Bp not controlled! And constant debilitating HEADACHES!

Omg! From the onset HEADACHE!!! Like a migraine this is a medication that no one should take I was in the hospital at the time I was given narco or Tylenol really ? Ruled out all other meds I was on while in the hospital. This needs to be pulled from ex shelves

Horrible rapid and strong heart beat. Horrible pressure headache at temples. Seemed like poison. Could not sleep, eat or walk much. Heart hurt.

begged to be taken off this med. head ached so bad

Side Effects forapresoline (hydralazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I gained 20lbs in 3 months. Uncontrollable binge eating. Always hungry. Had to stop taking it.

constipation, dry mouthand dry eyes

Diahrrea -- Very bad diarrhea. So bad that it continued for months after stopping it.

Taking 160mg of Diovan dramatically lowered my blood pressure. My doc said this was a

It is best to remove them before bedtime, otherwise, they can migrate and are difficult to remove in the morning. I have found that I can get by cutting mine in half or even quarters when necessary (like during shortages).

Insomnia (trouble maintaining sleep)

I had mild diarrhea and nausea.

I experienced unexplained weight gain, food sensitivities, dizziness, muscle cramping, mild depression and lack of energy.

I have been taking anti depressants for over 20 years. this one has the fewest adverse side affects for me, no loss of interest in sex, definitely no weight gain. felt lousy on 150mg initially, so we jumped to max dosage, 450mg, and it worked. I feel good most of the time. I've come to realize there is no magic pill that makes you feel terrific all the time.

Cramps, tired, out of commission for a day