Aldomet (methyldopa) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aldomet (methyldopa)

Constipation, severe sinus congestion, swelling of feet, knees and hands, water retention, confusion, brain fog, dry skin, hair loss and change in hair texture, dry eyes, anxiety, depression

One of the worst drugs I have ever taken. Could never get sinuses cleared while on it. Constant stuffy nose and head pressure. Constipation was horrible. Brain fog and anxiety were debilitating. This drug works on brain function and the effects are scary. Thought I needed antidepressant but anxiety and confusion halted once the drug was stopped. Tried to take several times since I am sensitive to so many drugs. Never again. Has robbed me enough of my life.

It wasn't consistent with helping me with my blood pressure, it will lower my bp to normal sometimes and it will not sometimes

Pregnancy-induced hypertension

Managed BP good while pregnant, saw minimal side effects then other than fatigue. DO NOT STAY ON THIS MEDICINE FOR TOO LONG! Was left on it while breastfeeding, have suffered peripheral neuropathy and Parkinson's-like side effects. Muscle weakness, numbness throughout body, could hardly walk for a while. Kept me from losing weight.

Can deplete CoQ10, which is important for the body!!! And can lower blood pressure. See the connection?

pre hypertentsion / high blood pres

None that I'm aware of, although slight gain weight (4 lbs)

I kept giving it a chance because of dr's. belief in the product but after 6 months and not ANY decrease in blood pressure I decided to stop taking it.

Really Tired and Dizzy hoping it will go away I took it during pregnancy a couple of years back bp was 175/100 and It lowered it 130/80. Was wonderful while I was pregnant. But now seeming to make me really sleepy But it does work!

Weight Gain, Increase appetite

I've been on Adlomet for about 6 days and my appetite has increased tremendously. I wake up in the middle of the night rushing to the fridge to eat. I think i have gained 5lbs in the past 6 days. I am not comfortable taking this medication and I am going to talk to my doctor

dizzy,tingling in hands and feet

ALDOMET (METHYLDOPA): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Methyldopa works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

Anxiety, minor panic attack, pain behind eyes, dry mouth and throat, very thirsty, swollen throat, frequent urination, limb numbness, insomnia, detached from reality feelings, weird taste in mouth

I am not sure if it causes a very dry mouth but since I've been taking it I do have one.

The sleep deprevation is certainly contributing to my trouble concentrating. When I get a good nights sleep, I feel really good--take on the world feeling--and motivated to get things done. After taking at least 10 different SSRI and Tricyclic drugs, Lamictal was the first drug that made me feel completely different. I didn't even know if I was feeling better because the titration was long and produced subtle results in regard to diminshing depressive or bi-polar episodes. I did get the most common symptoms--dizzy, body felt like concrete, itchy, etc. but they mostly subsided once I reached 100mg/day. I AM feeling better although my emotions are just under the surface but I can get through the week without crying at commercials (so stupid!) or feeling withdrawn. Right now the insomnia is completely debilitating and if I don't solve this then I don't know what I am going to do. It is affecting my job and my life and I feel like crap all the time which is "depressing"!

My doctor prescribed me this for insomnia because he said it has certain off-label uses. The first night I took it, I fell asleep quickly and woke up hours later with a pounding heart. It wasn't enough to make me call 911 or anything, just a little scary. I laid back down and fell right back to sleep with no problem. In the morning, my mouth felt incredibly dry and my throat was raw, like I'd slept with a powerful fan pointed at me. I was also so parched that I had to run for a glass of water right away. I asked my doctor about this, specifically the pounding heart, and he says it is known to do that sometimes but he wouldn't be concerned. With continued use, all of these side effects other than the pounding heart upon waking in the middle of the night disappeared. I would only notice it when I would wake up, but if I went right back to sleep, I was fine. I stopped taking it after a month because I wanted to try something that didn't have this side effect, even though it wasn't unbearable. I figured why not try to find one that has no side effects at all. Anyway, I recommend it for those who have trouble sleeping.

Toddler was constipated and would shake, quiver, and cry to pass a stool. 1 teaspoon was mixed into each bottle of milk she was drinking throughout the day. On the first day she did not go. On the second day she passed a small stool. On the third day she went 4 times, the first three with small amounts of pasty poop, and one very very large blowout dirty diaper. No effort, no pain, just a lot of poop. I would ease into this medicine, even if you are an adult.

bad night sweats, chills, cramps, nausea, sore throat, head aches, no energy and felt very depressed.

I was taking dexedrine spans u Les 15mg twice a day (30 a day total) and even when I just took it once a day it was awful. Insomnia, didn't sleep for days, irritability, extreme mood swings, anger outbursts and sudden crying, uncontrollable rage, apathy, desire to hurt others and myself, paranoia, thought my bosses wanted to try to come up with reasons to fire me, irrational thinking, anhedonia. Symptoms sneak up on you too. I didn't have the weird anxiety that I had with adderall ir but I was basically in a bipolar meltdown and I didn't even realize how bad it was until my boss and friends kept telling me something was wrong. When I went off of it I could tell that my behavior the past couple months was bizarre and irrational. I would never take medication again before I take this garbage.

Instantly brought 160/110 to 120/70 and keeps it there.

I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in over a month. Between that and the mood swings, I feel like I am going insane. I took one pill 3 hours late during my first pack and bled like a gutted pig for 3 weeks (the 3rd week was the week of sugar pills and it finally stopped after I was back on the hormonal ones). Somehow, it's still better than Mirena.

horrible drug, been trying to get help from Dr.s for most of this yr. zip! began running tests with neuro dr. when he bought a gun, and tried to kill himself. this is a good, hard working, honest, loyal, husband before this and have watched him become "someone else" Possible his water retintion problems, are also all/part caused by this as, since off it and home 2 weeks, he is having no problems at all. breathing is better too. no OCD, just feeling very guilty and trying to deal with what he has done. This should be taken OFF the market. I am reporting to FDA, and going to see about legal rights Had 2 drug changes, one in Hosptital, that was not holding the RL. 2nd drug is new! Horizon ??? or something that makes me think of that. 3 nights of horrible, uncontrolable shakes, kicks, twitches of whole body. huge workout, of all muscles, sweat pouring off. fell, 2nd time. tried massages, with different things, hot bath, heatpad, cold, muscle relaxers. took 3 days and nights, before we got any sleep. then started getting better. not perfect, but good.