Aldactone (spironolactone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aldactone (spironolactone)


This is a terrible drug. It is a powerful testosterone, androgen suppressor. It causes rapid weight gain, fat redistribution and general flabbiness, as well as enlarged painful breasts. In short, it is a disfiguring drug. I don't know anyone who would trade a few zits for a fat, flabby body and enlarged, painful breasts. I experienced these side effects and am in my 70s.This drug is given out like candy by dermatologists who deny its very common and devastating side effects. Thankfully I only took it for 5 weeks (50 mg once a day) and eventually returned to normal. Many women are not so lucky and are permanently damaged by this supposedly benign drug.

Bilateral primary aldosteronism

Bad insomnia, dry itchy skin, hair completely dried out, constant tense/anxious feeling, hot flushes, upset stomach and nauseated feeling for an hour or so after taking, breast growth and increased sensitivity.

Beware perimenopausal women, this drug will tip you straight into far more menopausal symptoms, the worst being insomnia. I'm going to try Eplerenone ... it's a lot more expensive ... but doesn't have the hormonal interference of Spironolactone. Spiro blocks progesterone and testosterone receptors and increases cortisol, as well as aldosterone. None of these are conducive to sleep and losing them definitely increases menopausal symptoms unfortunately. It did however work well to lower blood pressure caused by high aldosterone levels produced by malfunctioning adrenal glands.

Psychotic spinning, loss of appetite and faint nausea, loss of sexual function.

Chronic headaches, fatigue, irritability, flat mood, anxiety, tingling sensations, tinnitus, overall aches and pains, chest pains, panicky feeling

I used to have breakouts in my 30’s, more so than now. My dermatologist put me on this drug to “ calm down my pores”. I just assumed I was high in testosterone since I’m still breaking out at 50, occasionally having a zit or two once a month. I got my total testosterone checked during my first week on this drug, my number was 19! I’m actually low! I don’t have hormonal acne after all and this drug is specifically intended for woman who are. Testosterone is good for our bodies within normal levels ( 15-90). Ladies, get your testosterone tested before going on this pill. If it’s normal, then you’re acne is caused by something else, usually overactive oil glands. Dr’s should suggest or require their female patients get their testosterone levels checked before prescribing this drug off label. It’s no wonder so many people have adverse side effects!!! I’ve been off this drug for a few days and starting to see improvement, slowly. In my opinion and experience, this drug is dangerous and should not be taken lightly for those, including myself who are “ hormonal sensitive “.

felt weird taking this for acne? tired, cramps were worse (fixed with gatorade), breast tenderness and enlargement

it did its job for sure!! but the side effects were... yikes

10 kgs weight gain, breast enlargement under arms sore and red in both armpits. Skin under arms like flab

Female pattern hair loss and acne

Except for when I took accutane at age 20, my skin was so embarrassingly oily my whole life. It is so clear and smooth now, it's remarkable. My mother asked if I'd had work done. I've My hair ' ugh.. has been nightmare due to pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia.) I've used rogaine and finasteride consistently for years with moderate success. Adding spiro has been a life changer there. My hair has stopped shedding as much and baby hairs seem a bit thicker. I wish I took this 30 years ago.My potassium remains normal, I've lost a few pounds. I drink an electrolyte drink (like Gatorade) in the afternoon that keeps the cramps at bay.I will continue to evaluate my side effects and blood levels, but right now the side effects seem worth it.

constantly peeing, light-headed, loss of peripheral vision, stomach/intestinal pain

After having a terrible experience with this drug that landed me in the ER after taking it for a month, I found out that it is a hormone blocker and blocks testosterone production. This was prescribed by my dermatologist for minor acne around my chin but not once did they ever test for high testosterone to see if that was actually the cause of my acne. I stopped taking it 8 months ago and I am still going to the doctor to try and heal my gut from the damage this drug did to my digestive system. I still have abdominal pain. Do your research before taking this drug! Clearly, the doctors who are prescribing it do not...

No matter how clean I ate or the amount of exercise I gained 22 lbs in 3 months. I haven't had a period in 3.5 months. All in my stomach, butt, and thighs. Nothing fits me. I've been off for 2 months now and my weight has not gone down. Can anyone give me advice? My Thyroid is functioning properly. Testosterone is low and waiting on my estrogen test to come back. I've never had any of these issues before taking this awful drug

Have gained 10 pounds always hungry am eating a lot of fruit but still gaining also I am very lethargic and need lots of sleep

Have gained 10 pounds always hungry am eating a lot of fruit but still gaining also I am very lethargic and need lots of sleep

Have gained 10 pounds always hungry am eating a lot of fruit but still gaining also I am very lethargic and need lots of sleep

Bloating, weight gain, breast enlargement, fatigue

Is wonderful for skin, but not worth the side effects. Was at 50mg to start and there was gradual slight weight gain and I didn't think anything of it. Then dr increased to 150mg and the bloating, breast enlargement and rapid weight gain began.. just thought it was due to COVID lockdown so just started eating cleaner, journaling calories and upping my workouts. After cutting my calories 500-1000/day and working out like crazy(HIIT, cardio and weights) I still gained 15 more lbs in 2 months time. That's when I started researching and saw these same side effects were effecting others. So I stopped it. 1 month in i don't feel like a blowfish, bloating in stomach has gone down and I've lost 5 lbs. I'll continue to workout and see if the rest of the weight falls off, but am seriously upset my dermatologist did not tell me this was a side effect. All she said when I asked her about side effects was that I needed to stay hydrated and may feel a little dizzy if I stand up quickly. After researching the medication side effects myself I see that there are WAY more side effect listed than she let on. Again, upset she didn't tell me up front of all of them- so much that I don't think I'll be back to her.

Lactic acidosis, ovarian cysts, ovarian torsion

Within 2-3 months, developed an ovarian cyst that grew large enough to torsion, requiring emergency surgery. Two weeks post-cystectomy, developed severe abdominal pain requiring hospitalization; eventually found to be lactic acidosis. As lactic acidosis was diagnosed (confirmed by labs), a second large cyst had grown on other ovary, requiring cystectomy. At no point did any medical providers suspect spironolactone having any role. Discontinued Spironolactone and second cyst shrunk, disappearing entirely over one month period, and lactic acidosis dissipated. No large ovarian cysts or torsions before or since. Was concurrently taking Metformin ER for PCOS with Spironolactone.

Never experienced any side effects

Amazing drug for acne! I'm so very happy with the results from it! It seemed like a weird drug for acne but it works!

I wont ever take this again. I started getting random sharp shooting chest pains & some of the worst bloating/gas of my life. Then over the course of the 18 months I was on it I gained 40 lbs. The thing thats bothering me is as soon as I stopped it the chest pains went away & a few weeks later my bloating/gas went away completely. I have been off of it for 12 months & Im still struggling to get the weight to come off which is unusual, Ive always been able to whip myself into shape easily before this. And of course my doctor refused to believe it was the medications fault despite the fact non of this was happening before

Started slowly on this med at 25/day. Worked way up over 6 months to max dose of 200mg. Pro: skin has been getting progressively better, still mild acne but no more cysts that last for weeks and scar. Con: In the last 3-4 months I have gained 20-25lbs, especially in stomach, butt and upper thighs. Literally nothing I own fits. Cellulite where I've never seen cellulite before. Just finally realized this week it's the Spiro, I had no clue what was going on. Hoping the weights not permanent, also worried to go off and break out.

Male - caused breast enlargement and extreme tenderness. Controlled Oedema and Ascites but side effects unbearable. Also lost sex drive and noticed thinning of chest and underarm hair

Ask doctor if any alternatives without extreme side effects

I started with 12 and half mg per day. It made me feel awful. Foggy, drowzy and confused. Eventually I made myself adjust to it but never felt better. Physician increased dosage to 25 mg and I feel worse than ever plus depression because I feel so lethargic. I do not like it nor do I feel any improvement in my symptoms.

Lost weight. Acne cleared up. Minor side effect: increased thirst.

This is a diuretic, you will lose a significant amount of water weight.

ALDACTONE (SPIRONOLACTONE): Spironolactone is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It is also used to treat swelling (edema) caused by certain conditions (such as heart failure, liver disease) by removing excess fluid and improving symptoms such as breathing problems. This medication is also used to treat low potassium levels and conditions in which the body is making too much of a natural chemical (aldosterone). Spironolactone is known as a "water pill" (potassium-sparing diuretic). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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Constipation but relieved with stool softener an magnesium tabs

intense burning...constant milky white discharge....resulted in vulvadynia (a chronic pain condition)

I swear this drug made me more tired than before.

To be more specific, almost immediately after intercourse (insertion) I would reach my climax and ejaculate, leaving my wife very disappointed and feeling "un-fulfilled" to the point that it began to affect our relationship. I just thought it was something to do with "getting older" or some strange coincidence, but after about a week of taking myself off the drug we noticed that our sex life was slowly but surely returning to normal. I talked to my doc about this and he said that he had never heard of such side effects before but he changed my meds to Mevacor (lovastatin) to see if it would help. Shortly thereafter I started to notice similar symptoms. Long story short, I am now on Crestor 10 and after only 3 days of taking 1/2 pill 5mg a day I am having the same problem AGAIN, not to mention the other common things like neck and arm pain, daily headaches and generally just feeling like crap. Other effects include low motivation and increased anxiety and irritab

Faintness, rapid heartbeat, hot all over after one use with a tiny amount

Headache, dizziness, back ache, EXTREME nausea. Possibly, joint issues too, please read my comments.

I was optimistic about Emsam. Out of everything I've tried in 15 years, Wellbutrin worked the best. It didn't help me enough but it helped with addiction and leveled out my mood. Emsam tops Wellbutrin easily. It feels more natural in comparison, and my abdominal issues are less intense. Unfortunately, Emsam although helps, is not helping enough for me. I've had no issues with the diet. I'd definitely recommend this as an introduction to an MAOI, especially if nothing else has worked. I think I'm on the right track. I'm going to try Parnate next.

was prescribed this stuff after having my wisdom teeth removed, surgeon told me to use it on days 3-7. on the first two days after surgery I was doing pretty well, only took the narcotics prescribed to me once, but otherwise I got by on tylenol and advil. on day three (which is when i started using the peridex, exactly as directed) I started getting intense pain on my front bottom row of teeth, which worsened each day and spread to my top teeth. I could not sleep through the night because I woke up with such intense pain. I have a high pain tolerance and I am very healthy and athletic. do not let my age fool you, I have dealt with chronic pain since I was 14 and I am very capable of managing pain. I woke up several times in the middle of the night grasping my mouth with intense pain, I was alternating taking narcotics and 800mg of Ibuprofen and sometimes I would still be in pain. I spent the night in a hot shower with a washcloth on my face on day three because it was the only thing that provided any relief. This was some of the worst pain I have felt in a while. I only discovered that it might be the mouthwash causing my pain after my dad randomly decided to do some research on this stuff. I am positive this is what caused it, because I only started having this pain after using it and it got worse after I rinsed with it. it is day 7 and I am discontinuing use a day early. it also burns like h3ll while rinsing. never had any bad side effects to any medications in the past

I need to know if I can get well from all those side effects? Please let me know!

Bloating. depression, loss of periods, terrible nausea, lethargy, spots, dry skin