Aldactazide (hydrochlorothiazide; spironolactone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aldactazide (hydrochlorothiazide; spironolactone)

I had hair growth and acne from male androgens it cleared it up. It also took away all my ganglion cysts in 3 days

Dr. had me on Lisinopril (30 mg per day) for years and it did very little to lower my BP. When used in combo with Aldactazide, it was like flipping a switch.

None observed. No apparent increase in urination.

Works best as an additional med for hypertension but for me, not alone,

Severe hypertension BP 200/140

Not only the only effective drug, but also minimun side effects!No sexual side effects.

I could write a book on the Doctors I've gone through and the combinations of drugs I have taken to solve my blood pressure problem. Try aldactazide, you'll like it! And cheap too.

ALDACTAZIDE (HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE; SPIRONOLACTONE): This product is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure, or extra fluid in the body (edema). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains two medications: spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide. Both medications are "water pills" (diuretics) and cause your body to get rid of extra salt and water. This effect helps to relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily and may increase the amount of urine you make when you first start the product. Spironolactone also helps to treat or prevent low blood potassium levels and block the activity of a certain natural substance (aldosterone) that can cause edema. Your doctor may direct you to start taking the individual medications first, and then switch you over to this combination product if this is the best dose combination for you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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i took it 5 years ruined everything i was at my lowest at the time and when the doctor in the hospital suggested it i thought it would save my life what he didnt tell me how bad it could be he was like you may have drymouth but it will be good just give it time 5 years later i just got diagnosed with prediabetes because he didnt say anything about weight gain and the snowball started rolling picking up alot of the side effects they never told me, i quit my job and i got divorced i found a new doctor who looked at my files and came up with a plan to get rid of zyprexa most drugs have a substitute drug with less side effects but zyprexa doesnt it hooks into you and doesnt let go after 2 weeks on it in the beginning i tried to stop because i was starting to feel like a drug shouldnt be making me feel like this but my body went nuts after 24 hours so 5 years later i have plan to come of it slowly so i can loose the weight so i dont go full blown diabetic this drug seem great at the time since you have alot your dealing with but then years later its like what the hell it just added another 5 problems that i didnt know existed i try so many things that help me go off it almost there but i try yoga,relaxing music,images of nature,showers,exercise, cooking,youtbe helps me let me be your cautionary tale and zyprexa should be taken with caution but i do know that it helps some but it frustrates me to see people whos way of life may get ruined because they have not been taking it long.

obsessive tendencies, depression

Lost my eyebrows! Headache, weak, blurry vision

I wouldn't recommend this drug to anyone. It made me feel like crap all day and eventually knocked me out at the end of it. I didn't give it time to control my mania or psychotic symptoms because of the amount of harm that I felt it was causing to my body.

I stopped taking Simvastin and started taking a natural remedy that I found - Policosanol. I take the same dose (20mg.) that I took of Simvastin and have not experienced any side effects,my eye and muscles are starting to return to normal and the severe leg cramping has stopped... I will NEVER take any form of statin again... Thx so much for having this website - it's nice to know that I wasn't alone in my statin nightmare!

Zoloft has increased my level of energy and ability to get more done instead of laying in bed all day but with increased mood came increased sex drive and now I cannot enjoy sex. Sure I would like to continue to not be as depressed but I would also like to be able to enjoy sex.

Bowel cleansing for colonoscopy

Major hair loss on head, yet hair growing everywhere else; tiredness; soreness; joint problems; tender breasts; blurred vision; increased warts and acne; upset stomach; moodiness; swollen everything; major gynecological problems.

Thirsty(intended though to make you consume water), sleeplessness(again, intended because of the caffeine in it), jittery when taken without food(typical for any medicine)

A weird feeling when falling to sleep. tired all the time