Zyrtec (cetirizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zyrtec (cetirizine hydrochloride)

extreme anxiety, dread of the future, depression, irritability, unable to emotionally connect with family, brain fog, unable to focus, terrible short term memory, could not focus on others talking

I was taking 5mgs 3 or 4 days per week as needed. I did wake up depressed some days but never made the connection to taking zyrtec the night before. I increased to 10mgs per day, every day for the last 40 days ( too lazy to cut the tablet in half). Then came the hopelessness, anxiety like I haven't had in decades, extreme irritability, panic attacks and obsessive thoughts, dread of the future. I have lost 4kgs (53kgs to 49kgs) in the last 3 weeks from the anxiety and being unable to eat. I was also bored with TV, books etc. Zero motivation. I am glad I increased the dose to 10mgs and felt the full effects of the dose, or I may have attributed my irregular episodes of depression to something else. Stay away from this drug! I am tapering off of it now and am now at 3mgs, and the withdrawal effects (histamine rebound) have been headaches, diarrhoea, anxiety, depression and insomnia. I will never take this drug again, and neither will my children. The mental health effects have been like nothing I have experienced before.

Took this fing poison on a tuesday night wokeup the next day with symptoms similar to gbs.This caused a neuromuscular problem..Its been over 9 weeks still dealing with severe issues..Just did 5 rounds of ivig in hopes will help me..Stay far away from this med

My stool because hard and it definitely affected my mood, making me feel doom and gloom.

It seemed to help my symptoms, which are really bad, but would rather deal with them than the mental affects of this medication.

Feelings of sadness without explanation. Once we stopped Zyrtec, this went away.

Alpha-gal and seasonal allergies

I experienced feelings of doom and hopelessness, thoughts of suicide, extreme sadness, crying multiple times a day, difficulty waking up, anger, inability to get up and go to work.

I've never felt feelings like this in my entire 45 years of life. I'll be taking allegra and claritin now.

I had been taking generic Zyrtec for a long time for cat and dust mite allergies... it stopped working, so I thought I would give the name brand a shot- THAT was a mistake. It brought on, completely out of the blue, unbridled anxiety, weight gain and a lack of motivation. I thought, perhaps, my hormones were out of whack (I am on BHRT), so had them tested and there was nothing wrong- everything was balanced, so I was baffled and then realized that I had started the Zyrtec a couple of weeks ago. I didn't take it yesterday and, already, today I am feeling MUCH better. I don't recommend to anyone to ever take this crap. No wonder we live in a society with mass depression and anxiety everywhere.

AWFUL exhaustion, fatigue, depression, anxiety, sore throat, anger, hopelessness

Suicidal thoughts, exhaustion, crying, loss of appetite, sore throat.

I have not experienced depression symptoms onset to this degree in over 6 years. I went from having a normal/content mood to delusional beliefs within 3-4 of taking this medication. I thought my family and friends hated me and my husband did not care about me, fantasized about not being alive, cried throughout my workday in the office, and could hardly get off the couch the day I worked from home. I lost my appetite completely and lost 4 lbs within the week.Thankfully, a lightbulb went off and I realized Zyrtec was the only change in my routine. It seems ridiculous it look a few days to recognize this correlation, but my brain was not functioning normally. Very foggy and confused.My symptoms alleviated within about 48 hours of stopping the medication thankfully.Maybe this medication is great for some, but there should be more warnings visible to be aware of mood changes.

This drug is poison. Thousands have died from it.

Depression, rage, anxiety, crying, mood swings, loss of appetite, exhaustion, no motivation, dizziness, brain fog

This drug is dangerous. I am one to rarely use medication for things but seasonal allergies sneak up on me so I sometimes would turn to an OTC to help. I will absolutely never use this drug again. I had suspicions a while ago when I took it but never really correlated my side effects to the medication because I took it for a short time. This time, I know for certain that this is the drug causing my side effects. I have been crying unreasonably, seemingly raging at absolutely nothing, hated my partner and everything he did, could not get off the couch, called out of work, did not want to be around my family, had no joy in doing the things I normally liked, etc. It was only when I got on this medication and started taking it for roughly a week. I'm never taking this again in my life. I would rather suffer with all of my allergy symptoms and be happy than to feel that miserable again. I have been off for a little over 24 hours and already feel a bit better. I also noticed my nephew having fits and mood disturbances when he was on this as well. He is 10. This stuff needs to be heavily regulated and better warning labels on the outside for side effects. I'm glad it doesn't effect everyone this way and some people can find relief from things with it, but for the people that experience these side effects…it needs more warning. Not to mention doctors/providers that say to take it and do not even know or are un

Dry eyes,mouth,anxiety,depression,insomnia,nightmares, anger,crying feelings of hopelessness. Also suicidal thoughts.

Done with it, it's not worth all the bad side effects. I'll try Claritin now.

depression, lethargy, crying, sleepiness during the day, insomnia at night, dullness, nervousness

it helps for allergy but it has horrible psychological side effects... avoid this medicine

Extreme anxiety, depression, random bouts of crying for no reason, paranoia

Before Zyrtec, my 2-year-old was polite, mentally advanced, fully fluent in English, and was learning Spanish & sign language. Her Pediatrician gave her this Zyrtec to treat allergies. Extreme Stutter, Vaginal Discomfort, Mental Health issues, hallucinations, nightmares, mood swings, violent hitting and biting, dry nose, OCD Anxiety, and more. The worst was the bouts of Sadness. When a 2-year-old sits down and says she is SAD and has a catatonic blank stare when she is usually the vibrant life of the party social butterfly, it is VERY disheartening.

Found information about Zyrtec breaking the Blood Brain Barrier causing drug-induced mental issues. Zyrtec had legal action against them years ago for this EXACT reason and changed the drug to one known to break the barrier with less frequency but it still does. This is just WRONG to put don't he shelves and ruin kids (and Adults) like this. I just stopped the drug and noticed a marked improvement in my baby girl. She still has a stutter, and what seems to be OCD issues. I am now scheduled to see a Neurologist. I wish I had more to share. I can only PRAY and provide any support possible with the HOPE that my kid returns to normal. DO NOT TAKE THIS PRODUCT!!!!! I will update this post with info or feel free to email me via the link below.

My son has taken Zyrtec for 4 days and I couldn't figure out why he has been so irritable and emotional for the last few days!I had a weird feeling it was the Zyrtec and now I'm sure of it.

Beware when taking this medication!!I had extreme depression for days. Felt hopelessness and despair. I stopped taking it and felt fine. I would never recommend this medication to anyone.

It is great for allergies but causes terrible depression,, right now I am crying,, whenever I take zyrtec I feel so down and stupid and I cry

Side Effects forzyrtec (cetirizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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so far: experienced mild nausea, suppressed appetite, hard time going to sleep.

mild weight gain, sleepiness ( that was what it was supposed to do)Out of body feeling

Breathing issues, irregular breathing, chest pain, leg cramping, lightheadedness, inability to fall asleep.

Fewer Periods, Protection, acne

I've read that Actonel hardens bones, which may not be such a good thing; they become more brittle and harder to heal. I've reverted to weight bearing exercises, diet and a calcium supplement.

could not walk up or down stairs without pain in right knee.

I take 100mg of Kadian twice daily with oxycodone for breakthrough pain. It has helped to cope with chronic pain from severe rheumatoid artritis,spondylitis,fibromyalgia and other illnesses. I could not get out of bed without my meds.I am not pain free and do not expect to be,but I can cope better. I am not drowsy or loopy at all.

For 6 months I coughed so hard I ruptured muscles in my chest, threw my back out 3 times and became incontinent of bladder. Singulair, Advair and Combivent all prescribed at the same time. Breathing is wonderful but I have read where some of the side effects mimic the illnesses. Combivent makes me cough terribly and produce mucus. I can't move at all without triggering a cramp and am terrified of one hitting my heart- after all, it is a muscle. 3 coworkers started to ask me if I had any plans to suicide (at 3 different times and occasions)Planned to switch the Combivent for Albuterol but had a terrible cramp while answering this survey- no more Singulaire for me.

When I went to the ER in excruciating pain from a ruptured ovarian cyst, I was given just 1/2 an IV dose of dilaudid; it took away the pain but I really didn't care for the side effects. After taking the med at 10:30 am, I had extreme nausea when walking around or doing anything --- talking on the phone even made me sick. I slept most of the day until around 6 pm when I got a severe headache. I took 800 mg ibuprofen and it didn't help the headache at all. Had a terrible headache the next day along with drowsiness, inability to focus, and mild hallucinations.

MVA-whiplash.Neck an trap pain.