Xyzal (levocetirizine dihydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xyzal (levocetirizine dihydrochloride)

Extreme muscle aches, weakness, fatigue, and headaches after day 1. Thought it would get better the more I took it, but it only got worse. I have never had this many terrible side effects from one drug before.. I feel awful!!

Clears up allergies somewhat, but TERRIBLE side effects

When taken occasionally less side effects but when taking daily helps allergy symptoms but fatigue weak headaches but worst of all urine retention and urgency, weak stream. I was up at night every 30 minutes. I felt like I had a UTI but when quitting xyzal after 2 days urinary problems subsided. Not worth these side effects.

I have horrible rhinitis (violent sneezing/congestion) and this drug was a miracle. All my allergy symptoms cleared up overnight but ...I took it at bedtime but even so within a week I started feeling unwell and very tired the next day ... all day.The fatigue was different from Benedryl which wears off as the day goes on.Xyzal caused extreme drowsiness AND a terrible feeling of unwellness.I felt like there was something terribly wrong with me, with my health.I cut the tablets in half. and the good effects were just as good but as the days went on the extreme fatigue and unwellness continued and got steadily worse.I tried taking it every other day and started feeling a bit better 48 hours out from a half of a dose.

This is a Very Bad Drug.My rhinitis symptoms, as bad as they are, are better than the terrible side effects from this drug.

Interfered with normal daily thoughts and made me feel odd. As soon as I stopped taking it I felt great and back to my normal mind. F* that drug as I would rather sneeze all day than put up with that rotten drug plus it did not stop my allergies so back to flonase

Had a horrible nightmare and sleep jumped out of bed and hit my head and got a concussion. My husband helped me up off floor and like a zombie I stumbled around and fell backward, fracturing C3 and C4 vertabrae. Had a seizure. Spent night in ER. 4 stitches on my forehead.

Extreme irritability, brain fog, insomnia, daytime sleepiness, depression, low energy

I take before bed as directed and starting the first night, it took hours to fall asleep. And the next day, I was an irritable zombie. It helps with my allergy symptoms but I’m done. The side effects are not tolerable or worth it.

Headache, Dizziness, diarrhea, extreme anxiety, panicked, depression, racing heart, confusion, then extreme fatigue the next day.

1 pill was enough for me. Never again. The worst side effects from an OTC med I've ever experienced.

Extreme tiredness, irritability, heart palpitations, anxiety, vivid weird dreams

I have never experienced such awful side effects from an OTC medication! The fatigue lasted 24 hrs and I could not stay awake. I'm usually a very light sleeper and I was knocked out. This was stronger than Xanax. The next day I had anxiety, heart palpitations and irritability. I would never use again. Ruined my day.

Extreme drowsiness, falling asleep while driving, working, etc.

Works well for the allergies, but would only be useful if you have all day to sleep!

Uncontrolled, nonstop coughing with abundant mucus in my lungs. I litterally thought I was going to die.!After 7 weeks in this condition, it resulted in impaired lung function and asthma.

It ruined my quality of life. So many things I can no longer partake in because of shortness of breath, wheezing and asthma attacks..

Depression. Irritability. Headaches. Spacey/zoned out. Fatigue.

Never again. I'd rather have hives and itch indefinitely (it did stop the hives/itching; but not worth it). Have never experienced such drastic mood shifts and I thought I was losing my mind until I read other reviews. Been 48 hours since last dose and rest of bottle already in the trash. Unbelievable.

Urinary retention, increased food sensitivities, joint pain, severe anxiety, skin peeling, increased appetite, migraines, trouble sleeping, uncontrollable weight gain, increased heart rate

I have taken over-the-counter drugs for allergies my entire life because my seasonal allergies are so bad. I took this when I saw it advertised and thought the results were great. My allergies were gone! But I had so many side effects that my quality of life was severely impacted, and continues to be even a year after having quit taking the drug. I was doing so much research trying to figure out why I was suddenly gaining weight. My diet consists of almost exclusively vegetables and proteins unless I go out to eat with a friend on the weekends, and for about 3 months I was working out for about 2 hours a day for 5-6 days a week and was still barely able to maintain my weight. I thought my other issues were a result of the weight gain. As soon as I stopped taking Xyzal, my weight gain stopped, but I am still having issues losing the weight. I've entirely cut out gluten and other inflammatory foods, as well as foods that irritate overactive bladder. If I accidentally eat too many acidic foods (tomatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, etc), I still have issues with bladder retention, incontinence, and senses of urgency. It's been about a year since I stopped taking it and my heart rate is just now dropping, my weight is only now beginning to budge, and my digestive and bladder issues show no real signs of improvement. This drug was sent from Satan himself.

Extreme fatigue during day, anxiety

While taking this medication I experienced a permanent feeling of being extremely depressed and overwhelmed by panic attacks. I would never ever take it again.

Severe anger frustration and depression

Extreme fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, loss of appetite. Confusion and in ability to stand until effects wore off.

Extremely tired and lethargic the following day. Achy ness as well.

It did alleviate most of the post nasal drip and I slept fine, but the tiredness and achy ness the next day isn’t a fair trade off.

Extreme fatigue and depression. It took about 24 hours after the first pill, but suddenly I felt extremely tired and I started to cry and couldn't stop. This isn't something that I normally experience. I even woke up in the morning crying, like I'd been crying in my sleep. I also experienced dry mouth, runny nose, and a sore/scratchy throat.

I take allergy medication for head congestion and Xyzal did clear that well. But it caused a runny nose, sore throat and scratchy voice, which aren't any better. I've only taken this for 2 days but I have to stop because not only does it give me more allergy symptoms than I had before I started taking it but it is causing major mood issues.

Wow. Since I started taking this, I had horrible spikes in anxiety and depression, brain fog, moodiness, extreme weakness and fatigue. At first I thought it was actual anxiety/depression, but I just looked into reviews for Xyzal because I don't even think it's been helping my allergies, and came across an incredible number of reviews that said this made them feel the exact way I do now. I bought this because it had been recommended to me in the past and was on sale at my local grocery store, but I'll never take this again. I can barely function.

Horrible headaches & one which was a migraine with vision issues. I've also had some pain in my stomach & diarrhea. I decided to google the side effects & wow I have so many. I'm not going to continue with this medication. I guess I'll be going back on Zyrtec. I've never had so many headaches before.

XYZAL (LEVOCETIRIZINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE): Levocetirizine is an antihistamine used to relieve allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, itching eyes/nose, and sneezing. It is also used to relieve itching and hives. It works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. Levocetirizine does not prevent hives or prevent/treat a serious allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis). If your doctor has prescribed epinephrine to treat allergic reactions, always carry your epinephrine injector with you. Do not use levocetirizine in place of your epinephrine. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dang insurance won't pay for it.

Flonase has been good & bad for me... Well, it all started when I had fluid in my right ear along with ear pain. Then the Vertigo set it and I couldn't function anymore. Which is where flonase came in.. I used it twice a day and all I have to say is that its VERY STRONG. My Vertigo went away however I don't know if it was time or the Flonase. I had anxiety as in I felt like my throat was closing and couldn't catch my breath. I had CHEST pain and Severe dry mouth, throat, & tongue. No matter how much I drank my mouth is still incredibly dry! I stopped at 7 days because it was killing me. This medication just shows that only take it if absolutely necessary. It's not worth the side effects! I hate this drug and 2 days after stopping it I'm still having occasional chest pain and anxiety shortness of breath, along with dry mouth! Although VERTIGO is now gone! I don't think i should of taken it so long 3 days would of been enough!

Two days and severe reaction. Cannot believe it is available OTC! Sad thing is, it relieved my severe hay fever symptoms within an hour.

hives: food and seasonal allergies

Before taking seasonale I would never know when my period was going to arrive, I would go months without it, now I know when it is coming and lasts a shorter amount of time than when I would get it, going from 7-9days to 4-6 days.

GAD, panic disorder, depression

Bad taste in mouth at first.Frequent peeing, tinnitus, dysphoric mania at 450mg

So, with all of this, why the heck would I continue with it? Because it has not caused any sexual side effects (important for me) and keeps my mood relatively stable without causing me to become completely numb and disconnected to the world as other medications have. However, withdrawal symptons are a MAJOR problem if I miss a few doses and this potential scares me if I were to lose the bottle during a nice vacation.

Am reducing dosage after reading this board. Irregular heart beat was just a nuisance. This is agony. I'll take the irregular heart beat any day.

It made me worse. I gotterrible muscle pains in my back, iregular heartbeats, felt manic and brought on depression.