Unisom (doxylamine succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Unisom (doxylamine succinate)

I have had a long journey with insomnia. I got on unisom after deciding Tylenol PM was probably bad for my liver daily. It's been about a year of unisom & I have been putting on weight like crazy. I've gained about 13lbs. I constantly eat, and don't feel full. I'll fall asleep & wake up with intense cravings for food. Normally sweets. I finally realized that unisom is an antihistamine like another med I was on (hydroxozine) that made me blow up, so I've pulled the cord on them. Apparently even melatonin which I used with unisom nightly slows your digestion. I've quit both cold turkey & last night (first night off) was brutal. I've gotten barely any sleep & I'm sweating like crazy. Hopefully this blows over sooner than later 🤞🏼

AnxietyDry mouthRacy heartHeavy leg feelingIrritability

Terrible feeling left work early as the anxiety and irritability was awful and extreme dry mouth.

Dizziness, drowsy, but caused anxiety & restless legs and muscles.

Helped very little with nausea, it did make me drowsy but the anxiety and muscle restlessness it caused counter acted the drowsiness.

Took for nausea. It messed up my sleep, and every night I've taken it I've woken up the next day with awful anxiety that lasted all day till about night time when it was time to take it again. I won't take it tonight. I hope the anxiety will be gone tomorrow. I know God is holding me and HE is FAITHFUL to those who love him. Praise be to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ who gives peace that passes all understanding.

Pregnancy nausea and preg.insomnia

Just really hungry. Had the munchies but I was okay with it. No extreme weight gain. Helped keep food down.

This worked wonders with me. Takes the nausea away right away. Relaxes me and I sleep through the entire night. I even wake up without morning sickness. So glad my doc recommended this as it's helped with this horrible morning sickness.

Icy night sweats that would soak clothing, irritabilty, anger outbursts, erectile dysfunction.

This was ok until it was really bad really quick. Broke my PS4 controller in a 2am fit of rage that isn't me. My wife complained about not recognizing me. I wpuld wake up with a severe night sweat, they were even painful it was so cold. I also began to violently trenor and shiver. Don't take.

I cut the 25mg in half. If I take 25mg it makes me horribly depressed. Like the worst depression. My cat passed away last week and I took Unison every night. It was making everything unmanageable for me. I didn't take any last night. I finally feel ok with things. I was so scared by my thoughts. Yes I am heartbroken over my loss but the Unisom made everything worse. I am ok taking a half every once in a while and it usually works great. But if you have underlying issues this can make them worse.

No side effects that I noticed.

I was previously taking 100mg of Trazodone nightly for insomnia but it stopped being effective once my husband started traveling for work. So my doctor suggested Unisom. I tried it for 6 consecutive nights and I never felt sleepy. I would take it at 11pm right as I lay down to sleep and I would lay awake all night long. One night I didn't even fall asleep until 2:30pm the next day and I was only able to sleep for 2 hours.

Weight gain, grogginess in the morning, dry throat

It really helped me sleep well, but the weight gain was too much for me.

Took 2 weeks for sleep and nausea in pregnancy. Helped sleep but caused irritability and racing heart, panic attack, depression, dizziness, headaches, and all day drowsiness. Side effects are worth the sleep when your still tired with all these side effects the next day!

Trouble falling and staying asleep

Worked wonders for falling and staying asleep. Took longer to wake up in the morning. Less jittery and worked up the next day

The "less jittery and worked up the next day" side effect has been very welcome.

Took this at a friend's suggestion when I couldn't sleep. I have no allergies to any meds that I know of. This stuff did NOT help me sleep! When I finally did fall asleep hours later, I was super anxious, jittery, experiencing a fast heartbeat, and had nightmares. Do not recommend!

This seemed to have the opposite effect for me. I told my doctor melatonin wasn't working anymore and this was suggested.It made me feel hyper and anxious, and totally unable to sleep. After more research I realized it was an antihistamine and that's what Benadryl always did to me. I wish my doctor had mentioned that, I could've saved myself a week of being sweaty, having racing heart and anxiety.For me, taking this pill was much worse than my normal insomnia issues. If antihistamines make you feel jittery, hyper or nervous, definitely don't take this medicine!

Not worth the pain of taking! Works fast, but it wears off during the night so I am usually tossing and turning by end of the night. By morning, I am usually feeling groggy and extremely sleepy. I have been having issues of anxiety and weight gain with it as well :( Will have to find something else for my insomnia. Stay away!

I'm pregnant and could not sleep, I also have morning sickness. I was told it would help with both. However, it's hands down the worst medication I've ever taken. You do not stay asleep, you get the sweats, very tight chest, I always wake up nauseous and gagging, and the next day grogginess is accompanied by depression and anxiety. If you take this medicine, plan on doing nothing that next day. I wasn't even comfortable driving. HORRIBLE MEDICINE!

Definitely helped me sleep, but I was extremely groggy and in a fog the next day. Sooo what's the point? I honestly would've felt better with 5 hours of normal sleep than 9 hours of sleep on unisom.

Extreme head to toe night sweats in the last year. I take these every night, I ran out a few days ago and suddenly no sweats the last 2 nights.

The meds did help me fall asleep, I would just wake up soaking wet from sweating

I didn't realize until reading all of these reviews that this medication is responsible for my heart palpitations, anxiety and tight chest! I dreaded bedtime and had sleep anxiety but after 2 weeks without taking it everything went away!!! It was also making me gain weight which I could not figure out! Hate this crappy med! Don't take it!!!

This medication also was also responsible for my tight chest and squeezing sensation which hurt and felt like i was having a heart attack all the time!

I did sleep but woke up groggy and nauseated. Brain fog, lethargic unable to concentrate and feeling of depression the next day. 24 hours later and I still feel bad.

I do not recommend this medication.

Took this for sleep! Slept well but next day had a hungover feeling! Muscle twitching foggy fuzzy weird head feeling in the ear as well! Bad dreams and weird obsessive thinking! Off balance feeling and tired face feeling on one side of my face!

It also gives you anxiety And depressed feelings! I think this is more than just an antihistamine! You get that next day nervy stressed foggy headed feeling both in the head And ears! Sounds amplified and shocks your head and ears causing anxiety or panic!

Side Effects forunisom (doxylamine succinate) - User Comments


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dehydration rapid -dry mouth -tightness in chest off and on! headaches bad ones ! vision blurring while on it, not lowering b.p at all - no sleep at night and when sleep comes nightmares and vivid dreams going on ! stress feeling ! internal jitters when wakeing up or trying to sleep threwout body from it

Almost from the first day I had severe pain across the tops of my shoulders and my neck. Terrible headaches. The pain increased and soon I had extreme pain left little finger and left big toe. I begn to have pain on the tops of my elbow area and up both arms. The last dose I took on April 30 devastated me. I have a high pain tolerance. With the last dose, I was in horrible pain - like a metal clamp was squeezing the top of my shoulders and neck area. My jaws hurt, my throat felt sore at the top of my esophogus and pain in my breasts. Pain in both hands and both feet. Difficulty walking after sitting for short time. I began to be frightened about my health. My family doctor thought it was side effects and told me to quit taking Actonel immediately. Pain continues. Some days worse than others, but almost always at night. The pain in the left toe and little finger feels like a severe charley horse - that does not go away. It is painful to drive, talk on the phone, or even hold hands wit

tired... headaches... not sure if from hydrea or nexium... been on it almost month.. 1500 mg daily..

sweating, takes longer to achieve orgasam.

loss of coordination, confusion, short term memory loss, slurred speech, minor depression, spaced out feeling

Some nose bleeds, but nasal rinses help a lot to moisturize. I love this medication. I can finally breathe at night!

muscle pain, swelling of hands/feet, itchy skin

I was prescribed Clarithromycin for a throat infection. The worst was feeling generally unwell and the prolonged diarrhoea. I went to the doctor for a check up and and he said it is a very strong medicine and the side effects would pass away and I should drink Yakult probiotic drinks.

Abdominal pain cramps bleeding dark red to light or bright red ..Thick white discharge ..Pain in the vagina almost like a tugging and it itches almost like a yeast infection is brewing ..These cramps and bloody discharge is concerning...Also it is hard to pee almost like you have to push hard to urinate...I dont like this gel or those flagyl oral pills ...

I am a physician and have personally seen numerous patients with severe long term reactions to levaquin and experienced one myself. Most of these reactions are associated with CNS and Peripheral nervous system, joints and tendons and endocrine abnormalities. The drug company refuses to ackowledge that these occur. They are common. Because of the delayed nature of the onset and the long term course of disability they have dodged any onus for these disabling adverse reactions.