Sudafed 12 hour (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sudafed 12 hour (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Just like Mucinex, nasty side effects including heart palpitations, feeling jittery, anxiety/panic attacks, and diarrhea. Felt back to self ... still with sinus congestion though ... within the day after stopping taking Sudafed

None - this helped the congestion during the day without the added ingredients like acetomeniphin that are present in nyquil.

Usually took 2 of the red tablets at a time - weight 200 lbs but my teenage son only takes 1 tablet -hes only 100 lbs. also this was Sudafed Congestion maximum strength

Bruhhhhhh I would say it's okay to take it for two or three days max. But something strange happens of course you can't eat can't sleep. Feel weird like you want to fall on floor anxiety depression fast heart. I want this pill to wear off I feel horrible scared like my brain is melting brain dead

no lingering side effects just dry mouth

Took the 12hr pill early afternoon and woke up at 12:45am with a jolt of severe anxiety. Had heart palpitations, hot and cold feeling all over my body, severe dizziness and overall feeling that something was severely wrong. Almost called 911 as my husband was still at work on his overnight shift. Was able to lower my heart rate with deep breathing and cold water on my wrists, neck and forehead and ended up taking half a Xanax as the anxiety was through the roof.

Will stop taking immediately. The anxiety affects are worse than my congestion. Never again! Thank goodness I found this website as it made me calmer knowing others have experienced the same symptoms. Took another pill today not knowing this was probably the cause of last nights episode but now will cease taking this awful medication.

intense anxiety, panic attacks, shaking, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, agitation, insomnia

Worked wonders on my sinus swelling but not worth the side effects. Would not recommend to anyone with a history of anxiety, panic attacks, or bad responses/sensitivity to stimulants (ex. caffeine).

I am afraid of these pills now - I threw them away.

Works for sinus pressure but since taking i have incredible headache, loss of appetite and very sore ribs, neck and chest!Actually not sure its the 12 hour I'm taking as dosage states 2 tabs 4 times a day...but im stopping immediately. Also can't sleep and feel lost and anxious.

it cleared up my congestion, but i had absolutely terrible side effects after. i had this sudden wave of anxiety and i felt dizzy. my heart was pounding, i literally thought i was having a heart attack. and despite the fact that i only took one pill (the proper dosage, and this was my first time taking it today), i was fearful i had somehow overdosed, like i wasn't "congested enough" or something. i'm at least comforted by the fact that i'm not alone in this experience. this was terrible. they need to put a warning on the box for this.

this is the first time i've had side effects from sudafed. needless to say, i'll probably avoid using it from now on.

Anxiety fear and panic attacks should be warning on the package of all Sudafed meds that these are common side effects especially for people prone to anxiety and panic attacks! Should not be on the shelves!!

Made my hand turn white, And I felt like I couldent breathe like my chest was closing in, And I got extremely dizzy, like someone tried to make me overdose, I felt like I was going to die, I even had to go to the hospital to make sure..

Just stay away from it, No matter how sick u are it's not worth it

Destroyed me, my sleep and gave me anxiety nervousness that are lasting till this day. I was the most relaxed person no nasal issues just 2 weeks allergy and pharmacist gave me this instead of the antihistamine. Destroyed my nose as inflamed my turbinates which I had no issue as had surgery 30 years ago. Was in perfect health 100/60 BP HR 55. Have spent 70,000 dollars to find how to cure what it's done. Been on countless meds. This is a POS. Have been on benzos now antipsychotics and ssri things I have never even heard off to cure me of what this awful drug did to me. I don't drink or smoke or take anything but vitamins and 3 antihistamine pills a year.

I sleep with a CPAP and it causes sinus and ear congestion. My ENT prescribed Pseudoephedrine 120 for the congestion and dizziness. It works fine, but the side effects are horrible. I took one pill at 0630 and 2435. My anxiety is through the roof. I'm just not sleepy and I have a rapid pulse.

Extreme anxiety, shaking and shivering, restless legs, high heart rate. Took at 5pm Made me feel so sleepy at first but due to all the other symptoms I listed, I couldn't sleep I just tossed and turned. Finally slept about 2 hours and then was awake from midnight on with horrible insomnia. Next day all day still had the anxiety, fidgety and restless feeling

I will never take this again. Worst 48 hours of my life. Also want to note, ive had these symptoms before when taking sudafed but just didn't realize it was the cause and now I know without a doubt.

It seemed like after I took the first dose my throat on the right side started to feel weird like something was stuck on it and difficult to swallow at times. Stopped using it. Will not buy again.

Feeling wired never felt this was my stomach feels like am dying will never take this meds again

I only take this pill 1x per day and I notice that before taking it, the congestion is slighlty there, but after taking it, I feel groggy and then after 2 hours of taking it I feel strange, the pressure around my eyes and nose is incredibly uncomfortable. I feel distant, edgy, nervous, one of my eyes is twitching. I can't focus and it is uncomfortable to keep my eyes open. I will no longer take this pill, I've never known what it feels like to almost loose it, but with this pill, it almost feels like I'm about to scream my head off. Be careful with this pill.

I had intense loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting (I couldn't keep even a sip of water down), headache, feelings of anxiety, loss of control, and sweaty, pale, clammy skin.

The worst symptoms lasted about 4 hours and began to drop off right about when it would have been time to take another dose - but I will never take this medicine again.

Horrible anxiety, heart palpitations, fear of dying or having a heart attack, blood pressure up, loss of appetite. Horrible drug, would never take again.

Side Effects forsudafed 12 hour (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Social anxiety, anxiousness, focus

I had also taken it in 2013 or 2014 for another kdiney stone. passed it nearly immediately with 1 dose. cant remember dosage. gave me headaches. but i'll take headache over vomit-inducingly bad renal colic where i beg god for release for hours on end.anyway this time for this stone it hasnt worked for a week and i just found out it is statistically not helpful vs. placebo. what a crock. avoid this junk.

Tiredness, memory loss, depression, lack of enthusiasm for anything, insomnia, twitching, and jerks, zoning out, increased fits

GI symptoms - stomacheaches, bloating, constipation, gasYeast infectionPositive - decreased acne.

Anxiety, pulsating in my body, inability to take a deep breathe, hair breaking off

This is my third time trying Paxil. Doctor and counselor are insistent this is the drug for me. I can't bear the side effects!

Name has changed to dexilant. I love this med, I have tried many, this is the best!!!

Prescribed by my doctor under brand name Aropax after my son's death in an air crash. As a middle aged PhD chemist by training, and as a consequence of these effects I would be very suspicious of this drug at least under this brand name - especially from the purity point of view. The side effects might well be caused by poor quality control with respect to limiting side reaction impurities.

First few weeks were the hardest. Jaw clenching, sleepy all the time, zero sex drive. But vivid dreams continue. I also had gained quite a bit of weight 15 lbs.

I still have more days but, if I get the stomach pain, nausea and retching tomorrow I will stop. In 2003 I got peritonitis from perforated ulcer. Pain today felt like that.It sure stinks and awful to burp up.