Periactin (cyproheptadine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Periactin (cyproheptadine hydrochloride)

Side Effects forperiactin (cyproheptadine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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hoarse voice, wheezy non productive cough

I started taking the shot right after having my daughter 10 months ago. I thought that the vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse was just from childbirth but now I am finding out that depo seems to cause it. I bled for the first 6 months after giving birth NONSTOP! And now it has gone away but two days ago I started experiencing this terrible muscle soreness in my arms and legs and it won't go away. It feels as if I ran a marathon but I have not done any exercise out of the ordinary. Does anyone know if this is a side effect of depo? Please, if anyone has had a similar experience with the muscle pain, email me. I am really beginning to worry that something is terribly wrong.DON'T GET THIS SHOT! The doctors don't tell you about these side effects.

This drug more of less saved my life. I had extreme panic attacks multiples times a day and very bad anxiety, S.A.D. and G.A.D. this stuff works very very well for me and I am sooooo happy that i have it. if you have problems like mine this is a must. i sometimes dont take it for a few weeks and sometimes take it alot for a week or so straight depending on my stress level. personally i havent had any withdraws from it when i dont have it. i have taken 2mg a day for a week once and still no problems stopping it.

I would not recommend this drug for anyone - ESPECIALLY for children. It's scary!!!!

I had helped me with my pain from my periods and the flow of my period. It has cleared up some acne but not all of it, I’ve lost like approximately 15 lbs. but I didn’t even notice until I went to the doctor. This is the only medication I take and I used to be happy all the time and now I feel depressed about things and sad or I get very irritated very fast or just mad at little things and my patience has gone out the window, i have headaches frequently, I take it at night but I feel sick in the morning, I don’t know if I should be stopping my medication

Subsided the worst symptoms for me. Many of the symptoms described on this site are what I was experiencing BEFORE taking the Tamiflu. I put that down to general flu. I was just glad to get my Tamiflu and get rid of some of the awful symptoms I was experiencing. I would've taken anything to reduce the symptoms they were so bad.

I would recommend this pill. I havent had any bad reactions except that i thought i was pregnant because i didnt get my period, but i took a pregnancy test and it was negative.

This is a request to anyone who has made progress in recovering from these quinolones. LET US KNOW ABOUT IT!!! We sure could use the hope that maybe we, too, will get better. So if you have overcome a neuropathy or a muscle/joint pain issue, (even to a degree) dont just leave the board. Tell us. Thanks

My mother went in for a Heart cath and was very nervous. After the procedure, she was unresponsive, BP was up, having double vision and dizziness. She was kept overnight for observation. The next day she had lost her memory and her speech was very slow. She didn't even know her own kids nor husband. She stayed in the hospital for 4 days and now she is at home but she still has some memory loss, speech is slow, jittery and kinda has gone back to her childhood. She will have to get occupational therapy, too. This is hard thing for me and my family to see. And It is also hard on my mother because she constantly says she don't want to be this way and wonders why her brain is slow. She is still seeing several doctors for these problems.

I don't really know if this med is working as I had not symptoms of the infection until I went to the doctor because my period was going on two weeks and i'm on the pill. It was nice to figure out that my sleeping problems could be a side effect from this as others had described.