Hydroxyzine hcl (hydroxyzine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydroxyzine hcl (hydroxyzine hydrochloride)

I love that I can sleep. My doctor prescribed it because I had insomnia. And, I always suffer with anxiety and panic attack periodically. The amazing benefit that I received is that it relieved me of anxiety and panic attacks. I never told my doctor I suffered with anxiety. I know the lack of sleep is the foundation of many illnesses. I don't take everyday. Only when I need to, which could be 1/week or once every 2 weeks. Often I will split the pill with my pill splitter when I know I need less. Either way I'm happy the side effects, at least for me, are extremely mild and more than manageable.

Drowsy in the morning but decaf coffee helps; my allergies are under control no other medications needed; some sadness for past week. Also I'm eating more gained a few pounds which concerns me.

May discontinue for a while to see if sadness and appetite gets improves. Otherwise been very satisfied. Also I'm taking low-dose. I cut 25 mg in half.

Raising heart very tired and sad feeling

No side effects. Works perfectly. Sorry all you whiners.

In my opinion this pill is so dangerous. I worked overnight and when I got off I knew I would have to take the pill. Took it around 8am. Woke up at 3pm to missed calls and texts from my family and boyfriend. Fell asleep and woke up again at 8pm and ate something and fell asleep again. Woke up at midnight and ate again and did some stuff on the computer. Fell asleep around 2am and woke up @ 840am and am still tired. I couldn't believe I slept majority of the day away but that's what it may be like for some who take this pill. It's why I rarely take it unless it's my only option (in this case it was). It works well for anxiety because it'll put you to sleep lol. Use this as a last resort!!!

I was given hydroxyzine to help with insomnia. I find that it does help me with sleep however the grogginess I feel all next day is unbearable. The strange thing is that I can take hydroxyzine one night and wake up feeling ok. If I take it 2 nights in a row even at a half dose it makes me groggy as heck. All day. I assume it's due to the long half life and the drug is building up in my system.? It does work but be prepared to be a zombie the next day.

Dry mouth, dry throat, lethargy, nausea, confusion, dizziness, numb lips and tongue, worst hangover the following day lasting over 7 hours, anxiety

I found this to be a horrible medication for anxiety. Like most, doctor Rxed this because she "doesn't prescribe benzos" (aka medications that work). Avoid this drug, and medical professionals who Rx it for anxiety and/or acute panic attacks, at all costs. A real doctor will understand how useful benzos are and that a patient can't take more than what is prescribed to them

Total joke. Glorified Benadryl. Hospitals give it out to shut you up.

Took my first dose today at 2:50pm it is now 8:50pm...chest tightness and cough. Very tired, knocked me out. I will not take this again. The chest tightness and cough is miserable.

Itchiness, dry mouth, racing heart, vivd dreams, feeling like I've just woken up but it lasts ALL DAY.

Took this for not even a week and I can already say that this isn't for me. I have extreme anxiety and this just doesn't cut it, it's like I've been drinking the night before and I just have a perpetual hangover. I'm confused and now I think I might have heart problems even though its probably just my anxiety.Helps me sleep though... but it's not worth it when all you want to do is sleep. Wouldn't recommend, I'd give a 0 if I could. Seems a lot of others don't like this either and it stays in your system for 70 HOURS mind you.

I have anxiety and I am sensitive to medications, my doctor prescribed me hydroxyzine because she said there isn't any side effects. Well, she was wrong, this medication made me so tired, all I did was sleep and the next day I felt hungover. It makes you sleepy and not actually deal with the anxiety.

Not drowsy at all, still immense anxiety dry mouth

I told the psychiatrist that i've tired this medication before with no results just vivid dreams, she decided to double the dosage because she "doesn't prescribe benzodiazepines" which is understandable, but i've been seeing a psychiatrist since 13 and still haven't found a medication that works for me. She can see my charts, my anxiety has taken over my life and I just want something to actually help.

Did nothing for meDid not even make me sleepy

Severe grogginess and lethargy. The next day after I took my first dose I lay on the couch all day and when I got up I was dizzy. My doctor prescribed up to three pills a day but I only ever took one. Thank goodness because I would probably have been hospitalized if I took more.

After that first attempt I didn't take it again for a while but my insomnia was so bad my doctor persuaded me to give it another try. So I cut it in half. Two weeks later I now have severe dry mouth, blurry eyes that don't function together, pupils that don't expand and contract properly, very dry eyes, itching, burning, hives, feeling nauseated, decreased appetite, dizziness and weakness. I have asthma to begin with and the shortness of breath after the hydroxyzine is so bad I thought I had covid-19.

low blood pressure 102/52, 86/56 painful eyes relieved by drops increases increased insomnia weakness nausea muscle pain in legs and chest blurry vision

Why do doctors insist on giving an antihistamine when a medicine to help get sleep works? Until I was forced to take antihistamines to sleep I didn't have any problems other than working rotation shifts and way too much overtime. Is it they are afraid of addiction? I fail to see what a doctor is afraid of when they write a prescription, After all a patient can't, after, all take more than prescribed .We are are not all looking to score drugs. We wouldn't come to them for help if we needed heroin? NOW I am going to have to lay here and let it clear my system so I CAN ACTUALLY WALK. I was on aid for sleep for 30 years without needing or taking more than prescribed. I didn't require an ever increasing dose of sleeping medication. I need sleep to work. Now I MIGHT NEED AN EXCUSE FROM THE DOCTOR TO KEEP MY JOB.

Extremely tired daily similar to a hangover that lasts all day.Some weight gain as well

I took it at like 11pm and slept all night and into the next day until about 8pm. could barely walk to get water. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND

When I first started taking the pill I was so exhausted and didn't feel like myself after a week it started to help and my body was getting use to it after acouple more weeks my legs started to shake for a day then ever sense then when I take the medicine my legs have been hurting so bad to the point where it hurts to stand or walk it feels like I have been standing for like hours.

HYDROXYZINE HCL (HYDROXYZINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Hydroxyzine is used to treat itching caused by allergies. It is an antihistamine and works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. Hydroxyzine may also be used short-term to treat anxiety or to help you feel sleepy/relaxed before and after surgery. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Nausea, Intense vomiting, metallic taste, chills, sweating, tingly arms.

DONT LET ANYONE GIVE THIS FRUG TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT! My memory loss is real and may never come back. This drug kills ppl!! I had a near death experience bc of given Haldol WITHOUT my consent!!!

I am currently on day 3 of taking these, so far the side effects have been very mild. I was looking for information about the length of time it takes to work and stumbled upon this. I would point out that not everybody is the same and it is unlikely that someone will go to the trouble of posting their experience of a drug if it worked fine without any side effects. If you have severe side effects, stop taking the drug and see your doctor, read the leaflet!However, it doesn't seem to be clearing up my infection and the abcess makes me look like a hamster!

In the beginning I did experience some depression and some weight gain.

It does help control a flare up but the side effects are awful. I've used it occasionally over the past 10 years but only as a last resort and only for a short time, such as one to two weeks. The worst side effect is the unbearable metallic tase. Sometimes it's so bad I want to rip my tongue out! It does work well in tamdem with Prednisone (synergy) so it can be helpful to quickly quash a flare up before it gets out of hand thus limiting the need for prolonged doses of prednisone or a costly Remicade infusion.

seasonal allergies, fluid in ears

Metallic taste in mouth brown tongue

I have taken several other medications for depression in the past, including Prozac, Paxil, and Wellbutrin. Overall, if you believe you need help for your depression I would recommend trying a different drug BEFORE resorting to Effexor. It has more side effects than most SSRI's and SNRI's. For me, any benefits were greatly outweighed by these side effects.

This drug has helped me tremendously with bipolar disorder. I find it has helped especially as an antimanic. It has helped immensely with mixed states and rapid cycling. It has definitely had some antidepressant effects, although not enough to be an option for me as monotherapy. While it has been antisucidal, I was still very depressed on lamictal alone. I do believe that this drug has truly saved my life and that I would have most likely done something destructive enough that I would not be here today.

Very gradual onset. I am able to concentrate and have gone from 12-15 cups of coffee each day to 1.