Dymista (azelastine hydrochloride; fluticasone propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dymista (azelastine hydrochloride; fluticasone propionate)

Occasional dry eyes that disappeared after 1 month, some congestion, tight sensation in sinus

This drug worked like magic - within 30 min of 1st use, my ears were no longer muffled due to sinus/ear congestion that lasted months. It can feel harsh in the sinuses after using but after consistent use, I could breathe and hear properly. Occasionally I will feel some congestion as if it's rebounding, but this was due to infrequent use of the spray. Proper technique is essential in taking this drug. No anxiety reported. Not sure I want to continue using past 6 months but I will need to weigh options since I have year round allergies (pollen, dust mites, ragweed). Ultimiately immunotherapy may address root cause.

Instantly seemed to block nose. Haven't used since as read the terrible reviews! Have problems with anxiety...seems this cd increase mine! No thanks.

Worried about using as l already have nasal dryness and massive anxiety issues

Severe headache the worst I even had in my life had to stop the medication it did not help at all

Ended up with headache and runny nose.did not help at all made things worse

This does work well for sinus inflammation. However, it revs up my sympathetic nervous system and cause anxiety.

Difficult breathing- asthmatic like

Intermittent migraines/ fatigue

Accepting most drugs have side effects, this spray has changed my life. Severe Asthmatic symptoms have vanished, and breathing is ~ normal. Mucus from sinuses under control.

I get PND only when I drink liquid and blocked nose only when I lie down. The Dymista cause severe drowsiness. My nose still remains blocked during the night, it doesn't help me.

Dry inside of nose where the skin is peeling. However, it completely got rid of all my symptoms and now I can breathe without being congested!

Relieved symptoms extremely fast, lovely smell.

nasal congestion and post-nasal dri

Anti-histamine effect was OK, but Flonase anti-inflammatory part was not effective. Going back to using Flonase separately with an antihistamine.

A constant headache which is ashame as its relieved my congestion

No problem other than the headache

No side effects..... awesome...I can finally breathe clearly! Energizing aspect for me.....did not make me drowsy at all, instead very alert!

The effects seem to be dwindling longer the use. Perhaps the dosage in the spray should be increased.

Bad taste, headache, nasal irritation and a ton of sneezing for 10 minutes after spraying.

It works well, but not any better than regular Flonase for me.I wanted to give it a few weeks to make sure I made an honest opinion of the medication. Think I'll stick with Flonase. Plus, I never get headaches, but get headaches daily with this medication.

Awful smell and worse headache I've had in ages. I also have opened my bowels a few times today. I can't study like this.

none, smelled bad. hey, its medicine.

for 3 months i suffered from plugged sinuses. runny nose. tried every drug sold at the dollar tree. then my daughter gave me this to try. IT WORKED. onlyneeded to 3 days ... now two days without it and i can breath. Coincidence ?Not sure. Ill give credit to the drug.

I have constant drip from Ryhinitis

At the start I did get crusting around the nostril but persaveared.

I do find it has lessened the terrible need to blow my nose constantly. The amount of mucosa that comes from my nostrils and post nasal drip has improved. Although told I can take two sprays per nostril, I only use one spray per nostril, and find that's enough.

This helped great!y to dry up nasal passages so I can sleep laying down now instead of sitting uptight.

After 2 weeks of use, began to have horrible migraine headaches daily. I will not use this nasal spray again.

Will return to using the old Flonase which worked great for me with no side effects.

Effort to Control Chronic Cough

Got immediate relief. Though GREAT!!!! After 3 days headache 24/7. Continued for 4 more days. Called MD & stopped medication. Now with crawly nerve pain in legs/arms/head.

Do hope the weird nerve pains resolve quickly. Kept me up last night.

DYMISTA (AZELASTINE HYDROCHLORIDE; FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE): This product is used to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms of the nose such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. It contains 2 drugs. Azelastine is an antihistamine that works by blocking certain natural substances called histamines that are responsible for allergic symptoms. Fluticasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After seven weeks, this stuff is making me feel like jumping out of my skin. It seemed to work at first; but the side effects are no good. I can't keep popping Alprazolam to handle the jumpiness.

But it works great for the problem.

At first, I thought I had the FLU, aches, fever, vomiting. Then as the days went on I became sicker and sicker...severe joint pain in every joint in my body, I could hardly walk. Then on day 7 of the medication a rash broke out all over my legs, arms, stomach, and back, I then knew it wasn't the flu. I went to the ER and was admitted for severe dehydration. After ruling out many things, the diagnosis was Severe Allergic Reaction to the medicine Macrobid. I spent two days in the hospital. I am also allergic to Levaquin, but don't think they're in the same family.

Feeling of well being. Pretty much killed the pain. Optimistic about life.

As anyone, amnesia if taking out of bed. Tolerrance to this medicine build quickly. Expensive without insurance.

May work, but I can't leave home because of the GI effects.

I am pleased with Muse. I use 1000mcg pellets. I've learned that you have to follow the instructions to the letter. Urination directly before insertion of the MUSE is a huge plus in getting the drug to work. My Urologist suggested a small dab of Surgilube on the applicator tip before inserting into the urethera. This helps slide it in and minimizes discomfort.*Note using it in conjuction with Actis is a plus for me. I don' t know if they suggest this but I think its a great combo.

I would not take this just because all the side effects!

i asked around - this isnt common but it made me sleep!

No real side effects other than relief initially. The stuff really works. I accidentally took a little more than a tsp on the 3rd day and experienced an unfortunate narcotic high. I was spaced out and itchy. It wasn't fun.