Claritin (loratadine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Claritin (loratadine)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I had a 5 minute bout of dizziness while at work. All of a sudden 4 hours after taking I felt as if the earth was spinning all around me. It was very scary. I will not take it again.

complete fatigue and exhaustion, couldn't stay awake, dry mouth, hurt all over--muscle and body pain, supposedly non-drowsy!!!

Son was taking for allergies. Doctor switched from Zyrtec to this. Well he started vomiting in the middle of the night. Would not eat like he normally would. Woke up around 1am to around 3am either throwing up or just restless. Has a very bad temper mood swing and just all around angry. And he is usually so sweet. He hasn't had the same energy level as he usually does either. Why would doctors prescribe this to anyone but a child at that!? Never again. We will deal with allergies in a Different manner.

Do not take this child or adult.

I took this two days. Only 10 mg. I started having severe tremors. I was extremely cold. My heart was racing. Went to the ER. They released me and said I was having a bad reaction to Claritin. The excruciating pains came in the next week and still had tremors off and on. Arms and legs felt extremely heavy any weak with tremors still coming and going. Insomnia and neck pain. It's been 15 days and I'm feeling better but still some body pains, some insomnia (not as bad), arms still have some pain (feel swollen) and my heart has calmed down but not quite back to normal. Has it taken anyone else this long to get over it?

Anxiety, insomnia, fever, muscle pains, sweating

I hate this stuff. Awful side affects. I have to was so scary I spent a lot of time in prayer. Sweet Jesus got me through it in two days. I am now back to normal. Without him I would still be in the awful place I was in after taking it.

One of the worst feelings that I've ever had in my life My heart won't stop pounding my head hurts my throat hurts my arms hurt it's hard to get sleep it's hard to concentrate im very nauseous

I'm working on day three of not taking it and wondering how much longer I've got to feel this way

This stuff is poison... I began taking this alongside Flonase, and nighttime Mucinex pm as my allergies and sinus pain hit me like a ton of bricks in mid April.Continued taking this garbage for a month, as it collectively seemed to keep my symptoms mostly at bay for a bit.Until it didn't... and I felt like it was making me way more brain-foggy, depressed and irritable than I've ever felt. Anxiety went up a lot as well. Just generally feeling like I'm numb and muted, and I've been off of this poison combo for about a week now and I still feel like blehhhh.I've recently signed up for Curex, a natural immunotherapy company that offers a spray that you take for about a year that will (fingers crossed) cure my allergies naturally by this time next year.Stop taking this poison crap from big pharma. I feel like a zombie from this stuff and I regret not trying the natural route way sooner.

Insomnia, severe headache, diarrhea.

Will never take this again! Stopped taking for a few days and side effects went away, tried it again and headache and diarrhea, and insomnia, returned.

Just putting two and two together for two months my normal 4 year old started acting extremely angry, rude, out of control, screaming, hitting, slamming doors, stomping not caring about time outs/privileges being taken away. He lost his appetite never wants to eat. It has been heartbreaking to watch!! I am stopping this medication immediately!! This site has proven my beliefs that it's the cause! I can't believe they sell this for children if this is what seems to be consistently happening!

panic attack in the middle of the night, and felt anxious the rest of that day

Anxious. Waking thru nite. Weak feelings, headaches,

Extreme fatigueMuscle atrophy in legs

Prior to taking Claritin my son had some slight or what I would consider common anxiety (first day of school, will he be picked for a sports team). Within 24 hours of his first dose he started experiencing sever anxiety, then shortly after paranoia. He stopped eating solid foods because he couldn't make his brain stop telling him he was going to choke and he was afraid to die which went on for days, having just attended a funeral I thought his anxiety issues were stemming from him dealing with a funeral at his young age. His behavior continued to worsen along with his anxiety though and just didn't seem possible all from a funeral of someone he didn't know very well. Ultimately on the last day he took Claritin he started inducing vomiting, which he said he did, because his brain told him to do it and he needed "control" and he "didn't know how to make his brain stop making him do it". Thankfully after that last episode I did a google search and found all these reviews and discontinued the medication.I was seeking out therapist for my son and taking him to drs thinking he was having a psychotic breakdown. not knowing all I needed to do was stop giving him allergy meds. Side note they did work really well on his constant runny nose.About 24 hours after taking the last dose, and just as quickly as they started his s

Parents with slightly anxious kids beware!

Took 1 10mg dose about 5pm after my Dr. suggested it at my appointment that day. About a half hour later, had a pretty bad headache. Had to take 400mg of Motrin. Started to feel drowsy and dizzy later in the night. Went to sleep at my normal time about 2am. SLEPT UNTIL 2 THE NEXT DAY!!!!! Woke up feeling VERY hungover, dizzy, nauseous, drowsy and had HORRIBLE brain fog. Had to take an anti-nausea pill. Went back to sleep until 4:30pm. It is now 7:30 the next day and I’m still nauseous, my head feels weird, I still have a slight headache and I’m anxious. I hope I feel better tomorrow because I don’t feel well AT ALL!!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

I took the regular Claritin(Loratadine). NOT the Claritin-D(Loratadine Pseudoephendrine).

One of the worst drugs of all time. Caused severe side effects like suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety

Felt like throat was swelling. Weird headache that runs from from neck to top of head - which has a strange feeling, palpitations, sore chest, crawling under the skin. Presented to ER had CT Scans and MRI which were clear- didn't take Claritin again till today and bang symptoms are back never suspected Claritin

Be very careful- I would not have suspected this reaction

Seasonal Allergies, Post nasal drip

Gave 1 dose to my 9 year old son (two 5 mg chewable tabs) and my son had a horrible reaction! This medicine literally made him extremely lethargic to the point he would fall asleep immediately upon sitting down and cry when he stood up because he “just wanted to lie down”. After about 10 hours, he threw up twice and he completely lost his appetite for the day. I had to force him to drink fluids through his limited waking hours to stay hydrated. Never ever ever again.

This is our first time trying this allergy medicine (we usually use nasal spray) & we honestly started to take him to the doctor until I found this post and realized it's more common than not for reactions like his to affect kids.

After 3rd day vision became blurry. Then dizziness. Went to ER and determined it was the medication. Stopped for few days and started only 10mg per day. After 4 days dizziness and blurry vision started again. I am sensitive to meds but this is so scary. No other symptoms as yet.

Side Effects forclaritin (loratadine) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

First dose 10/30/2020 was uneventful. Second dose taken 03/30/2021.

Immediately notice the anxiety controlled. My rational mind could step forward. 3rd month feeling jittery, and dizzy, not sure if it is something else or this. On 10mg. No depression, feel great!!

GI Upset with occasional cramping, diarrhea, nausea without vomiting. Musculoskeletal effects include joint ache, muscle soreness, muscle fatigue and increased soreness after muscle exertion. Tendency to develop tendonitis and ligamentous discomfort in the fingers, toes, wrists, and ankles (tendons especially). Occasional spaced out feeling with visual blurring, light sensitivity, easy eye fatigue. Vertigo symptoms will develop with some medications and especially with concomitant use of alcohol. I have noticed increased irritability and behavioral changes while on a higher dosing of valtrex.

constipation,didn't help my pain

After 3 days of taking Clindamycin HCL 300 MG three times a day my joints and arm muscles are killing me. I feel like I have a Lyme disease. Besides this, I started having chest pain in the heart region.I stopped taking Clindamycin for a day and pain in joints and arms muscles started going away.I repeated this couple of times and each time my pain slowly over one day was milder.I reduced dosage to two times a day and side effect is still there but not as sever.Hope my tooth infection will be gone with only two capsules per day.

very bad headaches, dizzy, loss of balance, very red weeping wound at sight of use. Very bad vomiting. Ended up with brain cancer from having very bad reaction to aldara. Everyone should be VERY wary about using this drug.

Severe bowel pain, palpitations. Ended up in emergency. High white cell count. Also got mouth ulcers.. Had the vaccine 6/12/23. Now 28/3/24 still feeling tired and unwell. Having a review with my intergrative doctor soon. Before the jab I was feeling very well.

Taken during meals in the evening.I ate probiotic yogourt twice daily and drank lots of water.Began to feel better within 24 hours of starting and every day thereafter.I found some of the comments here to be very alarming and was somewhat aprehensive about taking Biaxin.I believe the yogourt and water helped immensely in keeping most of my systems up and running during Biaxin's bacteria massacre.

dry skin, yucky taste in mouth, a bit of irritability (but this might be good because sometimes I am too nice to people when I should be standing up for myself!), some depression, some clenched teeth

I had been prescribed various statins, and all of themproved horrific, making me feel decades older.I demanded something different and my previously very highcholersterallevels are now normal.