Claritin reditabs (loratadine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Claritin reditabs (loratadine)

I took Claritin Reditabs for general allergies and allergic arm rash. Little did I know it was the Claritin causing the rash!!! I'm stoping this medication immediately.

I'm unsure if I'm allergic to Loratidine or one of the ingredients in the Reditab version of this medication.

Hard to tell. It gets rid of my vertigo but I noticed I get headaches and have had rapid heart rate with no explanation.

This was recommended for Benign positional vertigo by my ear nose and throat Dr.

I can't tell if I experienced any side effects, as I have multiple conditions & take several different medications.

Reditabs stop sneezing, runny nose & watery eyes, as advertised, but my allergies cause fatigue & body aches, and white these are helped by taking the pill form of Claritin, reditabs don't address this.

Insomnia, tired, anxiety,dried mouth,terrible headache.

Not taking this again.not recommended.

None! I love Claritin! I get hives when I have a fever or if I am warm (in Texas that's a lot). I have tried ALL allergy drugs and nothing worked as well as Claritin. I take it as needed, like if I will be at the beach or even when I am bundled up in the winter. Takes care of the hives in about an hour. Only side effect I have ever noticed is hangovers are little worse. But that's behind me. ;)

Sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes

Very, very tired and cold. Still had the runny nose. My eyes would burn at times. Insomnia. Only lasted a few hours and not 12. Wouldn't take it again!!

headaches and very tired. Anxiety

I will not continue to take this drug. I can hardly function, I just want to sleep

severe migraine like headaches.. including light and sound sensitivity

If you are taking this medicine to clear up your allergies, keep an eye out on it because it caused severe migraine like headaches for me. I will never take this again!

very effective. convenient to take without water. no issues whatever.

They do nothing for my allergies and make my face and jaw hurt.

I wanted to try them for a week and see what happened, but will be throwing them away. Kind of cool pill form…wish more would do that as they are nice to keep in the car.

ears stuffed; "out of it" feeling; tired; alternating sweating/chills

Have only taken two days: yesterday @ 2pm and today @ 11am. After reading on this site, I am already sorry I took today's dose and hour and a half ago as my ears feel stuffed almost shut and I feel zombie like. NOT good for anyone having to drive or work a demanding job. I'm drinking a lot of water hoping to get this out of my system sooner. Of note, I take NO OTHER meds, and haven't for years, I exercise daily in a gym and usually feel very healthy. Sorry I started this drug and won't continue.

Cannot sleep despite being exhausted all day. Easily aggrivated, and find it difficult to concentrate.

The first day, it hardly worked at all. After the first day my allergies seemed to be almost completely gone. I'm not sure what I'd rather deal with, my horrible allergies, constant sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes or the side effects of the drug. Either way I cannot get any work done and am miserable.

Very drowsy during the day, anxious at night, insomnia, hot flashes

Actually taking Alavert version, but it's the same active ingredient. For the last few years, I've had no trouble at all.This season, though, it just hasn't been helping that much. With the side-effects keeping me up at night, I'm taking benadryl to sleep! I think I'll just stick with that and keep on being tired during the day.I was ready to blame my bc for the anxiety and hot flashes before reading these!

anxiety, itchy eyes, dizziness, apathy, shakiness, depression

Absolutely terrible side effects. It took me so long to realize that claritin was the problem. Shouldn't be allowed.

monster head aches, dried out mucus membranes... yuck

Allergy symptoms-sniffles,sneezing

Dizziness, symptoms came back after a couple of hours

I was expecting better resutls, I started getting headaches which added to the dizziness, did not make me feel any better

Edgy, obsessive, slightly paranoid. Required little sleep. Very sad sometimes.

Not significantly different than other psuedophredrine type medications. The effects were more subtle and built up over time. I was only taking half a pill a day.

My son had hyperactivity, extremely aggressive behavior, sleeping problems.

My pediatrician recommended this medicine for my 3 year old son. The doctor didn't seem to have a problem giving my son the 10mg dose but children his age shouldn't take an adult dose. My son had a terrible experience with this. He threw things at us, hit, kicked and slapped us. He was Dr. Jeckyl, Mr. Hyde with this crap. Would never give to a child again. We were at the point we were going to get him "evaluated" when we realized that the Claritin was the problem. Thank God we did, he's a different child now.

homicidal tendancies, unable to sleep, bedwetting, lack of interest in the opposite sex, made me want to spend all my time in the kitchen making aioli.

Side Effects forclaritin reditabs (loratadine) - User Comments


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This has been the ONLY medication that has been able to help me be able to halfway function. Without it I am almost bedridden.

Really heavy periods, bruising

The last 3 times I've taking this I get a horrible red oval on my index finger that has an itch that cannot be comforted. I thought it was a coincidence the last 2 times. So this 3rd time I reminded myself and sure enough I woke up in pain from it just like the last time. From Only a finger hive? Yes!

Irregular Periods & Heavy Bleeding

I believe the med has helped the eczema symptoms, but the side effects are not worth the relief. I have noticed increased irritability and moodiness in my 6 year old daughter. It seems to be worse in the morning and evening. She seems fine at school, but with her sisters she is looking for a fight. She is the baby of the family and somewhat spoiled. This is still not normal behavior. We are stopping the med tonight. I hope we see results soon. If not, let the punishment begin!

This medicine is the worst I have ever taken!!! I got so sick from it that I stopped using on day 5 of 7 day dose. It's now been 2 days and I'm still feeling the side affects. I can't sleep, horrible nightmares, cotton mouth, muscle ache, stomache, diarrhea, depression, no energy, shakes, empty blah feeling... This is seriously scareing the hell out of me :(

My doctor perscribed Nortriptilyne when my insurance stopped covering Topomax. So far only 1 migrane and getting more energy can't wait to see if it helps with all the mucsle pain which my doc thinks are due to stress. (4 teenagers worth)

stops flatulence quickly, causes some diarrhoea. I take it when needed.

I started taking .5 3 x a day for tight muscles and anxiety. Also have taken it for migraines, stomach problems and sleep. Fantastic medication and would net be without it. I have used it for so many purposes. It is a miracle drug.

I started with a BP of 186/110. Dr put me on 10mg to start with. BP dropped to 120/80. Dr reduced dosage to 5mg & BP stabilised at 128/80. After 2 months the a pain appeared in my left foot - just like being hit by a hammer. Worse when there's bad weather coming. Completely stopped me from walking without walking sticks.