Allegra d 24 hour (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Allegra d 24 hour (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Panic attacks, full feeling in head, chest and back tightness. Horrible. Never again.

Heart rate when up to 108-110 bpm almost as if I was working out or something. Dry mouth, Felt anxious at times

I'm new to taking allergy medications so this one was okay... however I hear a lot of people trying Zyrtec so I'll give that a go.

dizziness, eye straining, huge headaches, severe insomnia, weakness in body. I literally feel like I'm dying

My doctor prescribed this in hopes it will help alleviate my chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction and boy did this not work. My ETD felt WORSE taking this than without it!!

Extreme dizziness, vertigo, nausea, loss of appetite, tremors, stomach pain/indigestion, sensitivity to sound, very mild ache in left ear, very mild headache, fatigue, dry mouth, smelly urine

This stuff really does its job (a job that Claritin and regular Allegra just can't do) but boy howdy, I don't really know if it's worth it. I have severe nasal allergies (North Texas is NOT where anyone with ragweed allergies should ever live) and I constantly feel like I have the flu because of them. The congestion means I can't breathe properly, I lose sleep, the post-nasal drip gives me a bad cough that in-turn gives me a scratchy or even sore throat, it's just the works! However, a few hours after taking the Allegra D 24 hour the dizziness hit me so bad I couldn't bend more than a couple inches without nearly passing out. That of course was followed by some powerful nausea that had me sprawled out on my kitchen floor while I waited for my eggs to boil cause there wasn't a position I get myself in standing that didn't make me feel like I was about to reunite with my lunch at the wrong end of the tunnel. I'd say, use this only if your allergies are so bad that you truly and sincerely can no longer function as a living, breathing human being. Otherwise, try and stick with the regular stuff and maybe get one of those fancy water mist humidifiers.

Shakiness, headache, racing heart, lightheadedness, weak feeling in arms and legs, dry mouth.

Took one dose yesterday afternoon and about 2 hours later I started feeling shaky, jittery, my heart started racing and my arns and legs felt like rubber.... Today the main complaints are a bad headache as well as still feeling a little shaky and my head is foggy. Wasn't sure what was going on until I searched online and found that all my issues are considered common side effects of the Pseudoephedrine component of this type of Allegra. I'm going back to using regular Allegra for my allergies because it doesn't affect me like this. Doctor told me my sypmtoms could last the whole 24 hours or even longer, and the only thing I can do is ride it out.

Insomnia, Throbbing headache, back pain

It helps so much that I didn't even notice any side effects (well besides the insomnia) until I tried to connect the dots on a super bad headache I got quite a few times on the left side of my head. Could be withdrawal?

Nausea all day and night. Allegra is not for me.

Anxiety, heart palpitations, shaking, loss of appetite, dizziness, foggy.

Have had terrible sinus issues since a child. Claritin and all other medications never work. The decongestant seems to make a big difference for me. I could finally breathe and sleep but up at 1am every night unable to go back to sleep. Period is now 3 days late and we are trying to conceive. Pregnancy tests are negative and have no idea when period will return.

Rapid heartbeat, insomnia, loss of appetite, bloated, irritable. High blood sugar, Very anxious.It is the only thing that keeps my allergies and most importantly my sinus headaches which are very severe, at bay. Regular Allegra (no 'D')does not work for me. Unfortunately I must stop taking it as 2 months of insomnia is really having an adverse effect on my state of mind and my general state of physical well being. For me the longer I take it the worst the side effect have gotten. I'm stopping for it a while. Maybe try again later.

2 hours after taking it I got the shakes and jitters. I felt dizzy, nauseous and lost appetite. Mouth is extremely dry.

Beware before you take this! I will go back to regular Allegra. Never taking Allegra D AGAIN!

Headache, stomach pain, anxiety, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, in a fog,

Seasonal allergies (hay fever)

Slight irritability, more so as it wears off at the end of the 24-hours.

Excitability if i do not avoid caffeine also. No side effects as reported by other people. it can raise blood pressure if taken longterm. It helps to go off and on this medicine for a few weeks. off 2 weeks in intervals between when its most needed. I go off it for entire seasons when it's not needed and it still works once it is initiated again.

Safe and more effective than Zyrtec or Claritin. Non drowsy with or without the decongestant formula.

congestion runny nose and drainage

Really helped my congestion but I noticed after 2-3 days I developed a slight pain around my right kidney which worsened for the next few days. I discontinued the drug on day 7 when I saw another person had the same problem. Its been 3 days now since I stopped taking it and pain is still there. I saw someone else posted that it takes a week to leave your system so maybe it'll stop soon. Had a urine test today that showed no infection.

I normally take things with a grain of salt, I don't get anxious very often. A day after taking the first dose, I felt Stessed and Anxious for no reason. I couldn't shake it. I still had allergies and now this horrible side effect. After 3 days of taking the medication, I looked up the side effects and realized Anxiety was listed, I stopped taking it. After a week of feeling extreme anxiety all day and night, I started thinking maybe it wasn't the medication, bc it should be out of my system by now. It was really effecting my life. I had a discussion with my husband and we had decided that I would call my doctor and talk about getting on anti-anxiety medication. After a week and a half from the last day I took Allegra, I started feeling a lot better, more like myself. I looked up how long Allegra can stay in your system and found that it can remain in your system for over a week. Thank goodness I thought to look that up. This medication may work for some without side effects, but if you start feeling anything out of the normal for you, stop taking it, look up side effects and how long it remains in your system.

Eustachian tube,chronic rhinitis

More stuffy feeling, sleeplessness, nausea, headache, bloated, loss of appetite but weight gain!

, yep you heard it right. Last year I took allegra and I didn't have any side effects and it worked great! This year I took zyrtec for a while and then realized I had stopped taking it last year because it didn't work. I took Zyrtec from age 6-13 from serum, to pill, when it was prescription to over the counter pills and it started to lose lots of the effect it used to have. I then started taking allegra and it was a miracle to me. My allergies were the best they had been since I'd really developed them. Started taking Zyrtec this year then discovered it didn't work so I took an emergency run to wal-mart last night to pick up some allegra and took it last night. last night's dream was fine, in fact I didn't even have one but i took a nap at around 11-11:30ish and slept very very lightly and had a strange dream that I almost controlled but was twisted a bit by my brain. it was rather odd as the subject changed many times, and I was insane in pretty much all of it. it was actually rather entertaining and I'll have a great load of fun telliing it to my friends lol. this isn't really a bothering side effect for me but some may have nightmares rather than just strange dreams, which may be disruptive or disturbing.

Absolutely no side effects that I am aware of

I used to get shots,then eventually allegra twice daily and finally Allegra D 24 hrs.When I think ,how I used to suffer with the itchy eyes,headaches,running nose,even while sleeping...I have been thrilled with this medication !!If the spring season is worse on rare occasion days ,I take 1/2 of a 25mg Benadryl tablet, with good results.So glad it is an OTC med now, as it is less expensive for me,and I can buy it ahead of time during sales and using coupons. I recommend it! Patti

insomnia, loss of appetite, some dry mouth/dehydration, feel little nauseous/lethargic for a short bit right after taking.

Been taking for 2 or 3 years and it sorta takes the edge off for me. I still have pressure in my head and bad nasal drainage. However, it keeps my eyes from itching and my mouth/lips from breaking out and itching.

Side Effects forallegra d 24 hour (fexofenadine hydrochloride; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I think MTX gets a bad rap. Never had a problem with this drug; been taking it since 2007. Along with Enbrel injections and folic acid to reduce (in my case, eliminate) any side effects, my RA is effectively controlled.

Induce period - trying to conceive

I thought I would have to go to the ER. I agree with other posters - I used this product many years ago and had no such reaction. I strongly believe the formula must have changed.

I only have to take one shot a month. Thats equivalent to 30 or more pills a month. There talking about delivering the medicince through an inhaler. I don't think it's in testing for Sustenna, but I read articles about Consta being distributed through inhaling the medicine versus injecting into your arm. The side effects are not fun for the medicine and I hope to not take it much longer. After taking this medicine, there sometimes feels like there is no alternative. The injections are sometimes sacry, but i'm use to them from being on Consta. I some times feel desperate and alone because this drug takes away all your feel good emotions.

i have actually just taken effexor and stopped about six months ago and am no longer on it thank god but i am now trying to come off of what has turned out to be a very very close cousin that is just about identical to the experience i had with effexor. therefore this is really about them both. CYMBALTA. i'm coming off of it now because this is a nightmare again just like i was afraid of. just like effexor. and its just getting worse. pharmacutical companies are pushing doctors and don't seem to know their own product. this is aa vicious cycle that i dont think will ever stop i'm in college and this is ruining this semester! I've had pretty much every side effect on that horrible list. The worst being very rapid hair loss. i'm 21 not 50! I love my hair more then anything. It was long thick and really curly and now i have to try to hide the thinning and cover up looking like i'm going bald, which i guess i am. ...i don't know what to do...BRAIN SHIVERS! can't really explain to

I took propecia and after a couple of months I got really depressed, it was really weird because I was never this sad in my entire life. I never though of propecia at that time and though it was just stress. I had my first panic attack! Anyway it did work because I use to feel that my scalp feels numb and it did stop my hairloss. However I would rather not have hair that to undergo all the mood swings. Also my blood pressure went up, so i'm off the drug for more than a week now and i'll see how i will be in the next few months.

My hair began to fall out like crazy and had to stop taking it.

Insomnia, depression, anxiety, tremor, facial rash, fatigue.

I tried macrobid and it caused me to throw up and have terrible chest pains. My doctor switched me to Cipro and I was so scared to take it after reading these comments. Other than mild tingling that went away quickly, I had no side effects and it cured my UTI within the first day of a five day dosage.

I have been taking Victoza for 3 years. Right away I experienced a big reduction in hunger, and could only eat small portions of food. It lowered my blood sugar within a week and keeps it stable. I did feel fatigue and nausea that never goes away. Nausea is helped only when taking anti-nausea meds. Fatigue is strong and I am always exhausted. I had to stop it for a few days due to a flu, and the nausea and fatigue went away within 2 days, and came back within a day of re-starting it. I lost 30 pounds in the first year and then have been at the same weight, even though I eat way less than I did before Victoza. About a year and a half in, my gall bladder went bad and had to be removed. Now I am at the 3 year mark, and feeling pain in the gall bladder area, along with increased sweating, nausea, and vomiting every few days for the last month. I suspect I am having pancreas problems, probably from the Victoza. Am going to my GI dr next week to get checked out. It did help for a while, but I am planning to change to something else, because I suspect if I don’t, I will have pancreas trouble. So I am 50/50 on recommending this med. It did help with weight loss and stabilizing blood sugar, but the nausea, fatigue, and gall bladder removal are harsh side effects.