Alfuzosin hydrochloride (alfuzosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alfuzosin hydrochloride (alfuzosin hydrochloride)

Helps with urination. I had stomach problems with Rapaflo and Flomax but Alfuzosin looks harmless so far.

Took Rapaflo 8mg for about a year, insurance stopped covering it and offered several generic alternatives. Switched to Alfuzosin 10mg, headache and fatigue after first dose, gone by second day. No dry orgasm as experienced with Rapaflo. No other side effects. Just as effective with reducing urinary symptoms as Rapaflo. Happy with this drug so far.

Side Effects foralfuzosin hydrochloride (alfuzosin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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1st dose: Had very minor sore arm for 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine, no other side effects.2nd dose: 12 hours after the second dose was achey, but no fever. This lasted about 10 hours, then I fell into a deep sleep for 2 hours and woke up perfectly fine. So, for me the side effects were minimal and short term. Surprising actually because I'm generally sensitive.

I took 25mg two hours before bedtime, as directed. On the second morning I woke up to painful little blisters on my gums & horrible heartburn. I never took another dose, on the advice of a nurse, the blisters disappeared, but the heartburn lasted for more than a week. Very disappointed as I was hoping for some relief from depression.

Barely sleep at night, hot sweats day and night, depression, anger and headaches.

When I disregarded the instructions or took more than 1 a night, I would sleepwalk, have memory loss, eat excessively, and would often have strange dreams.

This medicine definitely lowered my pressure from scary 160/120 to 110/73. My two problems were the weight gain and the stiff muscles. I workout a lot and it's hard to breath and move with a tight chest and poor circulation. Instead of maintain my healthy weight, I gained 25 pounds with this medicine and my diet has always been great. Not good....

Sent me to the E.R. horrible, horrible drug

red,itchy,painful rash both arms 1and half hours after taking500 mg Niaspan. Also had taken 325 mg ASA tablet.(had been offASA for 2 wks because of abdominal bleeding * had just resumed it)

Short bowel after Crohns surgery

When taken daily my blood pressure seems to stay under control.

Exhaustion, cramping, pain and numbness in legs, shortness of breath, low sex drive, emotionally off, lightheadedness, vomiting, lack of patience, constant bleeding/spotting.I am still using the nuvaring as everyone had told me the first month is the worst, but if things don't start to improve I will take it out. I started spotting for my last cycle on April 22, and inserted the ring on the 24th. Things have been up and down since then with all the symptoms, but the most frustrating part is that I haven't stopped bleeding. I have been bleeding or spotting everyday since I put the ring in, and now I have been developing cramps. I am suppose to take it out this Thursday to have a period, but I have already been bleeding for 23 days. I feel drained mostly, and my lack of sex drive makes things difficult for my husband, and I just don't enjoy sex anymore. I have also noticed some hair loss, and if I work out at the gym or go for a jog i feel horrible during or after. And my alcohol tolerance had almost diminished. I will give it until I insert the new ring. But if things get worse or I don't stop bleeding, it's coming out for good.