Alavert (loratadine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Alavert (loratadine)

I was prescribed this medication for sinus/ear congestion. Upon taking it I felt anxious, jittery, and despite it causing drowsiness, I was unable to sleep due to palpitations in my chest. I’ve never had this experience before with any other medication.

When I taked this medicine, I felt a little dizzy.

allergies (cats, dust, ragweed)

I feel great when taking Alavert. No exhaustion, nightmares, irritability, or weird dry/thick congestion feeling. Will never go back to other antihistimine again.

Side Effects foralavert (loratadine) - User Comments


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I started taking it daily and then every other day and then every third day. This is strong medicince and it's effects will last several days. Yesterday, I started breaking out in hives, so I can no longer take it. I will stick to Tums/maalox and diet changes for now. It really did help with the stomach acid though.

I was making several trips to the bathroom night time, feeling that my bladder does not empty the urine fully.I was also dribbling in my pants. My PSA is 0.38 ng/ml and my Urologist did endoscopy and said my prostate looks normal but because I use the bathroom 4-6 times at night, Flomax might reduce this issue. The only side effect he mentioned was slight dizzyness and NOTHING ELSE.Flomax surely has helped a great deal with my urinary problem but after reading everyones comments, I am not sure if I like to exchange one problem for another. I wonder if there is/are any natural medicine for prostate related problems. Finally, I decided to take the medication every other day to see if I can control the side effects better. I will write back if I get good results. I will try Flomax for a week and then decide whether I will continue with this medicine.Besides, the bottle shall list the side effects.

Major weight gain in the first 3 months, I went from 120 to 145. I have since been on this pill for 2 years and 3 months with no problems, and I've managed to take and keep most of the weight off. My emotions were crazy for the first 6 months, but everything regulated itself and I feel more like me again.

pinch nerve in neck n shoulder pain

I absolutely feel horrible, feel like I am going crazy because no one believes Iam having these symptoms. They keep telling me I have aniexty disorder. Guess I do now after taking this medication. I stopped taking it abrubtly how long does these symptoms last? Off of it for 5 days.

Go to this website you even think about touching it or already are takeing it

Initially a bit tired (lasted about a week). Harder to achieve an orgasm.

My side effects while taking the drug AND

I get extremely dizzy when I stand up. Neasuated, exhausted all the time. Sleep 16 hrs a day. Can't work like this. Does the exhaustion go away. Was on 60 mg two months now 120 for a week so.far. helps my pain..I haven't noticed it help my depression yet. Had a mental breakdown a month ago.

Since conception of second child (2 years ago) my dosage has gone from .025 to .150. I am feeling rotten, yet again. Just had bloodwork done yesterday. Feeling fatigue, depression, fat tongue, dry skin, bloated abdomen.