Uloric (febuxostat) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Uloric (febuxostat)

First months was ok. I was happy as it made my level frm 10 to 4.8 but on 6th month im having flares again, muscle pain, palpitations and low energy. Too bad.

You can try. But found out the long term effect was having stroke like symptoms?

Anhedonia, depression (?), indecisiveness, fatigue, memory problems

I gave this medicine a second try after it was blatantly obvious that it had very serious negative side effects for me. From the first few days I noticed this medicine took away any and all motivation I had left. I had been going to the gym everyday for months, I felt alive and had energy and motivation to do what I wanted to do after discontinuing allopurinol. Allopurinol, at 300mg daily, had been making me super sleepy and the brain fog it gave me was intense. By chance I discovered allopurinol was doing this to me, trust me when I say it was hard to realize it was the medicines bad side effects when you’re always half asleep. My doctor put me on 80 mg uloric once a day and almost immediately the side effects kicked in, only worse this time. Uloric didn’t make me sleepy after the first couple of weeks but it did something far worse. Uloric stole the pleasure out of everything I enjoyed in life. It took my motivation and has kept me in a depressed state even after discontinuing use. I went from being super productive, energetic, happy, gym rat to just a hollow shell of myself. I’ve gained 40 lbs, can’t get myself out of bed except for work, I’m miserable everyday, zero motivation to do anything. I’m currently searching for a new doctor to help me with my high uric acid but I’m not sure what the solution will be to give me back all that uloric has taken away.

This drug causes many of the same side effects I was experiencing with allopurinol, making it a no go for me.While taking uloric for the past week i’ve Experienced extreme fatigue, brain fog, drowsiness and aches all over my body. I’m 37, very fit and active. Uloric has zapped all of my energy and all I want to do/feel motivated to do is stay in bed all day.There has to be a better alternative.

I haven’t tested my Uric acid after starting Uloric and don’t believe I’ll be able to. I’m not convinced accepting the side effects I experience is a healthy trade off to the benefits this drug “might” provide.

uric acid 9.9 after Uloric 2.7 three week later....very good results

arm pain, shingles, distended stomach, sore pimples on pubic area, terrible painful, thinning hair

Elevated serum triglycerides about 6 months after being on Uloric. Recently diagnosed with a fatty liver (hepatic steatosis). These side effects are listed. Need to have my liver enzymes checked.

Have had absolutely no gout flares while on this drug. I asked the doctor if I could take Uloric every other day. She wants to see if my uric acid level stays below 6 after 30 days. My UA has stayed around 4.5. Too bad about the liver issues. If they don't resolve, I'll have to stop taking Uloric. Allopurinol raised my liver enzymes. Probenecid was ineffective. Am not looking forward to gout flares.

Severe nighttime incontinence.

Medication worked great as far as lowing the uric acid levels but the incontinence was unbearable.

Though I had just one gout attack about 4 years ago, my uric acid levels in the last three years have run between 7.8and 10.5. I had been taking Allopurinol with iffy results. Immediately after starting Uloric I experienced systemic arthritic pain, both shoulders, hands, wrists, both hips, left knee, and the pain increased daily. I contacted my physician's office and got the okay to discontinue use. After three weeks off this medication I am still experiencing strong pain, though nothing that resembles an actual gout attack. I have CHF and have also experienced an increase in chest pain. This is not a good medication for me.

I changed my rheumatologist because I felt my gout was not adequately controlled, especially when I started developing tophi on my hands. My new Dr. put me on Uloric. After 3 days of taking Uloric my uric acid was 3.2. 18 days after that, it was down to 2.9. My uric acid tends to run above 10. Even probenecid was not having an effect. I couldn't take allopurinol because it raised my liver enzymes. I also notice that it appears the size of some my tophi are diminishing. Overall I'm content with the fast improvement.

During the two and a half months I took this drug, I had more gout attacks (5) than ever before. Before using this drug, I might have had a gout attack every two months at the most. I used my colchicine to combat the attacks, but then, thats what I did before so I stopped taking it. I'm going to try something else.

Lowered my UA from 9.1 to 4.4 in 2 weeks. 40 mg/day. Allopurinol is cheaper and been around longer- works great for most people; I happened to be allergic to it. If you need help with gout, go to gout-pal.com. they are not selling anything just a forum of fellow gout sufferers with outstanding advice.

ULORIC (FEBUXOSTAT): Febuxostat is used to lower uric acid levels in people with gout. Febuxostat works by reducing the amount of uric acid made by the body. Increased uric acid levels can cause gout. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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the implant has worked as far as endo pain has gone and heavy bleeding and periods have stopped. Hot flushes and most side effects happened with 1st implant but felt relatively well until the 4th implant when migraines and nausea started and all side effects intensified. I've been having days in bed because of migraines making it hard to function.

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I am 47 and decided on depo provera last year since I previously had breast cancer and most forms of birth control not an option for me. Depo has no estrogen so I decided to try it on my physician's recommendation. Had continuous brown spotting for the first 3 months on it which was extremely annoying, but after that, no side effects to speak of. I originally weighed 113 lbs when I started the depo, and after a year and a half weigh 117 lbs so not really sure that my slight weight gain is a direct result of the shot. I really like the convenience of a shot every 3 months and have none of the numerous side effects most posters here have written about. I would highly recommend this as an effective, easy form of birth control.

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I had a stroke at the age of 29