Aloprim (allopurinol sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aloprim (allopurinol sodium)

Muscle aches, like shin spints, low grade fever every evening, gout better, but still sore bunion and all toes after 18 days, will discontinue use tomorrow, muscle aches and joint pain like taking statins.


Side Effects foraloprim (allopurinol sodium) - User Comments


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I started taking this 2 months ago for presumed gastritis.I am so glad I found this site! I have been to the ER twice, 2 Neurologist and a Cardiologist. Everyone says it anxiety.Well, I have anxiety/panic attacks, numbness/tingling EVERYWHERE, headaches, woozy, racing heart and panic attacks, blood pressure up(it's usually low). Told I might have had a mini stroke, but the symptoms never went away. I feel like I'm dying sometimes. I have been referred to a counselor for anxiety/panic attacks.

Legs feel like they are on fire, severe backache, aches and pains all over my body

Dr. had me take 800 mg. for the first day, then 400 mg./day for undermined time frame. Shortly after I take them (caps), I feel groggy, light headed and cannot drive. Note, that few drugs affect me and I had no idea this was a side effect. I am now taking them in the evening. I too crave sweets, but have actually lost 3 pounds in the first week. Bleeding has slowed down. Still too soon to judge the effects of this drug.

The first side effects I experienced were terrible foot pain which was diagnosed as plantar fasciitis (it got to the stage where it hurt when my feet touched the floor in the morning) and overwhelming fatigue (I would wake up exhausted after 10 hours sleep). Soon after, my ankle and knee joints became just as painful and I had to hobble up and down stairs like an old man (I was 41 years old at the time and had just moved into a new two storey home). Next up were weird symptoms such as visibly twitching thigh muscles and a strange sensation in my calf muscles which I could best describe as gurgling. My calf muscles also felt strangely warm at times. While all of that was going on I also began suffering from brain fog where I found I had serious problems in completing relatively simple tasks and became extremely fatigued when I was put in a position of having to think for long periods of time (which is basically what I've been paid to do for the last 10 or 15 years). There were times during the 3 or 4 months that the brain fog was at it's worst that I wondered how I managed to keep my job - it was that bad. Lastly (approximately 18 months after I stopped using Zocor) I now have occasional episodes of tingling fingers, hands and feet. When the foot and joint pain started I did quite a bit of research on statin drugs. Over the last few months I have had a number of cholesterol tests with the last one coming in at 7.3 (282 on the US scale) so my doctor has been trying to convince me to go back on Zocor which I was considering until I read this book by which has been like a breath of fresh air. Executive Summary: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFICALLY-PROVEN LINK BETWEEN HIGH CHOLESTEROL AND CORONARY HEART DISEASE. The author is a highly qualified and highly honoured doctor who has re-analysed much of the big diet/heart research completed since the 1950s and shown how biased and fundamentally flawed most (if not all) of it has been. I was extremely sceptical when I first read about his views and took each and every page of the book with the proverbial grain of salt - if he can convince this cynic then I think he can convince anybody. If you do just one thing to take control of your life after a bad experience with Zocor it should be to read this book.

My most significant "possible" side effect is drug-induced lupus, although very little data is presently available by the medical fraternity on this. I was referred to a rheumatologist by my primary care physician, as my most recent blood test (Histone AB panel) strongly indicated drug-induced lupus. The rheumatologist took me off Benicar as a first step to diagnose the cause, and the Histone AB blood panel will be checked again in two months to determine if indeed Benicar is the culprit.

Huge depression, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, shaking (even with some drug for Parkinson's disease side effects), no motivation, no creativity, no thinking, no confidence, NO NOTHING.

Well I'm Bipolar, but I for sure noticed that I have been way more depressed prior to taking this pill. I also have been having trouble sleeping at all, but whether that's due to the pill or my mental issue, I don't know. .

Violently heaved after 30mins of taking them!

Felt slightly dizzy once or twice, other than that no problem!

Severe abdo pain, chest pain, back pain, vomiting, had to go to go to bed. Thought I was going to die.