Allopurinol (allopurinol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Allopurinol (allopurinol)

My joints are hurting is this normal

Dry mouth, red oozing blisters on tips and sides of fingers and hands, skin became dry and started peeling on tops of fingers and along the sides of hands with red bloody small blisters

Fatigue, migraine, increased appetite

It lowered my uric acid from around 6 to around 4.5 the same day. I got less inflammtion in my legs, but the fatigue was too severe too handle. I´m not ready to live like this for a long time, Going to try fruit and vegetable diet instead.

Does not make gout go away. I had this flare for 6 weeks now and i also been taking. Neproxen(vimovo). I feel tired and dizzy after taking this drug and still not able to walk neproxen was helping with swelling and pain but trying to walk for an hour i came back with excruciating pain in my foot and joints. At times it feels like my other foot is slowly getting worst. Big worries about lossing my mobility. Changed diet prior to medication didnt seem to help much

Will go see chinese medicine doctor and try accupuncture and ancient herbs.

After 2.5 years of taking it I noticed hair loss, fever, extreme thirst, blurred vision, dry eyes, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, stuffy nose, ringing in ears and a strong metallic taste in the mouth. After 6 months these symptoms became progressively worse with hair dropping out.

Be wary of this drug as the side effects can come in so slowly that it's only when things are unbearable on many fronts do you realise it's the drug.

Dizziness, poor memory, tinnitus, pressure and pain inner ear and throat, slight depression, neck pain, chest pain requiring emergency room visit, tiredness, urine odor, mild gout flare up.

Took at night due to "out of it feeling and dizziness." Since taking allopurinol I've visit the doctor due to my ears and throat, and the emergency room due to chest pains. Both times I was prescribed more medication. Both said it is not likely caused by the allopurinol. However all of my symptoms are well documented side effects of allopurinol. Lowered the dose to 50mg, chest pain gone, went off it and ears are normal again within 2 days.The joints that had been attacked by gout in thee past never felt better and reduced in size. I could tell the allopurinol was reducing my uric acid level, so it does work. But can't handle the side effects.

Helped with the severe gout attacks however I have some vision problems, sore feet, fatigue and some muscle cramps.

None of the classic side effects

As I passed into my 50s (I'm now 69) attacks of gout in either my knee or ankle would turn me from a reasonably energetic person into a hobbling old man. Allopurinol stopped that within two weeks.

Generally nothing too bad. The main thing I've noticed is pins and needles and coldness in my fingers and toes which I have never had before. having read sone reviews here I have noted that my eyesight feels worse (more difficult to focus) and it as clear and my eyes feel heavier. No change in appetite. I suffered with what I thought was a knee or hamstring issue about 3 months in but it cleared up after a week so I feel it just be down to AP. Feel slightly more tired since taking but all the above are minor in comparison to the crippling gout I had.

Taken with colchicine initially as I had several gout flares up when taking AP initially as it releases the UA crystals into the blood stream

terrible medice, increased trips to the toilet, aching joints, lethargic, and the very worst of all lebido dropped of a cliff... am coming of it today...

terrible medice, increased trips to the toilet, aching joints, lethargic, and the very worst of all lebido dropped of a cliff... am coming of it today...

Had 2 very bad gout attacks and blood work confirmed high uric acid levels. The first year everything was fine no apparent side effects. Then things started happening. My libido fell dramatically. Chalked it up to getting older and shrugged it off. No gout attacks though which were a plus and uric acid levels were down. But now on year 3 and thi gs are haywire. My anxiety levels, frequency of severe headaches, and extreme fatigue and constant state of drowsiness is unbearable.

Yes it helped with my gout but at what cost to my overall well being. Might try reducing my dose or stopping altogether to see if my symptoms clear up over time.

Dry mouth; aches ; pains; severe cramps; insomnia; numbness in toes.

Horrified to learn of all those affected by this drug!!

Breast tenderness enhanced breast under nippleReduced testosterone nose stuffed up a lot

Did get rid swollen feet and gout but at what cost

Just a nightmare I've tried taking Allopurinol time and time again.I just can't tolerate it the side effects far outweigh the benefits.Headaches changes in personality gut problems fatigue my eyes were constantly twitching bad dreams bodily pains the list is endless.Maybe I'm one of the unlucky ones that can't tolerate it!

Physically active amateur athlete with very clean diet for past 20 years. Never had sore joints prior to use. No other side effects other than very sore hip, back joints, knuckle is hand and muscles. Fatigue as well. How in the wilds

Gout attacks becoming more frequent

muscle tics, loss of appetite, weakness in left arm, brain fog, libido ZAPPED! Stomach problems.

Within an hour of taking the first pill, my lip, left thumb and forearm started twitching. Left arm went numb, then day two saw the onset of the worst headache I’d ever had in my life. It lasted four days and I was sent home from work because I just couldn’t function. Haven’t been able to eat, and feel “detached” from where/what I’m doing? Brain is “fuzzy”My partner/colleagues have noticed a personality change in me too... within a week!Most worrying to me personally was the complete shutting down of my libido. Zapped, and feels numb! Not taking another tablet... I want the old me (from last week!) back! If I have a gout attack at least it’s “me” sitting there having it. Going to cut out inflammatory foods and stop triggering the attacks from there.One NASTY drug. Careful!

Started taking Allpurinol over 2 years ago and have had erectile dysfunction and low libido for the same amount of time. Even generic form of viagra wouldnt help the ED. Have seen research that AP CAN cause ED. Gonna stop taking AP. feel free to email me about my experience.

Allopurinol did stop my gout attacks but pretty sure it caused ED and zapped my libido

Lightheaded, chest pain, myalgias, blurred vision, drowsiness, decreased ability to focus

ALLOPURINOL (ALLOPURINOL): Allopurinol is used to treat gout and certain types of kidney stones. It is also used to prevent increased uric acid levels in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. These patients can have increased uric acid levels due to release of uric acid from the dying cancer cells. Allopurinol works by reducing the amount of uric acid made by the body. Increased uric acid levels can cause gout and kidney problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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PMDD, depression with luteal cycle.

The most disgusting tasting medicine ever. If you don't have to take this stuff don't. With that said however it does work. So far that is, was suppose to take for 14 days wimped out after 9. I hope the c diff does not come back. If it does will request a different antibotic. Good Luck

I have had every side effect. I didn't look it up until 3 days ago because I thought I was going Crazy. But from the first week I was dizzy lightheaded by the 3week well I almost ran my car in the house hit a truck. I have no balance. I cry shake and I have had all the side effects and I ever do. really racing thoughts..

I have a fairly consistent problem with nausea, but can't be certain it is from the Zocor although I believe that to be true.

My sinus problems have cleared up after 30 days use.

very foggy at times, bad nightmares, could not sleep alot of the time. What a nightmare!! I only have had 5-6 good days in the whole 2 months of taking it..

First shot 7/22/20. No sickness but sore, black and blue arm. Second shot 10/17/20, again at CVS. Dr. said the black and blue can come from hitting blood vessel and this time, he gave the shot all the way in the upper arm, more like the shoulder. So far, the day after, less arm pain, no black and blue and no sickness. Overall, very glad I got them (my doctor insisted and I've seen what Shingles can do) and I'm also glad I'm done. Will update this review if anything changes.

Some of the pain disapeared quite quickly but not all. Dying to finish the course. I would stop but don't want a relapse.

First of all, I've been on Provera since around 3/2006 for a few days here & there and was put on indefinately in 5/2006. Over this year, I noticed that I was VERY EXHAUSTED--sleeping nearly all day on Saturdays. Two weeks ago, I had uncontrollable crying--not even thinking that it could be because of the provera. I've had mood swings, depression (I think). I haven't had these things as a norm, so when it first started, I just thought it was something wrong with me, or because I was just pre-menapausal (which I am).I've been to my obgyn twice this year (have another follow-up on 12/18) and each time, he asks me if I've noticed mood swings or depression. At that time (June 2007), I hadn't noticed it.A friend recently mentioned it the past three months. I am going to ask my ob-gyn to either remove me from the provera or reduce the dosage. I take it once a month the first 10 days of the month. I take 5 mg (was 10 mg earlier this year, but he reduced it).I'd rather take my

You have to take too much to get wasted by then you have a stomach ache or feels like a cheep opiate high. Not worth it really.