Terazol 7 (terconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Terazol 7 (terconazole)

TERAZOL 7 (TERCONAZOLE): This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Terconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This is apparanetly a very strong drug being sold over the counter. I think it should be prescribed as its side effects can take your life, which is not mentioned on the label. Do not take without consulting your doctor first.

depression, depression, depression. The bad taste (I wondered why water tasted bad), and dreams that I thought were real on awakening, are nothing compared to the depression

Terrible nausea, bloating, gas and urge to vomit.

I have to take 7 to 9 pills a day to assure it will work, but it works well at that dose.

No side effects at all, took middle of the day

Brain zaps, anxiety, tremors, insomnia, felt horrible!

Aside from that, it's been all good. Improvement in my morale has been great, I feel like my old self again!

I have taken Sudafed for years due to chronic sinus allergies. It worked very well on my congestion. Recently had intestinal bleeding that required hospitalization. Diagnosed with ischemic colitis, very serious injury to colon, and was told Sudafed can contribute to this because it acts as a vasoconstrictor, making blood vessels tighten up. Ischemic colitis is a rare side effect, but wanted to post here as a caution to others. I'm in good health and never had problems with Sudafed before, never knew this could be a danger. Now, I can never take it again.

Getting off this medication was pure hell, I literally thought I was losing my mind. I had terrible mood swings, headaches, and felt at times that I was unable to sit still. I had to have something moving at all times. I had to tap my foot or swing my arms. It was like I had ants in my pants, that creepy crawly feeling all the time. I think I was more irrational trying to get off this medication that I was while on it full strength. Please if you are considering taking this medication, check out the side effects and read the hell that some of the people on this site have been through. My advice is to never take this medication unless you want to ruin every single thing in your life. I have relationships that can't be fixed, I lost everything I loved, my marriage, my son and grandson, my job, friendships and all self-respect that I ever had for myself. I almost killed myself on several occasions. The temptation to kill myself was so great that I had myself committed which was the worst thing I could have done. Three days in hell and I would not wish anyone to go through what they put me through in the psyc ward. It took 6 months to finally come off of this medication completely. I have been off of it for 3 months now but the damage to my family and everyone I loved has not been not been repaired. I do not know if my son will ever let me see my grandson again. Right now I have supervised visits with him but hopefully someday I can prove to my son that I am okay and not the cra

Aching pains, headache, and blurred vision.