Terazol 3 (terconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Terazol 3 (terconazole)

I had drink some alcohol the next day and had sex with my boyfriend now it feel like burning inside the vagina more like a lil rash

It's ok but I think I messed the treatment up

I had a stabbing vaginal pain and cramps. My doctor thinks I may be allergic, but sometimes pain is a symptom of yeast, so who knows.The first day I used it, I swear it was like a miracle drug. After the second dose the pain started, so my doctor said no more. The pain is starting to subside, so I think it was the Terazol 3. It also gave me chills and a general feeling of malaise. It got rid of the yeast though!

My Dr. had me use this a follow up while treating cervicitis/BV with cleocin (I did 2 rounds of the treatment). It can often cause yeast infections so this was used as a preventitive measure. He also did not recommend any of the OTC type of monistat products and thinks they are highly ineffective in treating yeast infections. Go to your Dr., get a proper diagnosis and treat with prescription products. Diflucan is also a very good drug for yeast infections.

Im not sure if it went away. But i had no burn, no itch! I think this stuff is great!!! I personally think it is way better than Monastat, which totally burns and itches.

my vagina still itched the entire time I used this medicine, and still itches though I am on the last day of using it. I noticed the longer I went without using it, the more the itch would subside so maybe the medicine itself makes you itchy down there. I really hope the yeast infection goes away.

monistat tore me apart... terazol is way better.

TERAZOL 3 (TERCONAZOLE): This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Terconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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