Sporanox (itraconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sporanox (itraconazole)

Today I started feeling dizzy, headache and my heart is beating rapidly.

Gave me anxiety and depression making me suicidal after taking 2 pills. Also stopped erections. Luckily I was already taking antidepressants so could quickly treat these symptoms.

Don’t take this drug, it’s too risky.

Week one was worst, no energy felt off hard to describe just not myself. Not sleeping as well. Nightmares. Thirst.

Stick with this drug and the side effect gradually almost fully disappear. Took me about a week to start feeling a positive change from side effects. I finished my 3 month course last week and I've notice the nails growing healthy now. I do feel things upset me more easily at the moment. Dont know if this is related to taking itraconazole though as I currently do have a lot of things going on.

I was taking this for a clinical trial with another drug to see the interaction on the liver enzymes. Knocked around my gut a fair bit, diarrhea, nausea and headaches.

It severely weakened me. And after I was on it for about a week I spent 2 straight days uncontrollably pooping/body cramping trying to poop. As a result it dangerously dehydrated me.

At first, no side effects, then on the fifth day: heart missing beats, extreme fatigue, depression and confusion, had to take a break from work. Depression lasted for two days, confusion for three, and everytime I got some sleep I had very disturbing nightmares. The fourth day after cessation, I woke up with a green tongue (bacteria most likely) with white spots and a gingivitis. Now on the fifth day after cessation, I feel as if I've gotten sick, a cold of some sort. The mycosis I had under the foreskin appears to have died, red patches of irritation disappeared and small white strings, like dead skin or what do I know replaced it and seems to go away when gently brushed.

This was a horrible and scary experience, I do not recomemend that drug at all... see if there something less hardcore on the market first.

Dr.asked me stop taking this medicine.

Liver function tests show liver enzymes high.

Clear my toe nail fungus but I have not taken this drug no more Dr. Ordered to stop after liver acting up.

Acute urticaria which is not resolved 3 weeks after stopping medicine

Extremely high morning blood pressure

I took this drug 2xd for one week, for three consecutive months. Immediately after the last dose, I woke every morning at 5 AM with excruitating headaches. Finally thought to take blood pressure - 159. My normal blood pressure has always been under 120 when active, under 100 when sitting. Three months later I still have this high morning blood pressure, the kind that causes strokes/heart attacks in bed. NOT WORTH IT. There is a brand new med for antifungal that is more effective with no side effects. Ask your doctor.

Actually when I take it 15 to 20 Days jock itch get cleared but after 3to 4 days it comes back.Please help what should I do.Should I continue or not.Please help.Between thighs red rashes come back as I take gap.

Insomnia, nausea, headaches, joint pain, had no period at all this month, stomach pain, & really dark urine - which could mean liver problems (hopefully not)

I'm stopping & making an appointment with my doctor to look for an alternative.

Took for 2 days got head chills, leg tingling, right ear felt congested, rash on leg and arm and chest elevated blood pressure sent me to er.Had to be put on steriods.Dont take this medicine its not worth it.its been almost 3 weeks since stopped and im still getting head chills and leg tingling hoping steroids will help

update from previous comment sporotrichosis came back. 100 mg daily was not enough. moved to 200 daily. seems to be working better. at this rate will be on for another few months. $100 a week. advice to self: next time start with sski - not pushed by anybody since there is no patent. was THE treatment for sporo. for decades before big pharma developed and pushed itraconazole.

looked well enough that I could remove bandage covering lesion after 2 mos. Every MD that looks at it says- yeah its good. Since it is still red and does not look great I could be happier but the experts agree - its been killed - the fungus. and the red is just the healing process. I've got 15 more pills which I will take - Dr Kazanjian said - lets do 3 months OK? so aside from I seem a tad more fatigued I'll happily do it

Do not know where to begin...Is my father who is taking it and has gotten CHF while on it, one of my biggest issues is that it has NOT helped the 19 lesions on his brain and the fact that he can not take medications he needs to treat other things like his A-FIB and COPD

He must be on the medicine for life as they say due to the fact the lesions on his brain have not gone away in a year and a half. So many other medical problems have showed up since the beginning of the sporanox, he now has COPD, A-FIB, CHF, seizures, and can do much of nothing for these issues since the meds to treat them reacts with the sporanox as do most medicines. The only good thing I CAN say about the medicine is that my father would be dead without it. However, he is miserable while on it, so I am not sure which is better.

worried about possible side affects based primarily on what I read here at this site. So far, knock on wood, nothing. Inflamation was reduced within 5 days. big relief. Today, or this evening, just now, took off bandage and it looked so much better. no pus- for the first time. To my relief, the Doctor, an infectious disease specialist at the Taubman Center here in Ann Arbor, said ' this drug is safe for you - you have no other health issues or underlying risk factors - this ought to work. He appeared quite confident and so far it seems he was right. I bought at Costco - 30 tablets for $193. if memory is correct, will need to stay on daily 100 mg dose for at least two months.

At first I couldn't keep it down so I started drinking coca cola 15 minutes before taking it. After a couple of weeks I realized that I could keep it dow n without coca cola so I stopped drinking coca cola(I'm not a fan of pop) BUT after that my ankle and eyes started swelling! So i'm back to coca cola and a lot of kale...I'm not sure why kale but I've noticed that kale helps with swelling.

SPORANOX (ITRACONAZOLE): Itraconazole is used to treat fungal infections. It belongs to a class of drugs known as azole antifungals. It works by stopping the growth of fungi. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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stepped up to 425 mg over several months and felt very few side effects besides drowsiness and loss of energy, which was minimized by the addition of wellbutrin. Depakote seems to be effective for me in that shortly after going on it my depression (which is cyclical in nature) eased up and and has yet to return. The true test will be how I feel six months from now.

CHEW THEM AND LET THEM DISSOLVE IN YOUR MOUTH!!! I see lots of people saying that it took an hour to kick in. This must be due to swallowing the pills whole. These pills are even labelled as "orally dissolving tablets". The makers understand that anxiety meds need to kick in quickly. Dissolving the tablets in your mouth allows them to be absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth; I feel it within 1 MINUTE, not 1 HOUR! Yes, the medication can have some side effects, but for those of us with debilitating anxiety, they are by far the lesser of two evils vs. suffering through the anxiety. For anyone who has really bad side effects, I would say that either this is not the right medication for you or you have some other underlying condition. I feel like this med has helped to "reset" my brain to not be anxious if you will, so I feel like I can start to come off it now that I've relearned to not be anxious, as it is most definitely a self-perpetuating condition. Feel free to write me if you'd like. I hope this was helpful to someone.

Never had much discharge in between periods. On desogen, now into the second month, have serious amounts of discharge, although healthy- no infection whatsoever, need a liner all month. Forget it!!

took Bystolic 2 days, after second pill woke up with burning arms, nerves from head to toe very itchy(crawling feeling) I stopped taking med 2nd day, I went to the ER yesterday 3 days after stopping was diagnosed as having a "severe reaction to this drug, I was prescribed Prednasone 3 daily for 4 days also Benydril 25 Mg, forevery 6 hours, My head is aching,also itchy.Dr.said it could take 5 days for reaction to stop.I can't sleep through the night waking up frequently, vivid dreams all night like brain does not shut down.This med should be banned!!! I am having to take cool showers and put towel with cold water on me during the night. I am so sick of this I can't waite for the symptoms to leave so I can get my life back!!!

tooth extracted then infection

If you struggling with acne, seek alternative & natural treatment options.

Trouble urinating, even ejaculated while urinating, this freaked me out. Also chills.

When i first started nuvaring, i was thrilled that the spotting that i experienced using other birth controls was not a problem. it definitely worked for me in that respect.however, i have experienced such serious depression that my friends and family literally took away my next 2 months' supply. i was considering giving it another month to level out, but i don't know if i'd live through it to be honest.however, everyone responds differently to any medication. i loved it other than the serious depression, so hopefully this does not happen to you. however, if you notice the depression, be sure to remind yourself that you aren't alone and that it isn't all in your mind.

Be very careful using it, its a strong medication.

Just a very sudden turn of events. I had heard cautionary tales, but wow - knock me out.