Oxistat (oxiconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Oxistat (oxiconazole nitrate)

Worked wonderful for getting rid of light spots on my face caused by tinea versicolor.

OXISTAT (OXICONAZOLE NITRATE): Oxiconazole is used to treat skin infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch and ringworm. This medication is also used to treat a skin condition known as pityriasis (tinea versicolor), a fungal infection that causes a lightening or darkening of the skin of the neck, chest, arms, or legs. Oxiconazole is an azole antifungal that works by preventing the growth of fungus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Extreme fatigue, gas, bloating, weight gain, breakthrough bleeding for the entire first month and ended with the longest, most painful period of my life!

Guys the shot is not bad at all..... Bigger needle doesn't more pain!! Suck it up and get the shot....,If you want a shot that is painfull get a nerve block to one of your fingers...needle so small you can barely see it but hurts 100 times more than any anti- biotic shot you will ever get!!' Hope this will give at least one person who reads it the confidence to just get the Rocephin shot.... I promise you will be glad u did!!!

hasn't helped my particular problem at all

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In the beginning, I broke out a little more than normal, and I had mood swings and low sex drive. Now my face is clearer than its ever been, my sex drive is fine (not what it was, I think, but still not bad) and I've put on a few pounds, although I wasn't a big girl in the beginning so I don't really mind. (If I gain anymore tho I may have to start back exercising regularly) Overall, not a bad pill. Lutera (what I was on before) was horrible.

I've been in menopause for six years now that I've been on the Medrol I have vaginal bleeding is that common?

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Please use Sudafed with caution. I'm not saying don't use it at all - it surely can be a great help if you ever have a cold or something. But I wouldn't ever use it again past a few days. Too powerful.