Nystatin (nystatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nystatin (nystatin)

Muscle and joint soreness or stiffness, intense anxiety, constant depression panic attacks, Flu-like symptoms, brain fog, Irritability, fatugiu

It's not the medicine itself that causes side effects it's from when the candida dies and releases its toxins, that's why people get anxiety, heart palpitations, etc. search for candida die off and herxheimer reaction that's where the symptoms come from. Herx or die off can cause many symptoms horrible symptoms but it goes away takes max 1 week it gets better. You have to support the detoxification pathways, take molybdenum, magnesium, drink a lot of lemon water and make sure you sweat otherwise the toxins stay longer in the body

Absolutely awful. I felt better for the first day and a half I’d say but is now giving me extreme pains in my back and sides and abdomen- has made me so dizzy and drowsy I have considered the ER. Felt slightly out of breath and it has increased my anxiety by 1000x which is something I was struggling with anyways but this has horribly amplified it. It helped a lot of my stomach pains that I had originally began taking it for but even after 4 days I cannot keep taking it.

It had been at least 14 days after taking it I started to feel hot in my chest. Almost like heartburn. But my anxiety was up SO BAD. I started getting sudden heat sweats, and my stomach was hurting too, hands very shaky. Felt weak when I tried to stand up and walk. I'm still taking the medicine because I need to get rid of this Cryptococcus albidus. But I think it makes my anxiety worse. Specifically at night.

Absolute worst experience of my child's life. He is 7 years old and had an onset of severe panic attacks, 2 trips to the ER not knowing what was going on, dizziness, fast heart beat, heart burn, throat and mouth pain, sensitivity to any acidic food.

Had zero clue this was the medicine based on the drug "side effects". Finally came across this page and provided all the answers. Stopped taking it for one day so far and the effects are absolutely lingering. No Dr had a clue nor anyone else, All I hope is this drug has not opened Pandora's box to my sons mind with the feeling of sheer panic forever.. I'm so upset with this medicine and the lack of information out there about it

It took me a while to figure out what was happening to me,.. I felt extreme anxiety and an intense depression that I have never had before. Dizziness, brain fog, jittery, terrible loose stool, shortness of breath and reflux. After the 7 days, my doctor suggested I keep going at a lower dose, but after a couple more days, my reflux was so unbearable it felt like I had swallowed knives. Then the gastrointestinal cramping and pain began. Definitely not taking another dose.

Nowhere in the drug info does it state any of these symptoms - BEWARE! It's been 2 days since stopping and I feel awful. Almost went to the ER last night due to abdominal pain, but then read these reviews. Hopefully it will just take time to reverse the terrible effects of this poison!

Within hours of taking, started with a runny nose and congestion, bright red tonsils and throat. 2 days after stopping, started with a sore tongue that hurt when swallowing. Still got nasal congestion and tongue pain is easing

Developed thrush after taking high dose of Clarothromycin. Nystan cleared thrush but still have side effects 5 days after stopping.

Woke up TOTALLY disoriented. Terrible racing heart/palpitations that I could feel in my back and through my ribs. Dizzy, ears whooshing (high blood pressure), joint pain especially in my hips, less in my shoulders. What the heck is this awful stuff?!

Thrush of mouth due to pregnancy

Back pain tummy pain, just genuinely uncomfortable dizzy light headed and just don't feeling well as well as ears ringing and feeling blocked up

Possible reduction in blood pressure, feeling faint.Possible panic attacks.Feeling weak.These side effects are more likely due to my irritable bowel syndrome.

Completely cured the intestinal candidiasis.Brain fog has gone.Very pleased.

Cleared oral thrush up, but after about 7 days I started to get adverse side effects which continued for 5 days after stopping the medication. I had a massive tension headache which wouldn't go away, migraine, brain fog, feeling light headed, dizziness & ringing in ears. I'm not sure if this medication worsened my anxiety or if the side effects of the medication was just making me worry more! I took a week off work due to this medication and spoke to my GP on three occasions!

candida overgrowth in stomach/intes

The first day I just felt loopy and out of it. After taking my last dose on the second day I went to bed. About an hour later I woke up from my sleep to severe heart palpitations, anxiety, sweats, painful gas, and severe heart burn. On my way to the ER I felt my head and left arm start to tingle, and my neck, throat and jaw started to tighten. My BP was 150/119 after taking a Propranolol prescribed to me for my POTS. The ER Dr. gave me Benadryl and Prednisone and an EKG. After a few hours I was discharged and before I left the Dr. told me to never take this medicine again.

I felt like I was dying. It was the scariest moment I've ever experienced.

Constant, painful dull lower abdominal cramps. Nausea, extreme anxiety as well. I constantly felt like i had horrible period cramps, very unpleasant. I haven't taken this medication in 3 days and my stomach still hurts! Did clear up my thrush though.

Would not recommend, there has to be a more pleasant medication for this lol.

By day 10 of 14 day course suffering extreme fatigue, chronic diarrhoea, nausea, stomach/bowel cramps, acid reflux, vomiting as a result of migraine type headaches. Brain fog and inability to do anything or concentrate on anything. Had put this down to the infection initially but potentially could be linked to meds.

Anxety, head congestion, ringing in ears to see

Nausea, headache but the worst was I woke up in middle of night with severe pins and needles going through body. I was clammy, heart racing and trembling. I had to do anxiety exercises to calm my body down. It was horrific!!!

Improved cognition each time I took it, brain fog begone!!

LOVE! The first thing I noticed is that I could actually THINK clearly again. This stuff is really a life saver for me. I had horrible candida in the gut and God knows whatever else in there, some bad bugs. I feel SO much better, but after reading these reviews, it may be because I kind of made my own dosage. I did that because I was having such a reaction to every little thing, including Probiotics! Not to mention food. I was really desperate. So my Rx said 5 mls, 4 x a day, but I was afraid it would make me react so I took a little sip, and almost immediately I felt more cognition. So, I played around with the dosage the next few days and was maybe taking half the amount, half the time, prescribed. My stomach did hurt a little, but turns out it was cleaning me out. Its been 5 days and I feel a lot better, would highly recommend especially if you are dying to feel better, literally. Oh and I also took Drs Best NAC Detox Regulators, which helped alot to clean up all the die off! Don't be afraid to try this drug, I feel like a new person!

Was prescribed this disgusting sh*t, which tastes like amoxicillin (you know, that god awful bubblegum-medicine taste). And not only did I have to gargle with it, I had to lick my lips each time I took a dose for two minutes. When I first took it I felt nauseated, but got over it after a day. I'm allergic to amoxicillin (makes me so sick to my stomach I feel like I'm constantly gonna puke, and gives me a red rash on my skin) and it tasted exactly like that medicine. I'm not sure if this stuff has any ingredients similar to amoxicillin, but due to my reaction I would assume it does. Anyways, as I continued to use it however, I found myself feeling really drowsy after taking it and having to deal with that disgusting aftertaste. Only reason why I'm giving it four stars is because it god rid of my thrush. But the nausea, drowsiness, and fucking AWFUL taste it leaves in your mouth is so not worth it.

I only kept taking this sh*t because I could put up with the side effects. If you are really sensitive to really strong tastes or have a sensitive stomach, or are deathly allergic to amoxicillin, don't take this crap.

stomach pain, severe stomach pain

I still have stomach problems even after finishing my treatment.

NYSTATIN (NYSTATIN): Nystatin is used to treat fungal skin infections. Nystatin is an antifungal that works by stopping the growth of fungus. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Haven't taken much medicine in my life (my Hep C came from blood transfusion ) But would never take this one again!!!

Axienty, heart pain, chest wierd feeling. Every time take the drug feeling like heart want to stop beating. Strange feeling in head, hard to focus while driving, talking and in crowded. Just take magnesium trisilicate to help the pain.

First shot I received along with my Covid booster. Slight headache and slight nausea. Could have been from the Covid shot. Received second shingrix shot yesterday and just a slight headache. Wife was the same as me.

This is my 3rd med now in a years time. Started out on Zocor (simvastatin), then switched to Mevacor (lovastatin), now Crestor 5mg dose. First 2 brought my #s down substantially, but now just trying to find something that doesn't have so many bad side effects.

vomiting, diarrhea, extereme lower back pain, no energy, headaches, bloated, gas

none just acidy mouth in the morning almost at the end of my dose

Life saving medication. Prefer XR over immediate release. Seems stronger for longer periods of relief.

The bummer part of these side effects is that they have just appeared (except for the low sex drive - that's been around for a while) and I have been on this for 2 years. So time to hunt for a new pill.

It worked great at first, but then after two months of taking, started blacking out and woke up with muscle pains that weren't there when i went to bed night before. I am weaning off now and feel twitching all over my body and can't get to sleep. Very scary med.

Very bad and disgustingly smelly flatulence and extremely itchy thighs especially at night.