Nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide)

I was on amoxicillin for an ear infection. 3 days into taking antibiotic I develop a yeast infection (no discharge or odor, just burning) diflucan did not work (I took 3 in the course of 2.5 weeks) went to gyn and he gave me nystatin/triamconolone! The burning did not go away but intensified!

Actually burned my labia and pubic bone area. Not burning, but burnt the skin. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. My doctor said I would see immediate relief, but I have been using this for four days, and I actually think it is worse now.

It caused burning ,nausea,and kept me awake at night. I have been dealing with this problem for close to 5 months. I just want to be done with it.

I have Sjogrens so suffer with dryness and chronic yeast issues. Used the ointment bc creams burn me more, this is the only thing that did not cause more burning !

I am still on day 1- but I used this exactly a year ago for the same kind of bad yeast infection and it was the only thing that worked. I am praying it works the same again!

It burned really bad,& very painful, my side effects were devastating, weird hair bumps coming from everywhere, blurred vision, dry mouth my body had done a 360 from cream, I couldn't believe that cream could do that.

I had a mild yeast infection, no smell, just a watery discharge & mild itching. I experienced a little burning after applying the cream but it went away in no time. I recommend

Moist, raw corners of lips of mouth

Clears rawness in corner of lips and red discoloration of adjacent skin. Lack of constant irritation make life much more gratifying.

I only used this once. Within 4 hours of putting it on my vaginal tissue was swollen and burning. 24 hours later the swelling is gone but feels like acid down there. Will never use this again.

I really wanted this to work but woke up the next morning with a burning painful vagina!! I’ll take a pass on this, everyone’s different I guess!! But please ladies test it out and do your research with reviews and side affects first before putting it down there!

Ears itching and swollen and sinus

I have Sjogrens and it's not abnormal for a patient to get a fungal infection in nose and ears. No bad side effects. This has been a miracle drug. Just a little on a Q Tip.

I recommend it highly if you have dry eyes itchy ears sinus that won't drain. You may have Sjogrens. Hate to see anyone suffer.

Tried everything from Lotramin, vinegar witch hazel, nystatin powder and nothing cured. 1 day and this stuff started healing. Actually felt relief instantly. Unfortunately without insurance $345 is a hit in the pocket but well worth since it's definitely a cure.

allergic reaction to spermicide

The only side affect is my vagina seems to be producing more moisture which is uncomfortable.

Idk if I'm pregnant or its the side effects,but I have diahrrea and wake up nausea....I'm confused...but other than that...the med works!!

I took this along with a antibiotic to get rid of my yeast infection, this and the antibiotic made my infection go away for about 2 days, my doctor told me to still use this ointment for 2 weeks to make sure it doesn't come back. About 3 days later the same itching and burning was back from the yeast infection. I stopped taking the ointment because it obviously wasn't working. As soon as I stopped taking it the itching and burning. went away, so it was the ointment causing me problems.

I have recurrent yeast infections and this is the only medication that working in conjunction with difulcan. I took one difulican for two days and then my doctor prescribed this medication because of the horrible itching I had. I tried OTC and that made me swell up and had intense burning. I have had this itch for months and did not know what it was. Once I put this medication on it was instant relief and the itching has not been back. This is a miracle cream. I still have a whole tube left for just in case purposes.

I have always gotten sores in my mouth and somtimes on my lips due to who knows what. Doctor said it is not STD at all, just reactions to maybe certain foods. He prescribes me this cream and it works great

I get frequent yeast infections. OTC medications does not work at all for me. The pill doesnt work either. My itching was unbearable, so my doctor prescribed this. Instant relief!! Burning for a couple of mins but its worth it.

Vaginal yeast infection/ irritation

Side Effects fornystatin and triamcinolone acetonide (nystatin; triamcinolone acetonide) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

This medication helped take the pain away quickly, within minutes after taking it. It also makes me sleepy within minutes after taking it, I could hardly keep my eyes open. But after some sleeping I wake up refreshed and are able to get stuff done. The pain was so unbearable right after surgery, that I had to take two on my first dose, which made me real dizzy....didn't do that again. On the second day of taking the medication I got so itchy all over. I got the same itching side effect from taking morphine a few years ago after a surgery. Much better then Percocet...I hate percocet ...it makes me so unbearably nauseous .

Hot Flashes, Mood Swung for the better. Sex drive increased. Felt better than ever before...now I am not sure I even want children.

This medication really helps my nerve pain without upsetting my stomach like NSAIDS .It does make me feel a bit silly, like I’ve had a glass or two of wine. That’s fine with me because I’m retired. I’m not sure I’d want to work with these side effects- lol. If I take less I don’t feel the side effects, but I also don’t get the pain relief. I’m sure the effects wear off after you get used to the medication.

Initially I felt the tired feeling, the brain zaps and the loss of libido.

Nausea, Tingling/Numbness in mouth and eyes, fatigue (no side effects after 2-3 weeks)

Don't be a tightwad and get the generic Teva brand. I am just one of many that have had problems with it. It is not the same (buffering must be different, generic TEVA pill is HUGE in comparison.) Overall good drug with no stomach problems that other antidepressants gave me.

nausea, vomiting, headaches, irritable, weak, dehydrated, acne

Difficulty orgasm, low libod, small weight gain. Some fogginess and laziness

Clears rawness in corner of lips and red discoloration of adjacent skin. Lack of constant irritation make life much more gratifying.

Severe stomach pain, heart arythmia, weight loss, diarrhea, severe tremors, severe generalized anxiety, borderline psychosis