Monistat 7 (miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monistat 7 (miconazole nitrate)

Who's ready to file a class action lawsuit because there is NO WAY IN HELL that this pain n suffering shouldn't be compensated. I have been crying for hours and pouring icewater on my privates. Minutes after insertion the pain begin.

I wasn't expecting to want to go to Urgent care but I'm on the verge of calling an ambulance. This is other level pain. My cooter has a heartbeat n it burns like the 1 chip challenge. This is punishment.

What in the hell?! Had very minor symptoms of a yeast infection and decided let's use this monistat 7 I had in the Medicine cabinet before the symptoms became worse. Well let me tell you, I'd rather have a yeast infection!!! I'd say about an hour or so after inserting the cream my vagina started burning! Not horribly like most comments I've seen thankfully and it's tolerable but still not the greatest feeling. Then about 45min after that I started feeling a little dizzy and nauseous. I will NEVER EVER use this again..I'm not gonna try and tough it out either. Def not worth it I'll have my Dr give me something.

It made me itch so bad it's really uncomfortable more itching after I use it

First few hours after applying it on the first day were uncomfortable, burned a little then turned to a persistent sting. After those first few hours the stinging went away and all irritation/itching went away though.

You have to see it through, it may cause some discomfort, but its worth the relief.

Pregnancy slight yeast infection

The first two days were brutal, the burning was so intense I thought my vagina was on fire. But I did notice it helped with the itching. I inserted the medicine and I had a burning sensation for like 10 minutes. The third day I inserted the medicine and it barely burned.

Overall it seems to be working!

I have taken the generic version of yeast infection meds and had no issues. I got the name brand of monistat 7 and I thought my vagina caught fire! The itch that was bearable got so much worse that I had to run to the toilet to try and pee that crap out ASAP! NEVER AGAIN! #gimmiegenericplz

The first 4 nights were BRUTAL. I woke up in the middle of the night on the second night and literally had to rinse it off. Extremely itchy and burning, the symptoms of the medication were much worse than my yeast infection itself. HOWEVER!!! Each day was less severe, and day 6 and 7 felt totally fine. I think you just have to suffer through the first few days to really get the benefits. It does work, you just have to trust the process!!! But yes it is definitely one of the most uncomfortable things I've had to do. DO NOT BUY MONISTAT 1 OR 3!! My gyno said to never buy them... apparently they are much worse.

Terrible burning. Worst pain in my life, way worse than the yeast infection.

Just started monistat 7 this is my first time having a yeast infection and decided to get this from my local pharmacy. It hurt when putting in the applicator but that's probably because my kitty was very sore. I experienced immediate tingling, itching and slight burning. I had to lay down because it got pretty intense but it stopped after 15 minutes and I feel fine. Will update my day 2-6.

Yeast infection during pregnancy

Intense burning and itching since applying the cream. I wasn't even itchy before hand.

Inserted it... instant burn and itch.... hurt so bad I went in bathroom and tried getting it out. NEVER EVER AGAIN!! Wish I'd read reviews before using it. Ran to store and got a douche... then filled that container with water 5x. Omg. Why do they even sell this??

After I inserted the Monistat 7 I noticed intense itching like most have said on here. I instantly felt cramping in my lower abdomen after inserting. As I laid in bed my cramps began to get worse and I started to feel sick to my stomach. I ended up running to the bathroom and having diarrhea. I don't know if this was a coincidence or not but I felt completely fine before using monistat 7. After reading all reviews, I'm not going to continue.I'm in desperate need of relief from this yeast infection but my reaction and the reactions of others isn't worth it for me. These's a possibility I could be pregnant so I was hoping this was my best option. Very disappointed.

Itching and burning from the medicine is way worse than the actual yeast infection

Started taking Monistat on a recommendation from my OBGYN, currently on my fifth night. The itching from the yeast infection cleared up around days 2-3 and now the only itching I have is from this damn medicine and it's easily 100x worse than the yeast infection ever was. It's almost like the better your yeast infection gets, the worse this stuff itches. Sure it works, but at what cost? If it's going to cause these side effects, the least they could do is add something to numb everything.

So I am newly preggo and got a YI (yay) and did my research and this is the only monistat I could find that approved for pregnancy. And HOLY HELL! he first night I cried, worst pain ever, every night since then I have had horrible burning and itching tho not as bad as night 1. I am on day 5 and can't wait for this to be over! "Mild" my ass!.they lied! But during the day my symptoms of the YI are much less and it's getting better-not fun at all!!!


Day 1- intense unbearable burning & itchingDay 2- burning & itching but nothing intense as day 1Day 3- symptoms gone

It burns really bad on day 1 maybe because the Vag walls is raw and inflamed by the infection, but that lets me know it's working, the burning & itching is unbearable but you have to keep using for full 7 days to get rid of the infection even if you feel better. By day 3 you should feel completely relieved.

Burning and itching after insertion. It's worse than the YI! I'm absolutely miserable !

I will never use again. I'd rather claw my eyeballs out or cut off my vagina.

Why is this even given to women? This is a medicine from hell itself. I would never take this again. What was supposed to be for mild symptoms turned into severe very quickly. I will not be taking it for another 4 nights you couldn't pay me enough money!

None what so ever, easy to use & definitely been a breeze for me I never have a YI before so my doctor recommending this made me give it a try & it's going great I have 3 more days to go!

Holy hell fire. It felt like satan decided to crawl up my vagina and spit fire all over the place. It also made my butt hole itch so bad. I wasn't sure how but mosquitoes found their way up there I swear. I have never panicked so bad before in my entire life when I first used this product.

I laid in my bed with an ice pack on my vagina. It made it feel a lot better.

MONISTAT 7 (MICONAZOLE NITRATE): This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. The vaginal product comes in 2 forms (a vaginal cream or tablet). Some products also come with a skin cream to be applied to the area around the outside of the vagina. Ask your doctor before using this medication for self-treatment if this is your first vaginal infection. This medication only works for vaginal fungal infections. You may have a different type of infection (such as bacterial vaginosis) and may need a different medication. If you have fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, stomach/abdominal pain, or a bad-smelling vaginal discharge, do not use this medication. Contact your doctor right away because these may be signs of a more serious infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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