Monistat 3 (miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monistat 3 (miconazole nitrate)

Intense burning, itching, pain and signs of bleeding

WTH happened to the original formula?? Take this crap off the shelf and fix it. Too many of us are in ridiculous pain. I've used monistat before and never had symptoms like this. Intense burning, itching and pain with beginning signs of bleeding after applying 2nd day of 3 day treatment. Had to wash as much out as possible and apply an ice pack which I'm using as I'm writing this. I'm not kidding, do buy this stuff. Monistat should be sued for cruelty

Slight burning in urethra while urinating.

This is the worst experience I have ever had!! I was in the ER with bleeding and burning. A week later, I'm still burning. Women.. STAY AWAY

Week long headache, swollen face, cramps and itching.

It's cleared up most of my yeast infection (not all of it!)but left me with a headache that won't subside.The first night after using it I woke up with a swollen face. My lips looked as if I'd had Botox injections. By the end of the day the swelling had gone down but the dull headache remained. I've used monitstat for years and never had a reaction before. I feel this medicine is toxic to my body and I've been poisoned.

Burning and itching was awful!!! Even developed bumps. Will never use Monistat again.

Burning and itching was awful!!! Even developed bumps. Will never use Monistat again.

Started burning itching and cramping almost immediately, then started bleeding that night, finished the treatment 2 days ago and I'm still cramping and bleeding and my period is not due for almost 2 more weeks!! Will NEVER USE AGAIN

Never doing this again. One dose of a three day treatment has me burning and itching to no end. Just washed it off and am icing the area, but it's still excruciating. Never. Again.

Burn is incredibly painful. Burned for about 2 hours after application and then again in the morning once it came out.

The burning and itching was SEVERE nothing mild about it! Only found mild comfort when I used a ice pack would never use again the ovule is so much better less mess and pain

Oh. My. Gosh. I am currently on day 3 of using this, my cooch is on fire. I just want to cry, it's so itchy and burns like heck every single day, I wish I could just rinse it out. I freaking hope my yeast infection is gone after taking this product because the "mild itchiness and burning" it talked about is SEVERE!!! i get straight into bed already knowing it's going to be very uncomfortable.

Immediately after inserting Monistat 3 cream, I had the worst burning. It was intolerable.

I would not recommend this product.

Ever doused your vag in battery acid or soaked it in gas and then lit a match to it? Me either but that how this sh*t felt. Horrible. Torturous. Inhumane. I was suffering enough from the infection but the "treatment" was just pure HELL.

Stay away!!!!! Save yourselves!!!

Omfg. I've never experienced burning like this with any other 3 day brand or the Monistat brand and for the first time I'm in pain. Almost immediately after insert, my vagina started burning and itching.

This stuff burns like no tomorrow and leaves you wishing you'd never used it in the first place. On day 2 of treatment I started with light bleeding. I have had a complete hysterectomy, 10 years ago! I wish I had never used this stuff! Will definitely not be using the 3rd treatment. I'd rather give birth again or even have a yeast infection over using Monistat. Never again!

Terrible!!!! Will never use this product again.

Brought this thinking it would help an holy hell...I've never experienced so much burning in my life.

Yeast infection due to antibiotics

The first day was the worst (lots of itching). Last 2 days were fine. Cleared up fast.

I have used this in the past with no issues. Omg! This was hell. I had to wash it off as best as I could. The pain and burning and itching was worse than it was before I inserted it. Holy hell I will never use this again. It felt like my vag was on fire. So not recommended

What sick, twisted freak convinced Monistat to change their formula? I have used this product without any problems for over 15 years for the occasional yeast infection and I have never in my life experienced any complications with the product and it has always worked. Until tonight. Torture is the only word I can think of to describe this new formula. WTF, Monistat?

MONISTAT 3 (MICONAZOLE NITRATE): This medication is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Miconazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. The vaginal product comes in 2 forms (a vaginal cream or tablet). Some products also come with a skin cream to be applied to the area around the outside of the vagina. Ask your doctor before using this medication for self-treatment if this is your first vaginal infection. This medication only works for vaginal fungal infections. You may have a different type of infection (such as bacterial vaginosis) and may need a different medication. If you have fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, stomach/abdominal pain, or a bad-smelling vaginal discharge, do not use this medication. Contact your doctor right away because these may be signs of a more serious infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have taken depo for 10 years now. Most doctors say no one should be on it for this long. I move a lot over so I have been able to get a new doctor every few years. I had a bone density test, no issues yet. I LOVE depo, I haven't had a period in 10 years now except once when I was late for my shot and had to start my period again first. It took one month to have it again. I hated every second while I was off of it. I haven’t experienced any of the bad symptoms I hear about. I actually lost weight on depo, never gained. I feel calmer and less emotional on it. I compare it to how men must go about life feeling. I feel it begin to wear off close to next shot time, I start to get emotional. I feel so calm minded and happy within a few days of getting the shot again. Feeling like a normal girl isn't fun even in small doses. I know I need to go off of it someday soon because I am getting older, and I fear not having a normal cycle for this long is not healthy. There is no medical evidence to suggest this, but most holistic means tell you it matters and your hormones go out of balance impacting other aspects of health. So I will go off of it, but I am extremely anxious about doing it. From what I hear, my experience is rare and I am so thankful for the peace of mind I have enjoyed for so long with depo. I don't look forward to life without it.

It works great for getting to sleep, but im wide awake 3 hours later. It you stay up past a certain point you become fixiated on a task and can act in ways, do things, and not remember a thing.

Increasing nausea, insomnia, blurred vision, headaches