Monistat-3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Monistat-3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate)

Intense burning, itching in vagina and where it dripped into anal area, experiences itchy sore on fire white and red blisters that would not stop hurting or itching until I applied coconut oil to the area 4-6 times a day for 5 DAFS straight. My butt cheeks, anal area, vaginal lips and inside of vagina hurt so bad I could not walk, exercise or sit for 3 days. Finally some relief on 4th day but area still very sore & sensitive. Do not recommend! The yeast infection might be gone but the pain & blisters are not worth it.

Terrible reaction to the ointment

Extreme burning after one dose

Burning, itching, pain, torture! Sore vulva, white patches and open scattered sores like a chemical burn. DO NOT USE. I can barely walk, hurts to sit, I cry every time I urinate.

This Is the worst, I used it one night and got a chemical burn. I have a whole bunch of little blisters, It hurts to walk, sit, getting in my car and driving is the worst thing.

I used the generic version and never had issues. It actually relieved my irritation and itching. I was out of town and needed more so I decided to stop at Walgreens. Got the monistat 3 day as soon as I inserted the cream my lady bits were on fire. I felt like I had a million matches inside me. I immediately sat down and peed whatever I could get out of me grabbed a wash rag when cool water and started wiping the rest of what I could. This was an hr ago,I feel swollen and it still burns a bit, not as bad as when it was first inserted. Not sure if it was an allergic reaction but I never had a bad experience with the generic suppositories at all. I will never buy this product again. I feel like there should be a warning about the serious allergic reaction some women can get and what can be done about it. Very dissatisfied and feel horrible for those who got chemical burns and sores. This product needs to be removed!

BURNING, ITCHING, SWELLING, BLISTERS, FELT LIKE MY UNDERCARRIAGE WAS HIT BY A TRUCK and then SET ON FIRE!!!. Could not sleep for 2 nights or go to work 3 days.

Never use this product. This needs to be taken off the market. I have read nothing but bad reviews for the past 3 excruciating days. Too many woman have suffered.

I took monistat 1 big mistake I woke up with severe burning it was so severe my whole vulva is swollen and 2 days later I formed blisters I went to the er and the doctor took a observation test and is telling me I have herpes now with out even testing me she kept saying this had nothing to do with monistat which I think is ridiculous now I have to wait until a obgyn is available to see me it burns when I pee, wipe, walk, put on clothes anything it is so tender

Burning, tingling, and extreme pain to inside of vagina to the point of shaking. Medication needs to be pulled off the shelf.

Inserted first dose of Monistat 3 day and immediately felt terrible burning and itching!!! I'm on fire!!! I thought it would slowly subside but instead it just continued to get worse. I am now so swollen. I've taking 2 Motrin and tried to was off as much as possible, but I am still burning on fire a so so itchy. 2:30 am and I can't sleep I inserted Monistat at 11:30 pm. I really don't know what to do to stop this terrible pain and throbbing.

I would never buy this again. I have used the generic and this had never happened before!!

Horrible chemical burns. Can't wipe, can't pee, hurts to shower, walk, lay down. Not worth it - try to get the oral anti fungal Rx (DiFlucan is my personal favorite).

I did the 1 day...still had symptoms. Bought the Monistat 3 with external itch cream because I still had symptoms and was so itchy and couldn't get an appt with the gynecologist for a few days. Woke up the next morning with horrible itching pain and found giant sores, clusters of bubbly skin. Went to the gynecologist and saw a NP - she is convinced it's herpes but wouldn't listen to anything I said about Monistat being the culprit. Can't wait for the herpes to turn up negative - I know this is a burn from the Monistat.

I have used monistat many times in the past and never really had a reaction. I had a very mild yeast infection so I went with the 1-day. I used the insert and everything was okay for the first day. The second day I had extreme itching so I used the external cream, which I don't usually do because it has made the burning of my yeast infections worse, but since it was so itchy this time I decided, why not. I used it twice a day for a couple days but it was still so itchy. Here I am, 4 days later, can't pee, can't wipe, can't do anything without excruciating pain. I think I too have chemical burns from this product. Had a mental breakdown for the past couple days thinking my bf gave me genital herpes. told me about some of the terrible reviews of monistat and then I found this and the way the other women are explaining the pain, is EXACTLY how I feel. Hoping the pain subsides soon, I can't take this!

DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT. I thought I had a yeast infection so the Doctor told me to use monistat until my test results. I put it on the first night and I never experience a pain that bad or a burning so bad. I was bent over in pain as it was so unbearable. Turns out I didn't have a yeast infection but a tender, raw spot from friction during intercourse. Now on top of that raw spot on my vulva/inside of my vagina, I now have a chemical burn. I feel like this pain is never going to go away.

Went to a second doctor since my symptoms were so bad and my results came back negative for every STD/infection out there. I was even tested for herpes. Nope a chemical burn. I was told that the 1 day is the worst. This needs to be taken of shelves.

few days after being sexually actively, I started my period. I began to notice extreme itching redness but I couldn’t tell if I had discharge. I assumed I had a yeast infection due to online research and past experience. However when I used Monistat, despite its mildly irritating treatment process, it helped a lot with the itching and redness. But I don’t think it made it completely go away.

I’m not sure if I have something other than a yeast infection but Monistat helped temporarily with the symptoms I was experiencing.

I caught a yeast infection after staying in my workout clothes too long. I bought the 3 day Monistat, and the next morning was in excruciating burning agony. Immediately stopped using the product, but still had my itch. My doctor prescribed Difulcan, which stopped the itch, but I noticed and felt a horrible blister in my vulva area. I'm afraid, and have made an appointment with my OB/GYN. NEVER using Monistat again.

Chemical burns on my vulva and inside my vagina. Thought it was Genital herpes that’s how severe the blisters are from this product.

Burn from Hell. I haven taken Monistay before and has a small reaction (burning at night, so I did not think anything when the same symptoms for a yeast infection appeared. I noticed a burning sensation and uncontrollable itch all night the 1st dose of the 3 day series. Into the next day my vulva and outside labia was swollen and itched so bad, it started to burn during the day. I thought my yeast infection was so bad, never in my wildest dreams did I think it was Monistat. I even attempted the 2nd dose and the burning was so intense. This gives a new meaning to Fire Crotch! Avoid this product. I suggest also making sure symptoms are indeed YI and not BV (bacterial vaginitis),which has similar symptoms. Go to your doc and test for both before anyanibiotcs and take the YI pills not this crap. FdA should put a better warning.

Horrible vulvar swelling. Burning and itching unbearable sensitivity

I bought this to clear up a moderate yeast infection. After the first day of use I had vaginal sensitivity and increased itching and some swelling. I thought that the yeast infection was just worse than had originally thought. After 2nd dose I couldn't even wipe after urination without screaming. It itches so bad I want to rip my vagina off my body but it is so sensitive I can't touch it. Going to ice it, take a benedryl and hope for the best

Extreme burn and swelling. CHEMICAL BURNS!

Chemical burns which have not let up in days! AT ALL. To the lady that said, it's a normal part of the healing process, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what this feels like! I'd take 300 yeast infections over this! This is above and beyond normal!

Redness and blisters on vulva after using this. Burning got worse the 3 days I used it but I didn't put 2 and 2 together until later. This is VERY painful (and I almost dumped my bf because I accused him of giving me genital herpes.) :( The blisters are on the vulva where I'd used the external cream as well as where the internal cream tended to leak out. It has been days since I stopped using this cream. The yeast IS gone but the blisters remain! Peeing is excruciating! Try going around acting like everything is normal when it's excruciating to walk/sit and you can't tell everyone what's going on.

I think that there is such a thing as an allergic reaction to this medication, or at least a strong sensitivity to the medication. All women are different, of course, but this medication has caused chemical burns for me.

I have tried treating my infections with yogurt and pro-biotics. If you use the yogurt as a topical treatment, make sure it is plain white yogurt that is free from any flavor or added sugars/sugar substitute. It actually feels pretty good, and it has worked for me. It takes a few more days to clear the infection, and it is a bit more messy, but it does not burn at all, and is all natural. I suggest applying yogurt many times a day, as needed. Of course, if it does not clear up, or gets worse, see a doctor!

Side Effects formonistat-3 combination pack (miconazole nitrate; miconazole nitrate) - User Comments


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[Note: Bactrim is a sulfa drug]. Made by Mutual Pharmaceutical Company.I was able to take Cranberry tablets instead and didn't have serious side effects.

I recently moved to TX and discovered that it's very common for someone who has never had allergies to all of a sudden get them in TX. I tried this drug after having allergy symptoms for more than three weeks. I feel so awful right now, and my eyes are still watering, my nose is still running, and my sinuses are still heavy. There's no way I'm taking this again.

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along with the dreams goes the paranoia and seeing things in the corner of my eye.... it scares the crap out of me its been getting worse in the last nine years but i have been seizure free sence i have started taking the medication, the overtiredness has greatly effected my life, having to depend on people to make sure im awake for my job. has cost me quite a few good jobs... i never found out what my seizures were from and god willing i wish somday i could get off the medicine cause i cant remember what someone has told me 10 minutes later.but for fear of having another seizure i will just deal with the side effects i guess...

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Symptoms of allergies and asthma have abated, which is good. However, depression and crying and thoughts of dying or never even being born have come up frequently. This last time has been the most severe and my son will not be taking another dose.