Lamisil at (terbinafine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lamisil at (terbinafine hydrochloride)

Extreme stomach pains each time I took the pill. This start about 2 weeks into the treatment, the pain only starts when I actually ingest the pill.Felt extreme joint / muscle pain alongside fatigue and the type of headache where your eyes hurt, but that only lasted one day.

Has anyone else experience this stomach pain? It feels almost like a cramping pain / stabbing pain.Not sure if I should discontinue and resort to the cream.

Horrible!Nausea, extreme gas, headaches, depression,

Complete Loss of taste and smell after 30 days. Thick metallic taste always in my mouth from day 1. Flu like symptoms, itchy rash with sores, and very nauseated. I'm depressed and don't really care about stuff that I know I should.

Today after finding this website and reading every review I have decided to discontinue using and don't recommend it to anyone. I'd rather have nail Fungus than this. I pray my taste and smell returns.

Loss of taste - all foods taste bad and all drinks taste bad

Everything tastes horrible - it's as though i'm eating cardboard and dust combined. My GP did not warn me of this. After reading many posts about lamisil and loss of taste, i do not believe it is as "rare" as Novartis states.

Either a loss of taste, or a strange metallic taste in my mouth, when drinking water, when eating

I wish I had been told about this!!!

After 38 days of this medication I lost taste. Saliva become thick, salty and soapy. I am off for 3 weeks now and still no taste. I can smell. I lost 11 lbs already. Please let me know how long it took for your taste to return?

Anxiety worsening depression intrusive thoughtsTremors

I can't believe how awful they made me feel!

Loss of taste of most food. Awful taste of salt. No appetite. Feel sick when try to eat as all foods taste terrible

EXTREME panic attacks and depression. I spent thousands of dollars going to the ER and specialists because I literally thought I was dying. This is not to be taken lightly. If you are reading this, PLEASE do NOT take even 1 single pill. This drug ruined my life. After taking this I developed beyond extreme panic attacks, they were so horrible I lost my vision, hearing, along with other symptoms of stroke and heart attack. I went to the ER 4 times. Saw all kinds of specialists that determined I am in tip top physical health. Perfect physical health. I ended up being diagnosed with a severe case of panic disorder and was prescribed benzodiazopines and SSRI medication. When I told the psychiatrist I took terbinafine, his eyes lit up and he said no doubt about it, it was the cause. Bad news is, he told me that I may never be the same again, my panic disorder may never go away. Luckily the SSRIs that I take now have completely eliminated my panic symptoms, but I'm too scared to stop taking them because the doctor told me there is no guaranteed my panic symptoms won't return. So, I'm staying on these SSRI because I'm so terrified beyond belief to experience the horrific panic attacks again. Absolutely mortified. So now I have to take these drugs the rest of my life just to feel somewhat normal. And I have to live with the side effects of that drug now too. Which thank God they aren't as bad as terbinafine. I cannot even express how horrible my experience was. I'm traumatized for li

This drug should be illegal. There should seriously be a class action lawsuit against any doctor that prescribed this drug and any company that manufactured it. I rather cut my toes off with rusty hedge clippers than take this stuff again, and I'm not even exaggerating.

Head aches from first day lasting all day everyday, depressed and anxious, swollen face and glands fluctuating I thought it was going then flared up again daily, bad nightmares causing me to talk even shout in my sleep waking me up, also hearing weird loud noises in my head (nothing outside) blury vision couldn't take anymore after 10 days I was told to take it for at least 6 months but would've been suicidal if I'd kept on taking this vile drug

The worst drug I've ever had rather put up with ugly toe nails than take this what felt like poison I felt like I was in a horror film as some kind of experiment never again would I take this absolutely horrible drug

possible fungal skin infection

Headaches, ringing in ears, cramping, bloating, stomach hard and distended, look 5 months pregnant since taking this, Feel like something lodged in throat all day, extremely exhausted, food makes me nauseous.

Want to finish prescription, but I feel absolutely sick all day and just want to feel normal again.

Hair loss, severe cramps and blurry vision

Loss of taste by week 6. Bitter, salty taste in my mouth. Continued dry mouth. Drinking anything is extremely bitter to salty. Water doesn't taste good. Food is bland. Sense of smell is fine, works great. Saliva taste like you've sucked on an aspirin.

I quit taking it. Isn't worth taste loss. After reading other comments, looks like a waiting game to get sense of taste back.

please dont take this drug, out of the blue I had back pain, pain in my arms with tingling which started after taking pill for 3 nights. Its one night since I ceased taking them but can't sleep for pains in my back arms.

How can this drug be prescribed it is so dreadful!! Would advise not to take it

Started with mild headaches and indigestion. Towards the end of the second month had severe indigestion and stomach pain. Also had symptoms of anxiety, racing thoughts and panic attacks. Stopped taking medication and side effects slowly improved but 2 months later I am still having trouble with my stomach and occasional panic attacks.

Toenail has improved but I wish I had never taken the medication as the side effects have been terrible.

Headache And metallic taste the first week, the taste seemed to go away but I'm at 2 weeks and I have tingling in my hands and foot. I stopped taking it today and hoping this goes away soon! I had a bad feeling about taking it, wish I would have went with my gut.

Sever panic attacks, abdomen pain where Gaul bladder is, chest pain numbness. Dizzy, sick, muscle aches, can't eat without pain/ panic attacks, los of vision

I urge anyone who is thinking of using this, please don't, I am a healthy 35 year old male, my life has been ruined from this drug. Multiple visits to the Er, blood work, ultrasounds with no explanation. I have been so sick. Almost 6 weeks after my last pill and I'm still having these side effects.

Blurry vision, skin swelling or retaining water, heart palpitations, racing heart, high blood pressure, nausea, couldn't eat for two weeks, gastritis, diarrhea, nerve issues, heart slows down at night with poor blood circulation, anxiety, very vivid nightmares.

Most of my symptoms have subsided, nausea, gastritis, diarrhea, anorexia, it's been about two months from stopping terbinafine, but now I waiting for my heart to get back to normal, I feel like my heart is on auto pilot. Hopefully I haven't permanently damaged myself..

Severe depression, anxiety, hloss of concentration, stomach ache and bloating, diarrhea, bleeding, raised blood glucose levels, headaches, metallic taste in mouth, exhaustion, dizziness and increased appetite. I only used it because nothing else worked.

Definitely clearing my nails up but am supposed to take for another 30 days and I can't do it. I'd end up "jumping off a bridge" due to the depression and anxiety .

Stripe like rash all over my body, itchy and some times burns and then shows as red spots that stay for at least an hour. Very itchy scalp too. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat, today i felt like it was getting difficult to breath and it is been around a month since i stop the medication.I was prescribe by my derma prednisone, alergy medication and cream for arms and legs, neck area.It seems that is gets worst some days, i hope this goes away soon. I feel that this medication really damage somerhing in me. I wonder if i am being misdiagnose.Now i am having anothee test done for induce lupus. This is terrible, and i feel terrible, i would never recommend this medication for anybody.

Side Effects forlamisil at (terbinafine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Horrible drug. I was more like passing out all the time. It has been 5 days since I stopped taking it but I still feel very very very bad. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Slight tiredness which lasted only a few days. Otherwise NONE. Well, I did gain 10 lbs, but it WAS 4 years and I am in my 50s. Not sure it was the Lexapro.

Xanax is a very addictive drug, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. To all those taking it long term you are going to be very sorry someday. The key researcher for Xanax and Halcion, Dr. Louis Faber, has been accused of fraud and negligence in his clinical trials and was recently suspended by the FDA. This drug is illegally on the market because of fraudulent clinical trials.

Severe leg muscle pain and leg cramping which started gradually and within four weeks interfered with my ability to drive because of calf muscle cramping. I have been informed by my doctor that my LDL was much improved over the short period while I was on the drug. However, this drug has caused a major change in my life style. Although I stopped this drug three months ago and I was assured the leg pain would resolve, I have been unable to function because of the continuous leg pain and discomfort.

I had bilateral testicular damage in late teenagehood. While the patch produces increase in physical strenght, stamina and muscle mass, as well as some loss in bodyweight - the side effects of testosterone, especially on mental health and body fluid, are simply not worth it. I am staying off this stuff for good, and prefer the (far more mild) effects of hypogonadism instead. I wish I never have taken the drug.

I feel so sad because lamictal is the only mood stabilizer that I’ve tried that did not make me numb or make me gain weight. My mood is moderately more stable but the neurological side effects are hindering my life. I feel dull, slow, unfocused. It’s a catch 22, I’m not myself with or without this medicine and I dont know what to do

Helps a lot at night - I'm sleeping much better than before. However, it takes at least 2 hours to kick in - in the meantime I get some pretty strong symptoms in the evening. I got used to the weird light show and am definitely dreaming a lot - actually like that. A definite improvement at night, but significant drawbacks during the day. I was wondering where all that weight came from - but reading this page tells me that it's a common side effect.

Extreme pain in both hands with very limited mobility and carpal tunnel-like symdrome in left hand..Awake every morning with claw type hands and pain is constantly there all day.. Swelling in feet and knees with decrease in energy.

I had a severe migraine for 6 days. Tried Relpax would take it away for a couple of hours but then headache was back. One shot of Toradol and 5 minutes later the headache was gone! It broke the cycle and it hasn't returned!!

I have tried about everything for depression and ocd. Things tend to work for a while and then the bottom falls out. I am a nurse and understand that there are many different reactions to different meds and stating that a drug is "evil" or "should be stricken from the market" is a personal opinion stemming from a personal experience. I have had bad side effects from a few and have seen bad side effects from meds. All I know about this one so far is that I am not nearly as tired, don't dread going anywhere, don't want to cause physical harm to my husband (sarcasm-ok) and am not so upset with myself about the weight gain from other antidepressants right now.