Diflucan (fluconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diflucan (fluconazole)

I took the dose at night and the next morning woke up with a baseline of anxiety, irritability, impatience, a 'darkness', vivid dreams and nausea. Had a few stomach pains too. Thus drug actually reminds me of how I felt taking Doxycycline. Never again will I take that stuff. I was in one of the best periods of my life when I took it, and when I took that as anti-malaria while overseas, I felt this darkness, anxiety and depression, which stopped the moment I stopped the drug. This reaction to Docycycline is well documented, but this similar one to Diflucan isn't.I can't stop this Diflucan as it was only one dose, but I will not take it again. I'm second day in at the moment and don't yet feel any better than the first day in. It also hasn't seemed to have had much effect on the thrush yet.

Extreme head pressure, itching crawling burning sensations in scalp, neuropathy in right foot, parathesia, ear fullness, tinnitus

This drug interacts with my SSRIs, which I was NOT told about, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I took it 2 months ago, parathesia & neuropathy have improved, but the head pressure is almost worse.If anyone has had a similar reaction, PLEASE email me this is driving my insane, my head is constantly full, ears constantly ringing, & head is always itchy.

I'm only 90 pounds and I was given 3 doses of it and since then I've been having heart racing, anxiety, fatigue, stomach pain and no appetite. Eating makes me want to throw up and dealing with low blood pressure. And it's interacting with my Seroquel but the Drs don't seem to care about that they say it's fine.

This drug should not be on the market at all. It's been a week since taking it and side effects are still strong but was told since I'm tiny it's gonna take a couple weeks for it to get out of my system. I feel like I'm going insane. I was fine before this drug.

I experienced the worst stomach cramping that traveled to my side and then to my back. I have had severe stomach pain as well as severe back since taking it. I started on a Tuesday felt the pain overnight. Symptoms from my yeast infection still didn't go away so I had to take another on Saturday. It is now Tuesday I'm still experiencing this pain. Hopefully in a few days I'll feel better but I just wanted other people to know they're not alone with these symptoms.

I experience extreme fatigue no energy, anxiety, brain fog, dizziness, insomnia, body muscle pain, legs cramping.

My yeast infection went away but these terrible side effects lasted for 1 week I will never take this medicine again it’s a nightmare

Very lethargic. Numbness and joint issues. Right leg collapsed while walking and I fell and sprained my ankle. Very constipated. Could not finish dosage and yeast seemed to improve but started coming back 3rd day. I had to stop taking the med after four days. I was aware of a sense of disorientation and stiffness all over my body.

Why would pharmaceutical companies allow this drug to be on the market? 90 percent of these reviews I have read on line are describing exscruciating side effects from Diflucan. Get control of your pills big pharma!. Stop giving people harmful drugs.

About an hour after taking this I had severe stomach pains, after a few hours it seemed to go away but then later that evening I got a severe headache and tenderness feeling on my scalp. The next day I had trouble getting deep breaths in and felt an overall heightened anxiety that I had not felt before. I just do not feel right since taking this. What the heck is in this medicine ?!!! I never ever will take again and I pray it goes away.

I Take this medication. Within hours my lips tingle, around the area become very red and swollen, and within the next day a pus filled blister appears. I have looked up various info to conclude I have FDE from this medication. Do not take if you want this to occur. It takes about 7-10 days to fully heal and disappear and eventually the blisters pop and appear crusty and herpes like looking. Its so gross and not very appealing in appearance. I have taken this medication for years as I get recurrent yeast infections. Within the last 2 years, this side effect now occurs to my body. It's not worth it to take anymore.

Extreme headache, fatigue, chest pain, nausea

I have never had side effect problems from a prescription until now, this medication has made my life a living hell. I noticed oral thrush on my tongue & went to the urgent care, god prescribed this shit instead of nystatin. The following morning after taking my first dose I had this awful headache & pressure like symptom, it's been over a week now & it has not subsided but has prolonged. This medicine should not be on the market for anyone.. it's absolutely horrible. I feel horrendous, I haven't felt like myself since starting this poison. Never again!!!!

Dizziness, tired, stomachache. Not taking again.

Rapid heart beat, dizziness, tired, stomachache.

Have used this many times in the past without problems. Last year I used it and suspected an allergy so reverted back to messy pessaries and creams. After being totally fed up of consistent thrush I decided to use an oral tablet again but straight away, my eyelid swelling started. Now I just need to wait it out, argghh!!

Vaginal yeast infection from antibi

Rapid heart rate, feels like heart is pounding sometimes, stomach pains, burning in vag, after 3 days being off it I'm having anxiety from it with fast heart rate went to doctor. Now he wants me to have all kinds of heart tests. However, I really believe it's the diflucan. Open this gets out of my sister in the next few days.

I would consider myself allergic to this medication and next time we'll just use monistat.

Oral candida after antibiotics

Headache like migraine.Dizziness and anxiety.

Very chapped lips, dry skin that seems to be exfoliating much more, zero energy or motivation.

I'll be taking this for a total of 6 months, so I really hope the side effects lessen. I can deal with the skin stuff, but the fatigue is overwhelming. No energy to get off the couch. My brain is wide awake, but my body just wants to lay down.

Horrible anxiety, chest tightness, racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, blurred vision

I got prescribed this medicine for a yeast infection and read into it before I took it, as I'm always anxious about taking a new medicine. Around 30 minutes after taking it, I noticed an anxiety attack coming out of nowhere. Previously, I never read anything about anxiety being caused by this, so it came as a shock. My chest has been tight, my heart racing, and shortness of breath all followed along with the anxiety attack. It's now been almost 3 hours since I took it and it's just as bad as when it first started. I hope that the one dose is enough for me because I never want to deal with these side effects again!

So thankful I found this thread. I have been experiencing intense mid back pain to the point of thinking my liver is inflamed or I have cancer :( because I had taken antibiotics that led to the yeast infection I really didn't put two together and thought it was from the antibiotics. I'm realizing I'm reacting to the drug and it has been extremely painful and uncomfortable. I've been nauseous, stomach cramps like constipation (although I'm not), tinnitus, moody, tired all the time…. I'm so disappointed with myself that I didn't realize sooner. I will NEVER take this again.

If you have any recommendations as to how to flush this crap out of my body please email me

Hot flashes,burning sensation in skin,chest tightness/discomfort,abdominal pain, constipation, hives on faces,blister sores in mouth

I wish I would of know about the side effects of this drug before I put it in my body TWICE it's been a few weeks since I took this drug and the side effect experience sucks I called my gyno who prescribed it to me and he seems to think he knows my body better than me I never experienced anything like this since I took the pill I can't even drink alcohol or coffee without my sides hurting and chest burning this drug should be illegal!! I just want everything to go back to normal!!!!! I wouldn't recommend this drug to my worse enemy

Anxiety, headache, muscle spasms in legs, rash in face, insomnia, lower pelvic burning pain like cramps, loose stools and severe nausea.

Last time I took diflucan it gave me a fast heart rate but never connected the fact that it for sure was diflucan giving me all these nasty side effects.

Anxiety, headache, muscle spasms in legs, rash in face, insomnia, lower pelvic burning pain like cramps, loose stools and severe nausea.

Last time I took diflucan it gave me a fast heart rate but never connected the fact that it for sure was diflucan giving me all these nasty side effects.

DIFLUCAN (FLUCONAZOLE): Fluconazole is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. It works by stopping the growth of common types of vaginal yeast (fungus). This medication belongs to a class of drugs called azole antifungals. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I strongly advise people to stay away from this drug and any of the benzodiazepines! They should not be prescribed, or at the very least, MUCH more regulated. They cause dependence (sometimes after very short-term usage) and the risks can be incredibly severe. I am currently in month four of severe benzo withdrawal. This stuff is worse than heroin. I had over 50 symptoms, some of which you would not even begin to fathom. This has been my worst nightmare. I am doing better and am down to about 15 or 20 symptoms, but am told withdrawal can last and healing can take 6-18 months. It influences your GABA production, and, as I understand it, can actually damage your GABA receptors. This does not fix itself quickly. It takes the brain and body much time to heal.There are some people who will argue that they can take these drugs and get off of them without incident, but how can you know if you will be one of the "lucky ones"?? The doctors will deny all of this until they are blue in the face, unfortunately. Just don't trust everything your doctor says. Be your own advocate.

Mom was taking this drug for 3 months. This was described by a psychiatrist/md. She got sick and had to take other antibiotics to get to feel well, but dr wanted the AL to cut off aricept till other meds were taken. I noticed that my mom was a little better. Then after antibiotics were finished, they started the aricept back up I came to AL to check on her, found her sitting on toilet with extreme diarrhea and totally dislusonal and confused on how to clean herself up. Needless to say I called dr to have this crap not to be given to her again.

I've been on a combination of 6MP & Asacol for over 10 years. Previously I had been on Predinone when severely flared up. The 6MP & Asacol was a huge improvement. No real side effects to speak of and a healthy weight gain once it started helping. I still flare-up to some degree from time to time but have had success with the antibiotic Cipro which usually helps if I use it for a week or two. I believe 6MP has helped me treat my Crohn's along with careful diet and exercise.

Dupixent, then Adbry worked until they didn't on eczema, but psoriasis never cleared. Rinvoq thus far has eliminated both conditions.

You would be well advised not to take this drug unless you hve no other choice (e.g., you will die or have lifelong problems due to the infection).Beware of other similar antibiotics. The Dr. refered to Levaquin as a more mild anitbiotic. It will do the same things to you.If you took this and had no problems, a warning for you: everyone has a limit to how much lifetime exposure to flouroquinolines they can take before these horrible events start to occur. Once they occur, there is no going back. Injurys to soft tissues like tendons are very stubborn and even worse, the drug changes your body's ability to heal the damage it created. IT IS NOT A SAFE DRUG.

Shooting face, mouth, jaw pain, headache for about 15min then it just goes aways.

HORRIBLE. I feel dizzy all the time I have gotten to the point i feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm constantly sick to my stomach and have a head ache. I feel really out of it and tired and constantly have to pee. Depression too! And the worst part this is my second time being on it and it isn't clearing up my infection!

I am taking effexor with benzos due to a current crisis event.So far the panic is undercontrol and I feel pretty mellow today as opposed to crawling out of my skin yesterday and tearful. The depression is still there but I am afraid to continue the effexor now since reading these ratings. I will do more research though. FYI Zoloft never worked for me, and Wellbutin only slightly (may have been dose related.)

Severe nausea, headache, body ache, chills, hot sweats, insomnia lasting more than 10 hours after 2nd and final dose

Loss of appetite, feel drowsy and unable to focus on daily tasks.can make you sleepy but with some auditory problems at night.these may pass with time.was taking loratadine before which increased appetite but atarax there is loss of appetite. Suppose I will lose weight which is good! But I enjoy my food so bad:(