Diflucan in sodium chloride 0.9% (fluconazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diflucan in sodium chloride 0.9% (fluconazole)

It's still hard to rate this at this time as my cancer metastasis is a fairly new diagnoses so I won't really know how much it has helped for about 6 months. Have had (2) Diflucan IVs with no side effects, but on this 3rd one I had flu like symptoms (extreme tiredness, headache, upset stomach) for a few days; got thru it though.

Order and read Dr. Tulio Simoncini's book (he's an Italian surgical oncologist) called "Cancer Is A Fungus"; treats it with Sodium Bicarbonate IV and injections (sometimes). But my doctor wanted to add Diflucan IV to the protocol also plus 1 prescription of oral Nystatin to jump start the kill off of the fungal problem and I will then alternate "Natural" Antifungals after I complete my 4th round of Diflucan IV

DIFLUCAN IN SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% (FLUCONAZOLE): Fluconazole is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. It works by stopping the growth of common types of vaginal yeast (fungus). This medication belongs to a class of drugs called azole antifungals. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This helps stop the obsessive thoughts that are the onset of my panic attacks. I previously took Lamictal for about 2 years and this makes me more drowsy but has almost stopped the panic attacks altogether. I also take Trileptal which has helped with my tremors. Luvox also makes me extremely drowsy which was a severe problem, as i am a college student who has work/ school more than 60 hours per week. My Dr put me on ADHD medicine which helped me stay focused in school and offset the drowsiness for the most part. Otherwise the drowsiness is worth feeling like you'll be able to feel normal for the rest of your life :)

No side effects that were bothersome except maybe a little lethargic the next day. This could be handled with one cup of coffee in the morning. This medication has been a blessing from the good Lord. Almost all symptoms gone at 300mg. At first I refused to take this medication because of many posts that I read on here and other places on the web. Then my symptoms got so bad and I knew I had to do something. None of the things that people wrote about on here happened to me. None of them! I am just going to put my trust in the Lord and I hope that other people who are in the same boat that I am in, people who are in need of help, but live in fear of the side effects of the medications, will go ahead and get help.

None thank you god for accepting this Drug for me :-))))

first 2 days I felt nausea. After that severe throbbing leg pain. It has only been a week so I'm hoping symptoms will subside.

I have very dry itchy skin following subcutaneous.weekly injection..My scalp gets extremely sore and itchy in the days following the injection. I find the drug helpful so I tolerate side effects .

I'm so glad I found this site. I was searching the internet for my symptoms, which are waking up feeling like I'm on fire. The first time it happened I freaked out. My skin was hot, puffy and bright red everywhere. I thought something very serious was wrong with me. I was so scared that I think I must have had a panic attack. I was dizzy and was having trouble breathing. I took a cold shower. It didn't really help. I told my wife to dial 911. Luckily, she was still half asleep and didn't hear me. I went downstairs to get some water and the feeling just started to go away. The swelling and redness subsided shortly after. This feeling of being on fire only happens occasionally, like maybe a few times a month. Once I realized it would go away I just started ignoring it. I've found that if I don't panic, and ignore the burning, it will go away in a few minutes.Even though I developed this ignore-it technique, I was not aware of this side effect being the cause of Niaspan

leg and finger twitching, which is driving me nuts, upset stomach, can't sleep more than 7 hours, increased energy, increased heart rate, no decrease in appetite, but i just don't feel like eating.

Mild Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Hunger pains, Stomach pains .