Zofran (ondansetron hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zofran (ondansetron hydrochloride)

Worst pain from constipation in my life

Works well for moderate nausea for me, but side effects of severe constipation (only remedied by laxatives sometimes), bloating, and abdominal pain make it a pain in the ass.

Worked very well to get my nausea under control but wow am I ever bloated now. Agree with other comments about the side effects of bloating and constipation.

Worked great for nausea but unbearable due to the worst constipation and bloating ever experienced. This is for EMERGENCY use only and even then for a limited time otherwise your anus will pay for it! It works great for Chemo nausea but OMG the constipation is a nightmare regardless of how much liquids you take in or fruits/veggies you eat.

CONSTIPATION, stomach pain, drowsiness

Didn't really help with nausea, but got crippling gas pain and inability to pass gas next morning, definitely not worth it.

Stomach pain, headache, heartburn, constipation

Kind of worked for nausea but the bad headache and stomach pain just makes it not worth it

I was prescribed zofran for nausea I am unable to take it because as soon as I get it underneath my tongue to start dissolving it before I'm that close to vomiting it will instantly make me vomit why is that an is this me this has happened on every occasion I've ever taken it I know the medication does not call for you to swallow it but at times to curb the nausea I have even thrown it into the back of my throat and swallowed it real quick and the same thing happens almost immediately

I would just like to know why this happens contact my email

Severe abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea

It works so well for nausea, but at what price? I was doubled over on the toilet with the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Then threw up because of the pain rather than from nausea..

Headache, extreme gas pains, bloating and constipation.

Serves it purpose but the gas pain and constipation are a hassle afterwards. Simethicone definitely helps for the gas pains and bloating.

Gas, bloating, rare light headache.

Migraine, severe stomach spasms, bloating

Have been on it for years now and about a year ago I started getting severe stomach spasms out of no where. Thought it was my pain meds (tylenol 3) but I figured out it's the Zofran. I have to take it for the nausea but it's a love hate thing at this point.

Constipation, extreme exhaustion, blurred vision, dizzy, extreme stomach and side pain

It works very well for nausea but the stomach pain and bloating that comes with it is really not fun. My stomach hurts non stop, I get terrible cramping pain every time I need to poop, which is a couple times a day. It's ridiculous.

Terrible bloating and stomach cramps the day after. Only take it when I absolutely need it because it backs me up so bad!

Nausea and vomiting, gastroparesis

No negative side effects.Works well for nausea

EXTREME intestinal discomfort and constipation waking me up through out the night. Worked the first day though I was uncomfortable it was bareable and by the second day I was in extreme pain and throwing up again but I think I continued throwing up because the pain was so bad instead of nausea

It was so expensive I am so heartbroken it hasnt been working out for me as my pregnancy sickness has been brutal so im going to continue trying to take it in halves or something we will see

Works great but hate how much it backs me up.

IBS, Nausea, Nausea by Anesthesia

Really bad stomach cramps and constipation

The medicine works so well, and the taste is not great but I have not had issues with the taste when nauseous. I only take it when absolutely necessary because I know I will be in pain the next day. It serves its purpose well but I only take it when its benefits will outweigh the consequences!

Side Effects forzofran (ondansetron hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Some morning grogginess, but I'm okay once I get up and moving.

Joint pain that keeps getting worse, muscle spasms in back. Weight gain, anxiety.

high blood pressure, fast pulse

would love a regular supply, sign me up for another hit. judging from some of these other patient comments, sounds like there's a bunch of whining cry babies out there. this drug is great for any procedure.

Intense hacking dry cough - could not get through a conversation without coughing. Burning sensation in my face, back pain.

I had a respiratory bug back in January, got all stuffed up, and my doctor (back-up doctor) gave me Nasonex. Now I see she NEVER should have. I have been sick with low-grade infections, fever blisters and conjuctivitis all winter. I couldn't figure out why I was catching everything. I recently contracted a virus so bad I landed in the hospital with 104 fever, chills, dehydration. I don't think the Nasonex GAVE me that virus, but now I see (too late) that it can lower your body's ability to fight infection, which explains everything.

I'm an RN. Work in the ER. I see people coming in for Vicodin refills for their fake "back injuries" all the time. They're addicted and it's sad. Kinda funny watching them squirm when the doctor gives them only 15 pills. Boy, they get pissed. At least tell the truth when going into the ER, say "I'm an addict and I need a refill" the nurses may have more respect for you then!

Started taking the Voltaren Rapid Tablets again 1 week ago for 5 days but have been getting horrible headaches the pain seems to be at the back of my head and behind my eyes I also have a small hive/rash on inside of both wrist so I have disposed of Tablets looks like first time was definitely a reaction to the Tablets.

Explosive unpredictable diarrhea. Horrible Gas and bloating. Cramping, I'm afraid to go to work because I never know when I will literally have to run to the bathroom! It's also making me puff up. My legs even feel like they are retaining fluid or something. Stomach is puffed out. It's very disheartening

Sleep Problems even with apnea CPAP