Romazicon (flumazenil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Romazicon (flumazenil)

GABA antagonists (when used carefully) are drug of choice to cure/fix insomnia/anxiety that isn't out of control:reduce CAREFULLY gaba activity so that overactive brain cells are destroyed and GABA system becomes more sensitive. Repeat if there is no enough improvements.

Psychiatry don't care about patients but money. They push benzos and antidepressants to people who cannot sleep but don't want to fix problems. Metrazol and Flumazil are other possibilities.

Side Effects forromazicon (flumazenil) - User Comments


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I understand that this vaccine is at full strength 14 days after the second shot. Problems started 13 days after the shot. Can't help wonder.

Absolute dismay when a blood test revealed that I was taking Vitamin D2, named "maximum D3" for maximum deception by the manufacturer!! My doctor prescribed "vitamin D3" and she assured me verbally that it was D3. There was nothing on the patient information from the pharmacy to indicate it was other than vitamin D3. I was scammed!!!

Effects of Trigeminal Nerve injury, body edema mostly in lower legs which causes severe pain in bilteral knees still present seven months later. As well as body temperature fluctuations continue, menopause and thyroid problems ruled out as cause of these fluctuations. Heart problem ruled out as to edema as well as kidney dysfunction.

Not for patients with FIBROMYALGIA

My doctor had prescribed this for me to help with my allergies. Shortly after I developed a hacking cough that I've had for 4 days straight. The cough is making me not want to eat as well and I have a weird taste in my mouth.

Every side effect known to man your best to keep focused in yourself. Try not to let the depression anxiety or anger control you. Remember its the meds not you.remember they are just dreams not reality...what ever past trauma or fear may come to a head so be careful...

I have had Mirena put in 2times (after each child) the first time I had a lot of problems with it (bleeding/spotting for 3 weeks at a time and yeast infections monthly) at the time my husband was deployed so no big deal removing. I have tried every pill out there and every time I would have the worst PMS ever so after our second son my Dr convinced me to try Mirena again because she had never seen anyone have the problems I did, so I gave it a try. We are going on 3 years now and I've been debating on removing it for the past couple of months, I didn't realize all my issues were related to this damn thing. So I researched like crazy because I was the lowest I had ever been in my whole life. Turns out I have every side effect they warn you about, headaches, acne, weight gain, depression, and the worst one ovarian cysts (super painful).... It has gotten so bad my husband has even thought about a vasectomy just so I could rid my body of this stress, after reading all these post it just makes it more clear to what I need to do.

my 8 yo daughter has been taking this for 6 mos. Just discovered the side effects....very disturbed to find out that her emotional issues are not NORMAL kid is due to this drug!!!!

My doctor actually gave me a script for a lose dose generic osteoporosis medication, but gave me a couple samples of Actonel to get me started. When I got up this morning, it was all I could do to let the dogs outside; I immediately went back to bed after they came back in. I took this drug yesterday morning and was fine all day, but feel really lousy today. This is the only thing I did that was different. People tell me my face is flushed; that I look like I have a fever. I didn't sleep well at all last night. Just hoping that this evening will be better.

I am so glad I found this website! After having my daughter my doctor put me on a low dose pill. After I finished breast feeding I wanted to go back on OrthoTricyclen, the pharmacy gave Trinessa. What a nightmare I have gained 10 pounds in 4 months, started getting migraines, acne. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to get OrthoTricyclen scrip.