Nubain (nalbuphine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nubain (nalbuphine hydrochloride)

My mother was Clammy, sweaty hard to catch her breath immediately after injection in hospital. Died of a silent heartattack coroner said.

Within seconds of getting a shot of this medication I started to feel very groggy and light headed. Within minutes I started to have severe trouble breathing and by the time the ambulance got to me I stopped breathing all together. I had to be in the ICU intubated for almost a week before I woke up out of a coma and could breathe on my own again.

This was doctor error as my doctor knew what medications I was taking and gave me the shot anyway. Please always remind your doctor as to what medications you are taking and not to assume they know. It was almost fatal for me.

Burning at injection site that started in my hip and spread down to my thigh, nauseated, light headed, clammy, hot and cold chills, head spinning, hard time talking and walking, very hard to focus in on anything (everything I looked at jumped around), very agitated. I have never ever been as sick as I was after getting this shot! One of the worst experiences of my life, and definitely the worst experience to a medication.

I got this shot for a cluster headache. It was supposed to knock out my pain for about six hours, I was told. I will NEVER get this again. I got the shot, checked out, and about the time I got in the car it was like a wave hitting me. Immediate sickness, head spinning, and I just broke down crying from feeling so sick and absolutely out of it.

The best thing for my migraines and I have tried everything. I dont know why its so hard to keep it at the Dr.s office or why you can get a prescription for it when it helps so much and you dont have to take anything else..

chronic pain and other serious ills

none caution with injection sites and sterilize

Nubian has been good substitute for patients with allergies to morphine based medications

I experienced extreme nausea and fatigue after 30 minutes of taking Nubain. I had severe back pain before attending the doctor and when i left i didnt feel a thing, but i was sick for three days.

Was given injection in dr office within min had weird sensations in arms and legs started hearing the taking in dr office getting faster and farther way, I was able to message my son when he called I could barely speak, managed to get to door nurse saw me was able to barley say something wrong hand phone to her my son was screaming at her, I started shaking and then went to muscle jerks. They gave me benadryl and valium after 3 hours my son demanded to take me home. The dr told him it just needs to run its course then asks me if I took anything before I came in...duh!! He prescribeds me morphine and hydrcodone for my RA and summatriptane for my migraines he says well this drug reacts with them..why did u give it to me

Dont ever take this drug...scariest time of my life

Migraine had me vomiting, diarrhea, the most intense pressure in my head,floaters, nausea &one IV injection of NUBAIN & LITERALLY with in less than a minute and a half ALL symptoms gone!

Irritability and drowsiness it burns when injected. And sometimes I have a little anxiety with it

I have had migraines my whole life and this with a shot of 50mg benadryl works great for my mirgraines.I have had all the other stuff that doesn't help.but you have to have the benadryl or it has a burning itch.

Never, Ever, ever, ever again!! Put me in full withdrawal in urgent care. Was taken to hospital. I felt as if I was going to die. Amazing how the same dr at urgent care gives you a shot of this crap and 30mg oxycodone. You would think he would known better, but nope. Please don't take this drug for any reason, it's iust not worth it.

Knocked out migraine that several other drugs hadn't helped at all.

I was given a Nubain & Phegran Inj. At dr office for migraine. My dr knows I take 200 mg of morphine a day, an Oxycodone for chronic back pain. Less than an hour later I was in full blown withdrawals, thought I was gonna die.I didnt know it reacted that way if you were On other narcotics until the next day when I started doing some research. My dr should have known better than to give me Nubain. I will NEVER take it again!

Do not take Nubain if you are taking other reacts against them.

Burning all over, very painful. I thought was to die!!

I was given Nubain through an IV at a hospital. I had severe itching, an expected side effect of an epidural and was told Nubain or benadryl would be suitable drugs to stop the itching. When the nurse admisinistered this drug in my IV, i immediately felt burning that started in my stomach and spread all over my body. She barely got out of the room and i began shaking uncontrollable and i thought i was going to die. Luckily my boyfriend was there to call for help because I don't think i could have reached the emergency button on my bed. The nurse came back and flushed my IV with saline. She lied to me though and said my experience was not an allergic reaction, but i was just cold due to the IV flushing my system. What a liar!! I spent 3 days at the hospital and the only time my IV was flushed was AFTER she gave me Nubain. I have to now tell physicians about my experience and that i'm allergic to this drug. I have never had such a scary experience....this drug should be illegal. I

When my medication won't work an injection of Nubain and Phenergan will.

Within minutes of injection I started vomiting, shaking, and had trouble breathing! It was the scariest episode in my life. I really thought I was going to die!

Do not take this medicine ! It can kill you if you aren't careful

Side Effects fornubain (nalbuphine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Insomnia, over-sensitivity, stress

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Have woken on day 3 & have decided I will not continue with these antibiotics. I feel like my heart is going to burst through my chest!

Weight gain, stomach aches when I take it with evening meal, extreme fatigue, water retention, horrible back aches. Exhausted all the time. My cardiologist says he hasn’t ever heard of any of these side effects. I asked to go off off of the medication several times. I’m not enjoying life anymore I’m too tired to go do anything. I used to work out all the time.

I used the generic version of monistat 3 and have experienced terrible side effects such as extreme itching and burning. The first night I thought it was possibly related to the yeast infection itself even though the infection itself only bothered me slightly during the day. The itching and burning was unbearable. I got out of bed and used the bidet for 20 minutes or so the first night and that helped. The second night nothing seemed to alleviate the itching. I had a very difficult time falling asleep and was so upset to wake up this morning still burning and itching. Maybe the ovules are better for me than the cream.........

Altered sense of taste and smell. Depressed.

Helped with pain, side effects weren't worth it :( perhaps because I took it without food.

No side effects while taking, had increased energy and medication worked well for symptoms

I had a small shingles rash running from the top of my butt crack. Only about 4 blisters in a row. This is the 3rd time I've had them in this exact spot in the past 5 months. I took generic Valacyclovir for Valtrex before and everytime ended up having such joint pain I walked like a cripple when I first woke up and then it would go away and always come back at night. This time after just one pill, which I started late at night, I woke about 4 hrs later with heartburn that was off the charts, terrible joint pain in arms, chest, legs and pins and needles tingling in fingers. I have acid reflux but it wasn't bothering me when I went to bed. Also, terrible smelliing bowel movements, close to diarrhea. I had such bad pains through my chest and out the back I thought it might be a heart attack. The shingles were almost dried up anyway on their own with very slight pain and itching.