Stimate (desmopressin acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Stimate (desmopressin acetate)

Flushing and slight sense of not getting enough air. Difficulty breathing. Panic attack feeling.

Worked very well for reducing menstrual flow.

STIMATE (DESMOPRESSIN ACETATE): Desmopressin is used in people with certain bleeding problems (hemophilia A, type 1 von Willebrand's disease) to control bleeding caused by surgery, injuries, or heavy menstrual periods. This medication is a man-made form of a certain substance in the body called vasopressin that helps with normal blood clotting. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Aprroximately as effective a codeine, but doesn't produce the mental "cloudiness" nor constipation that codeine does.

I was taken to the hospital for a penicillin allergy and after I was treated, they gave me clindamycin to see if I could tolerate that since I'm allergic to most antibiotics. They were satisfied that It was O.k., so I went home. All these things started happening to me and I thought it was just penicillin getting out of my system. But now it's been almost 9 days and I seem to be getting worse. I punched in my symptons on the computer since the pharmacist said it was highly unlikely that this was caused by the drug. This site came up with reactions to metronidazole or Flagyl. Used for bacterial infections also, I'm calling my Doctor tomorrow to see if I can stop taking it. My heart is racing, my neck muscles are in a knot, and I'm feeling like I have a brain tumor!! Scared the shit out of me. Thank God for this site...

I developed continuous severe headaches after a complicated neck surgery. After two years of trying every remedy with no relieve, the neurologist started me on 25mg of topamax and gradually increasing it to 75mg. On 50mg, I experienced daily diarrhea, word finding difficulties, fatique, concentration problems but it did hold off the headaches until late afternoon.So after two months the neurologist had me take 25 mg in AM and 50 mg in PM. After two weeks on this dosage, my right arm, hand, shoulder became increasing painful and numb. Soon I had developed a frozen shoulder because the nerves in my arm and finger were paralyzed. After two months, on this dosage I could not move my right arm and fingers, my right side of my head was numb, and my shoulder was frozen. I could not write or sleep the pain was so excruciating. I was clear of headaches but the right side of my upper body was paralyzed.

Was impossible to do any work, but it got rid of the pain. Only problem was when coming off of it I would get awful headaches that were only cured with sleep. Liked it at first but now wondering if I'll ever take it again.

MS pain and stiffness/leg cramps

I get migraines and do not have regular periods.

Sinus infection/double ear infectio

Vivid dreams but pleasant, some nausea

OH MY GOD! I took this and started vomiting in 15 minutes. They I got so dehydrated I couldn't walk, stand or see well. My mother had to dress me and take me to the hospital. There they gave me 7 bags of saline and vitamin b intravenously. Mine was an extreme and violent allergic reaction. Everyone should be careful of medications they take.

No side effects. Kills the headache.......if you don't "chase it"