Ddavp (desmopressin acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ddavp (desmopressin acetate)

My four year old grandaughter that we have custody of has been on DDAVP all her little life. A life saver for her. It help regulate her urine output nicely. Nasal spray twice daily.

I love it! After brain surgery I didn't know how I was going to survive going to the bathroom every 20 minutes. I take DDAVP nasal spray and it works like a charm. When taking other meds I have to increase the dosage, but other than that it's a God send. I use to spend $60 a month at the local CVS, but I started mail order and I pay $10 for a seven month supply! If you have mail order as an option check out the cost of the medicine.

Bed wetting/diabetes insipidus

Mild sinus irritation at first, but it did go away over time.

I love this medication!!! I see some people commenting about the cost of it. Walgreen's carries it, get their Walgreen's prescription card for $20 per year, then you pay only $68 and some change. I would be lost without it. Even with our insurance, it's still cheaper at Walgreen's. I hope this helps anyone who is having trouble affording it.

We wouldn't want to be without this med.

OMG it's such a life saver. I don't have to drink nearly as much water as I used to. When I started it, it was hard figuring out what dose to take, but we finally figured it out.

Extreme dizziness, unbearable headache, vomiting, disorientation, overall feeling of malaise.

Only drug to treat DI so basically, i'm out of luck! My dr. has never seen anyone unable to tolerate ddavp i'm an anomalie.

My daughter has been on this for over a month now and besides being expensive, she still wets the bed even with strict fluid restriction. It's very frustrating we're going back to the doctors next week.

Fluid retention if I take more than my body needs and then some shortness of breath.

Virtually free of side effects. I have to adjust the dose based on symptoms and other meds. A wonder drug for DI. DI is horrible but this med. helps.

Leg swelling if taking too much.

My daughter has been on DDAVP since 1978, 29 years. She has been maintained well for all those years and it sure is better than the old Pitressin Tannate in Oil. That med. was injectable every 36 hours, which was very trying.

If I dose it too high, I have fluid retention.

Thank God it exists. I wouldn't wish diabetes inspidus on anyone but if you have it, this medication is fairly side effect free. You just have to adjust the dose to your body. I find that my dose changes based on other medications I take and other factors.

It only masks the problem it DOESN'T solve it.

It's my miracle pill! Works immediately. I've used the nasal spray, it caused sinus irratation.



Used Puffer for nose, dry nose.

Can be costly, I have health insurance. It Helps me TREMENDOUSLY, and i don't have to drink as much water, and can sleep the whole night with out getting up to drink water and go to the bathroom.

does not last long, under 8 hoursvery expensive, 300.00 for 1 month

DDAVP (DESMOPRESSIN ACETATE): Desmopressin is used to control the amount of urine your kidneys make. Normally, the amount of urine you make is controlled by a certain substance in the body called vasopressin. In people who have "water diabetes" (diabetes insipidus) or certain kinds of head injury or brain surgery, the body does not make enough vasopressin. Desmopressin is a man-made form of vasopressin and is used to replace a low level of vasopressin. This medication helps to control increased thirst and too much urination due to these conditions, and helps prevent dehydration. Desmopressin products applied in the nose are no longer indicated to control nighttime bedwetting in children because of the increased risk of developing a serious side effect (a low level of sodium in the blood). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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