Xifaxan (rifaximin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Xifaxan (rifaximin)

I'm no longer taking this medication. This medication did not do anything for my issues. After the fact I think a lot of the issues were due to stress. I had a CT Scan that was normal and showed no abnormality.

I would take a lot of caution when taking this medication.

Constant nausea and dizziness. Missed more days of work while taking it than I did in the last 5 years. Symptoms are constant and harsh even after stopping. Waiting for them to go away.

It definitely helped with frequency and consistency but I can't say it was worth the lingering side effects.

Took this for sibo. Helped clear my acne, had less burping and could eat a lot of foods I was unable to tolerate. Experienced a bit of headache and nausea but it passed once I finished the course. Did wonders for my gut inflammation. If taking this pair it with s boulardii to prevent any c diff or other dysbiosis

First two days I felt nauseated and anxious, came to a head third night when I started hallucinating/ having vivid fever dreams and massive anxiety in the middle of the night, followed by shaking/convulsions. It was the most scared I've been in a long time. I had to take a clonazepam in hopes it would knock me out (it just makes me tired) and after about a half an hour of pains and shaking uncontrollably I fell asleep. Let my dr know in the morning and he told me to stop taking it. (Duhh)

I wouldn't recommend this medication unless it's a last ditch effort and you're basically dying- and your insurance covers most of it. Original price was well over $2000 and that's ridiculous.

In the begin I was feeling all right but after I experienced stomach cramps i was thinking fine maybe this is how itshould be so I continued till day 7 when I experienced so much pain in all my stomach before I had pain in my upper area after xifaksan all my belly.be aware when you start to experience that stop immediately! It will get worse.this is a warning from me as I destroyed my stomach and can't get better after taking it if anybody experienced similar problem please contact me to discuss if went away and what helped --my e mail

After the last dose, I had voluminous, orange watery diarrhea for HOURS. I had to cancel my GI's appointment as I could not leave the house. The GI laughingly told me that Xifaxan gave me leaky gut. He was PROUD to tell me this.

I am 1 year and 290 days past my last dose. As a result of this medicine, I cannot eat raw fruits or vegetables, grains, dairy, or fatty food. I still cannot leave the house as I do not know when I will have the need to use the bathroom. My ALT was elevated for a year. I have consulted with doctor after doctor and dieticians and no one knows what to do with my gut. I am sorry I ever took this medicine and would NOT recommend it to anyone. It should be taken off the market.

Severe bloating and pains front and back. Gas and belging did not have before taking xifaxan. Constipation back. Not good for me disappointed. 11 years trying to figure out diagnosed with everything.

Mild nausea but constant so I feel nauseous all day and feel bloated and icky

Urgency but not diarrhea. No stomach pain. A little drowsiness.

Extremely dizzy, tired, got heart palpatations, instant sweats, anxiety. .... rash on forehead, this medication made me feel so bad, and bloated

Headache, bloating, achy joints, dizziness

Didn't work at all. Made me feel terrible.

This drug is not working for me my left side under my breast is like someone is pouring acid in me burns really bad and hurts. They took so many ultrasounds and the disappointments of not finding anything frustrates me I feel like I'm going crazy and no one understands, it's affecting my job I had to call out a lot due to the pain I get at night and I can't sleep so I have to call out I got written up due to that but I can't seem to get my doctor to understand this is serious

Crohn's disease with loose stool.

I have used Xifaxan several times over the last decade. I get SIBO regularly because of abdominal surgery that I had which affected transit times. The surgery also caused IBS-D. Xifaxan increases my energy and also lowers inflammation which I believe are caused by the SIBO.

Made me feel dull and stupid, slightly sleepy. I am taking saccharomyces boullardii with it, to prevent a lot of bad possible things that can happen in the gut. I haven't quite finished the course, but it definitely helped with stomach pain and diarrhea. I've been informed that you cannot simply treat SIBO with an antibiiotic and have it stay gone. You have to change what you eat, so as not to encourage the overgrowth of bacteria to recurr. So I am working with a registered dietitian to get a nutrition plan, and will no doubt be eating yogurt and taking probiotics the rest of my life. SO BE IT. I just want to be well! I have gained weight, I constantly want to eat while on this med.

Since it makes me drowsy and stupid, mostly I sleep all right at night while on the drug. The first night or two was rough, though. Have had some fierce headaches, too. If I can get well and stay well it is worth it for me.

Took 3xs/day for 14 days. Bloating, weight gain, fatigue xx, nausea, phlegm congestion yet no cold or sickness & strong headaches. Side effects are worse or the same after finished dose. Nausea is so bad I thought I had stomach bug but never threw up. constipation was never better - not worth it. A month after finishing still have side effects 30 days later.

Do not recommend this med - not worth all the extreme side effects.

I have just finished this medication a week ago and I’ve never felt worse in my life! I’ve had 4 migraines in the last week and have never had such shocking abdominal pain and bloating, I seriously look 10 months pregnant! My appetite still has not returned, I still have diarrhoea, now just with excruciating pain continuously!!!!!!I’m just so sorry I wasted so much of my money on this useless, horrible medicine!

Not sure if it’s related but also have excessive phlegm and cough all the time even though I don’t have a cold or flu! A another side effect maybe??

I am the same person that posted below. After completing my second week on Xifaxan, I was cautiously optimistic. Not any more. A little over a month later all of my symptoms are back (urgency, amount of times per day, abdominal pain, etc.) I am very disappointed. If you have to pay for this very expensive drug out of your own pocket, DON'T DO IT and continue to take Imodium. If you're insurance covers it, I guess it's worth a try.

I have had IBS-D since I was a child and for the first time since I can remember, my gut actually feels normal. The persistent, low grade pain I used to feel is gone and the urgency to go is greatly diminished. Dr. and I are going to try one more 14 day round and see how things go after that. I would recommend giving it a try.

XIFAXAN (RIFAXIMIN): This medication is used to treat diarrhea caused by the common bacteria known as E. coli ("traveler's diarrhea"). Rifaximin should not be used if you have a fever or bloody diarrhea. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. Rifaximin is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. It is also used to prevent a brain problem caused by liver disease (hepatic encephalopathy). It may help you think more clearly. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrid mettalic taste in mouth, no appetite at all, could not taste food.. zombie like feelings of unreality. Unable to sleep but two or three hours a night. Extreme fatigue and uncontrollable shaking and nervousness. I have take Lexapro and Zoloft in the past and was off all anti-depressants for 3months before starting the Elavil. Its a horrible old drug, it actually caused me to feel fear from leaving my house to going into any public place and facing people or a crowd. I actually thought I was developing agoraphobia until I stopped the Elavil. I would NOT recommend this medication for anyone. I thought it was the worst anti-depressant ever!

None! I was expecting some side effects, but didn't have any. I would definitely take this drug again if neeeded.

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Was on Repatha for 1 and a half years. No adverse symptoms in first year but then they started up with a vengeance. Absolutely did lower my very high LDL cholesterol but eventually it took a heavy toll. The memory issues are frightening. Doctor took me off the drug when I described by symptoms. Be very careful with this drug as symptoms can sneak up on you.

Slight nausea, slight feeling horrible in my brain like it's dehydrated, slight feeling dehydrated overall, slight feeling anxiety, slight feeling can't keep still due to muscles want to move around, feel drowsy but not in a sleepy way, took panadol and was. able to sleep it off.

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I usually take Equate Ibuprofen but in hospital they have MOTRIN. Same medication supposedly. It made me have cramps and still have them over a week later. After the 3rd pill I found myself being nervous, then panicky, then anxious and when I went to sleep I had weird dreams. I finally had the nurse walk me up and down halls at 2:00AM because I was so figidity.Since I can take ibuprofen brand Equate without this happening, Motrin must have an additive to make patient feel good so they'll use it but it made me a psychological mess. No more Motrin. I'm glad to read I'm not the only one who had psychological problems from this medication. Try Walmart's Equate brand.

Bloated, mood swings, constantly spotting- just enough so I can't have sex and have to use a tampon, totally irregular periods

This medication was effective for its purpose...I rarely got Pneumonia in the 17 post transplant years that I was on the drug. Long story short, my doctors are on the brink of diagnosing me with drug induced lupus. I was ordered off the Bactrim after some alarming auto-immunity tests were run. Among the many positive test results were an ANA, DsDNA, and anti histone abs as well as the inflammation markers: westergren sed rate and c-reactive protein. Tests will be rerun in a few months to confirm the diagnosis. I will never take another sulfa drug again. I thought this drug was safe for me because I've been on it for so long, but I got a rude awakening into the reality of long term side effects. I was very lucky in that Lupus is treated with immunosuppressants and I was on said drugs for my transplant. So the one set of pills was treating two conditions (one of them I didn't even know I had).

I am so glad that I found this site, I was seriously beginning to think I was losing the plot. Day 1 of taking this med, I felt fine, and then all hell broke loose. Symptoms of insomnia, neck tightness (think throttled), bone pain, especially in hips, lower back and neck. Increased heart rate, breathlessness, feeling of fumes coming up from stomach, and fast weight loss, in 21 days, have lost 18 lbs. I am livid with my doctors who despite me telling them, I react to anything ending in 'zole' they kept pushing me to take them, and Nexium has been the worse>I have stopped taking them, and am researching natural ways to heal my now very tender stomach, and hope that the side effects fade away with time.I would never ever recommend taking this poison, because that is what it is, poison, I am just so thankful to have come across this site.