Questran (cholestyramine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Questran (cholestyramine)

Weight Gain, Muscle Cramps, Joint pain, Bloated

Took to relieve diarrhea and cramping which it did to a degree. I was able to eat out without rushing to bathroom. But I do not see this as a long term solution. Taste is terrible, I've gained so much weight and am constantly bloated.

Nasty taste in mouth a lot of the time. Teeth getting yellower. After 7 months I am experiencing joint pain and leg pain. That's why I'm looking at these reviews. So I am going to try reducing dose.

Solved my bile acid problems however.

Smelly wind, stomach cramps and joint psin

It's saved my life. No more diarrhoea. Don't have to worry about toilet.

Diarrhoea after gall bladder removal

D, years after cholecystectomy

Gas, Bloating, constipation, n/v, loss of appetite

I was only able to take 1/2 packet a day, after 3 month got every single side effect. It so bad I thought I had a blockage. I eat a well rounded diet and plenty of liquids.

Stomach hurts if I don't take it with food

Praise God for this medicine! IBS post gallbladder removal in 1992. Tried everything! In 2019, my family doctor decided to try this. It's been such a blessing.The taste was hard to take at first. Don't give up. I mix with refrigerator water and let sit for about 30 seconds and it's not as gritty. I'm so used to it now that I just fix it and toss it back.

Diarrhea after gallbladder surgery

This gave me ringing in the ears, muscle pain and weakness, severe sodium and potassium depletion requiring 8 trips to the ER, and lethargy

After 11 months since discontinuing, still have muscle pain/ weakness

Gall bladder removal, Diarrhea

Constipation. More recently I have very much mouth irritation. Also leg pain and weakness. Am going off of it for awhile to see if symptoms are from the medication. I know diarrhea will return.

Great to stop frequent bms and diarrhea.

Extreme fatigue, aching muscles and some constipation.

I needed to lower my cholesterol and I have chronic IBS. I tried diet and exercise for about a year, which reduced the lipids somewhat. Instead of a Statin drug, I asked for the Questran and within a month my cholesterol went from 250 to 186 and bad cholesterol went from 139 to 76. My stools have bulked up and I have somewhat formed bm’s.

Diarrhoea after gallbladder removal

Anyone with post cholesysectomy diarrhoea should talk to a gastroenterologist about Questran Light.It's worth trying.

This medication worked instantly! I suffered from so called "IBS-D" for 22 years with no relief from any medications. Luckily I looked into my symptoms on my own in case studies from the U.K.So happy that I did and I have a doctor who was willing to allow me to try this medication.Changed my life! I haven't felt this good since I was a teenager.My life is back and I will never look back... Unfortunately this medical problem is overlooked very often and many people go on in misery while a very simple solution is just waiting for them out there.My life has changed dramatically for the better because if this medication. I am so very grateful 🙏

Saved my sanity and my life in many ways! ♥️💊

Could not take even one sachet the chalky mixture caused me to keep reaching very disappointed not sure what to do there I'd new drug but dr won't prescribe on nhs as more expensive so feeling very depressed

Bile salt malabsorbtion after scans

I am confused on when to take this as im on other medication throight the day and the doctor says not to 2 hour before other meds or not 4 hours after

One sachet wasn't enough. Still getting loose stools. 2 sachets were giving me constipation

I thought everything would go away but nothing has changed b

BAM prev. diagn.IBS postfundoplicat

Have followed a strict FODMAP diet which helped but actually only masked real problem. Fearsome aches and nausea and D say 2 x a week. Since Questran have been fine. Had it made into capsules which I experiment with all at once or over day .

Couldn't swallow sachet in liquid, so chemist made up capsules. 8 =sachet. Get a bit of flatulence. Feel stronger and more cheerful not having chronic D. Have eaten ordinary bread and forbidden FODMAP veggies and NO PROBLEMS. Annoyed re wrong diagnosis, glad to have found Questran. Praise GI dr. Worry re possible vitamin deficit though.

When I was diagnosed a year ago, a 4mg sachet of questran light daily worked immediately. After two months I was getting constipation so I reduced gradually to one sachet every three days, then stopped altogether. However when the diarrhoea returned two months ago, I had to rack the dosage up to five sachets a day to control it. This is tricky to know when to take the questran, as I am on other drugs which are affected by it. After a month I have been able to cut down gradually to one sachet a day. So I am hoping to be off it completely soon. As we al know this is not a pleasant medicine to swallow....but it works.

To gritty I rinse immediately after wait one hour before brushing to prevent black teeth.Dont hold it in your mouth for any length of time.

A little flatulence, but otherwise good. Can be constipating.

I take 1/4 packet in the evening when I have an active flare of symptoms. It seems to reduce the severity and firms the stool so that I am not running to the bathroom.

QUESTRAN (CHOLESTYRAMINE): Cholestyramine is used along with a proper diet to lower cholesterol in the blood. Lowering cholesterol helps decrease the risk for strokes and heart attacks. In addition to a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. Cholestyramine may also be used to treat itching in people with too much bile acid caused by a certain type of liver/bile duct disease (partial biliary obstruction). This medication is known as a bile acid-binding resin. It works by removing bile acid from the body. In people with high cholesterol, this causes the liver to make more bile acid by using cholesterol in the blood. This helps to lower the cholesterol levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My doctors office was nice enough to work me in the same day and the doctor stated it could be a couple of things...a SEVERE allergic reaction to Aldera or it could be Herpes. I have not had intercourse in about 2 1/2 months and have never had a problem related to Herpes. I am waiting on my test results from the doctor. I do feel so much better after reading the reviews on this site as now I feel confident this was just an allergic reaction and not HERPES! I would not recommend this cream to anyone and it should be taken off the market. The doctor took me out of work for the entire week...that is how bad the reaction was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

muscle cramps and spasms of inner thigh area. often at night it will wake me from sleep. also high creatnine level reading that was reduced by stopping my night dosage 80mg and I also take coenzyme 10 now. But lasix helped me extremely when I was admitted to hospital weighing 400 lbs. and fluid almost went into my lungs. Lasix works fast but overtime, you can develop leg/muscle cramps.

Very more normal when I don't take it

This medicine really helped reduce the throbbing and the pain experienced when I accidently had the steel end of a maddock (pick axe, flathead)ricochet back onto me. .. but, as a side effect, gave me the sleep I needed as well. Some lethargy was experienced the next morning after a really excellent sleep, but that only lasted until about lunchtime(about 5 hours).

The last 5 months seem to have been ok as far as i know, however i went on my 7 day break and i have been taking them again for 5 days. Ever since i started taking them again i have been so moody and feeling really down. I keep getting thrush symptoms in the last couple of months and i have never had it before. So after reading some of the reviews on here i have maybe come to realise that it may be due to this pill why i am getting these symptoms. Still yet to see nurse to change soon.