Questran light (cholestyramine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Questran light (cholestyramine)

It certainly works in preventing diarrhoea.

Short bowel after Crohns surgery

Can't function without it. I take 2-3 packages daily. if I don't take it I cannot leave the house. No side effects. I have been taking it since it was released by the FDA..30 years?

It is very would think the cost would come down.

No side effects unless I missed a dose i would have severe diarrhoea and pains in my side.

As soon as i started taking this it stopped the diarrhoea andthe burning sensation when going the toilet. I can manage onhalf a sachet to one sachet a day in the morning.

Can't take any other medications an hour before or a couple of hours afterward. I've been on many different drugs for Crohn's Disease (Asacol, Dipentum, Pentasa and now Lialda), but it wasn't until I started the Questran that my diarrhea abated significantly. If I go a day without it, I have diarrhea all day long; but otherwise if I take it, I rarely do. It's been a true lifesaver for me! A bonus is that my cholesterol is also very low!

take 2 packets morning one in the aternoon

I had my gall bladder removed at age 13 due to an accident, which ultimately caused severe diarrhea. Using questran light, which has a side effect of constipation for some, caused me to have normal bowel movements. I'm now "normal" and love it! It also controls my cholesterol levels. A two for one!

microscopic colitis-antidiaharreal

worked great for 1 upping my dosage up to 3 packets.often have acid reflux after taking

distal ileum, ileocecal valve remov

must take care not to take it within at least two hours of other medications, because it absorbs them along with the bile. Keeps my cholesterol low, even though I didn't have a problem before taking it.

Need to adjust dose to correspond to amout of fat eaten. If I'm planning to eat a fatty meal, I up my dose. Periodically I try not taking it, which results in diarrhea, so I guess I'm on it for life.

QUESTRAN LIGHT (CHOLESTYRAMINE): Cholestyramine is used along with a proper diet to lower cholesterol in the blood. Lowering cholesterol helps decrease the risk for strokes and heart attacks. In addition to a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. Cholestyramine may also be used to treat itching in people with too much bile acid caused by a certain type of liver/bile duct disease (partial biliary obstruction). This medication is known as a bile acid-binding resin. It works by removing bile acid from the body. In people with high cholesterol, this causes the liver to make more bile acid by using cholesterol in the blood. This helps to lower the cholesterol levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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