Lomotil (atropine sulfate; diphenoxylate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lomotil (atropine sulfate; diphenoxylate hydrochloride)

Stops the diarrhea for a long time...enough for me to go shopping and get thru the rest of the day.

This medicine works great for diarrhea, but the side effects are crazy. I have been high since I started taking it. I cant even keep my eyes open to have a conversation. I am feeling mostly better from a bad stomach bug with diarrhea, so I will not continue to take it at this time.

I found this medication searching for a miracle for my 82 yr old mom. She had right side colon surgery, Hemicolectomy. For 6 months she has not left her home. She has to wear the fancy underpants. Her diarrhea was several times a day. We tried everything to stop it. Lomotil has been a miracle for her. She can leave the house without worry of having an accident. At this point in her life, it does not matter if it's addicting. It's bringing her quality of life, and me as well. I have to take care of her. Always be an advocate for your parents, look up medications the doc wants to put them on. Do your research. Love and take care of them. I will fight for her because no-one else will. Love you MOM!!

When taking it with Hydrocodone it makes me mentally confused. Have to spread out when I take lomotil and hydrocodone.

It helps a little, definitely better than imodium. Diarrhea caused by chemotherapy is VERY difficult.

Love this medicine. It works great for me

without it i dont know what i would do. Since the two bowel resections, i wouldnt be able to live without it

Gastroenteritis/vomiting & diarrhea

It really helped me to start feeling better after being so sick. Works much faster than immodium

Helped me feel good when going though opiate withdrawal

If I take more than the recommended dosage, I experience dry mouth/eyes.

This miracle drug gave me my life back. From the ages of 19 through 28, I feared leaving the house due to chronic diarrhea. I would go anywhere from 4-8 times a day. I nearly lost my job from calling out or being late in the morning because I couldn't leave the bathroom. It was awful. Since my GI started me on Lomotil, it has gone away almost completely. The only bouts I suffer from are usually viral or from overeating greasy food. This pill, 2x a day, has changed my life.

Over sensitive digestive system

little dizzy some days but not too bad. The IBS was way worse. I love this drug..took my pain and D away. I can go out and have a life.

If your doctor gives you this for IBS-D. give it a try and may it help you as much at it has me.

Celiac Disease/Nervous diarrhea

Light headedness, drowsiness, blurred vision

This is drug was made by angels! I have a life again after suffering from diarrhea daily for roughly 4 years being housebound from the ages of 19-23 i missed out on a lot but now thanks to these tiny little miracles im back at work and out and about! The drowsiness etc i get from time to time but its nothing too bad..

Mild bloating, occasional constipation.

I started taking it several years ago due to diarrhea from being in nervous situations. What a Godsend. It helped me relax and not have to worry about panicking when I could not find a bathroom right away. I don't take it on a daily basis and the most I usually take is 2 tabs once daily.

Absolute "godsend". I had the worst case of IBS my specialist had ever seen. (8-12 severe bouts of diarehha a day.) I hadn't left my house for 6 months at that point - couldn't leave home without extreme panic attacks. Just 2 tiny pills in the morning stops my diarrhea, cramps, gas, everything! I can go out in public, eat in public, drive, have a job, etc. I have a life because of this drug.

crohns disease, fistula..3 surgerie

fatitgue, dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness

I have taken lomotil consistently for 4 years after my last surgery. I have taken as many as 8 a day, 2 at a time with each meal. The side effects are taking its toll so I am going to look for something different, like cholysterimine (sp)again.

LOMOTIL (ATROPINE SULFATE; DIPHENOXYLATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat diarrhea. It helps to decrease the number and frequency of bowel movements. It works by slowing the movement of the intestines. Diphenoxylate is similar to narcotic pain relievers, but it acts mainly to slow the gut. Atropine belongs to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics, which help to dry up body fluids and also slow gut movement. This medication should not be used to treat diarrhea caused by certain types of infection (such as Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea following antibiotic therapy). Talk to your doctor for more details. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 6 years due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as breathing problems). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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fine for first two weeks. then tip of tongue started to tingle and now it really hurts! have sores on tongue and bottom gums. made my gums so sore that now i even have a hard time brushing my teeth.