Imodium (loperamide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imodium (loperamide hydrochloride)

Felt better within about an hour - no more gas either for the rest of the day. However, after about 24 hours - ate same thing 2 nights in a row so maybe that is the trigger - after coffew - not sure - symptoms returned so took another imodium caplet, but just one not the 2-pill recommended regimen.

2 days
2 mg loperamide 125 mg simeth. 1X day

I'm still taking this medication. Very rarely need it.

I had awful cramps & diarrhoea

I took this otc medicine to help with excruciating cramps and diarrhoea over the weekend! Within an hour the cramps was under control but then the vertigo started! I could not stand up and felt I had lost touch with reality, staring into space for hours and just felt really off and weird but put that down to my tinnitus playing up, never linked it to Imodium until I took it again this morning when the cramps started again, thats when the lightbulb went on and I knew it was side effects.

I dont care how painful it gets I will never take it again. Gp appointment tomorrow to figure out what is going on with my insides

Took Imodium so I didn't need to rush to the toilet when I was out for the day as I'd had a couple of days of diarrhoea. Well, a few hours after I had severe stomach cramps, bloating, gas, dizziness and ended I up curled up in the fetal position for a whole evening. I also didn't go to the toilet for 2 days after!

I guess it works for some people for some reasons. I would never take it again, the pain is almost unbearable.

Woken at 4.30am next day with stomach pain which was bearable

If I had not been going out I would have let nature take its course. In future I will do just that.

Take for moderate to severe ibs-d. I have to take every 3 days and i still have bm usually 3 times a day. Usually side effects include light gut cramping and fatigue for the day i take it. But if i dont take with lots of water and drink lots of water the entire day i take it, i get very severe gut cramps, like can't walk, curled up in fetal position gut cramps.

I took 2 pills twice and it worked fine for the first 2 times but now it always gives hideous cramps, bloating, headache, constipation for days... Even with just a single pill. It does treat it but the side effects are bad

Diahrea caused by iron tablets

Awful felt I was passing out. Hot shaky pins and needles totally nauseous but couldn't be sick

Severe abdominal cramps, loss of vision, extreme nausea, worse diarrhea all within 5 hours of taking it.

I took this two days ago and forgot what it does to my intestines, so now I'm suffering again. Diarrhea stopped, but I've had nothing but severe cramping and the feeling I have to go, but nothing comes out. Two days of hell and pain.

I took 2 pills around 10pm at night and it kept me up the entire night. Had major jitters and felt like I had taken adderall. Cannot sleep at all and major restlessness.

Works really well for occasional diarrhea, bur I have to take more tablets than indicated on the label (and more often). My only grievance is that it is not stocked on the shelf any more. I have to wait in a pharmacy line and solicit the pharmacist to please let me buy Loperamide. And now the bottles contain much fewer tablets. Is this just in my state or is the whole country restricting sales?

constipation, anxiety, drowsiness, fatigue, unable to have a bowel movement (colonic inertia), depressed central nervous systemic effects, diahrrea when discontinuing

Very disappointed. Don't believe that it won't cause constipation. For me, I took it for spastic colon / I did not have diahrrea from the start so maybe it was just my poor choice of drugs...just wanted the spasms to stop and it is an anticholinergenic.../ worked for that no more spasticity wow great, but had terrible consequences (see list). Wouldn't do it again. I believe if you have ibs-d this might be a tremendous help but for me it wasn't the help I wanted.

I am a pharmacist and an anxiety patient also. I have been using escitalopram since last 3 years. Today i used imodium first time in my life. There was a big anxiety attack i never had before. Even condition led to moderate respiratory depression and palpating heart with very much pressure feeling in brain. My hands starts trembling and i felt some involuntary movements in some muscles randomly. Was Feeling vertigo. I was thinking about my death. But fortunately i always have escitalopram tablet in my vault. I used the double dose and slowly conditions come back to normal. It was a weird experience. So anyone who has anxiety problem should not take this medication.

No side effects. Has been a life saver. I can't hardly eat anything without having to run to restroom 1-6 plus times a day. Helps SO much. I have only had to take 2 pills, never another dose after first episode.

Relief as soon as I take the capsule, no side effects at all.Not sure why others have side effects.My family all use it on holiday for fast diarrhoea relief.In fact, I think it works too well, definitely recommend to others

I took Imodium during a severe bout of TD in Indonesia after eating some home-cooked food and unwashed fruit (getting sick was my own fault).I usually opt for natural remedies, but after 48 hours of constant bathroom trips, I needed to try something else.I figured my body had flushed out quite a good amount of stuff in 48 hours, and towards the end I had extreme gas discomfort as well as occasional liquid stool. The combination was explosive -- not pretty. My entire digestive tract felt like it was quivering when I tried to eat so that even eating plain white rice was painful and I couldn't finish a small bowl.When it got to the point that I couldn't sleep because I had to get up every 5-10 minutes, I tried just one Imodium pill (I am a petite female so often start with a half dose and find it's often enough). Symptoms subsided within 15 minutes and I was able to fall into a much needed deep sleep.The body best repairs itself while sleeping, and the immune system doe

I should mention that during this time I also took large amounts of probiotics to replenish good bacteria that was lost during the 48 hours of TD. This likely also helped speed up recovery.IMPORTANT WARNING: Never take Imodium if there is blood or mucus in your stool. This could mean your TD is caused by a parasite rather than bacteria or virus, and trapping a parasite in your system could literally kill you. So be very careful and self-aware when self-medicating.Imodium is like a light sedative for your digestive muscles. Instead of treating what's inside the gut (like Pepto Bismol and others), it slows down the muscles of your digestive tract so they move much more slowly and (in my case) stop spasming. This is why taking too much can be risky -- the toxins inside your gut aren't addressed and just sit there a while until your muscles calm down enough can push them out in one solid piece. Probiotics can help fight bad bacteria. Again, just be careful to assess there's no blood in your TD before considering Imodium.Good luck and feel better soon!

Would never have Imodium again, had one tablet on Monday after getting home from holiday with bali belly, it's now Wednesday and ever since have had really really bad tummy pains!

Diarrhea,severe cramps,nausea,stomach pain

Really REALLY bad!!! Took a pill so I could go out with friends. Ended up with severe tummy pain & even worse diarrhea.Never using again.

Side Effects forimodium (loperamide hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Depression, auditory hallucination, odd throbbing sensation in L eye, chronic nausea, loss of appetite, feeling too full when I try to eat, diarrhea (could be caused by illness), weight loss, stomach distention, fatigue.

No obvious side effects until day 7, 3x500mg daily. Then I started getting headache, nashea, and some lightheadedness. Dark and thin stool could be some other side effects (or it could be from my diverticulitis). It seems wlike the fatigue and dizziness is getting worse.

My psychiatrist claims that Geodon should improve cognition, plus stabilize my hypomanic tendancies (which personally I would like to preserve). So far, I can somewhat understand what he means, that is, it seems like I can focus better and be less "scatter-brained." I have an anxiety disorder that I hope this medication can resolve. I will update my remarks as I continue with my regimen.

did not seem to help my tremors after taking for 6 weeks. I felt that I was too out of it to function.

I had bad toenails for 30 years and it began to spread to fingers. No noticeable side effects - fungus GONE quickly from fingers, took more time for toenails to grow out. (had monthly blood tests and no problems detected.)

i will continue to take this because i would rather have the side effects then the horriable migranes. when i forget to take the med or i skip to see if i still need it, i get a horriable migrane, so i deffinitly need this med to function. it has helped me so much. at one point my first doctor wanted to take me off the med and within a week i was in the hospital for a week dealing with the pain of my migranes.

I will never take another zyrtec again and do not recommend for anyone. I am greatful to have found this sight or I would've kept taking it as many others on here have.

Only two days on Provigil 100mg, increasing to 200mg in two weeks time. While I have felt mentaly alert all day long & not so tired, physically I still feel drained by the afternoon. waiting to see what effect the 200mg dose will have!

Had been taking plavix for 4 months after having two stents implanted. Developed sever rectal bleeding, which was a problem I had never in my 70 years experienced. My doctor would not agree but I went to taking plavix every other day and bleeding problem has stopped. If it starts backup, I'll stop plavix completely. May as well die of a stroke or heart attack as I had to bleed to death.

Frequent urination day and night