Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zoloft (sertraline hydrochloride)

Impotence and emotionally flat.

Slight elevation in mood, but not worth the side effects in spite of my very low dose.

I feel better than I did before starting this antidepressant. The benefits outweigh the occasional side effect of feeling extremely restless. This is the first time I've taken an antidepressant, though I do wish it were more effective.

Felt like jumping out of my skin diarrhea heartburn. Shortness of breath.Vision problems l Lightheaded and dizzy Lack of sleep. Even though I was on a small amount

Even though I was on a small amount Apparently I can't take serotonin thingsworst symptom now, as I feel lMy sinuses are all dried up and I've pain behind my eye. I have tried many of these and think I'll just stay with the anxiety. On zoloft I couldn't function at all

After a week or 2, I had chronic diarrhoea! I felt drained and unwell, loss of appetite. My stomach sounded like a washer machine constantly, not a nice feeling at all. I took Imodium but had no effect. I stopped taking them on my 3rd week after speaking to my gp. But my diarrhoea continues to give me grief. I just hope it stops soon and I get back to normal. This drug done me no favours ! I have gone back on Citalopram .

I feel more antsy, nervous, and jumpy on it. I jump easily at loud noises now. More sensitive to noise. I feel kind of like there's a motor going in me. Pulling out my hair much more than usual .

I switched from lexapro 10 mg, because it stopped working as well, and on lexapro 15 mg I was very tired and lackadaisical and I didn't want to leave my bed ; I just wanted to sleep .I'm going to ask my psychiatrist to lower the dose of Zoloft, because it seems to be too stimulating for me .

Diarrhea and heartburn and since I have a hiatial hernia it made it worse

Didn't Take it that many days.But couldn't stay with it because of side effects.

I'm no longer taking this medication. Now 4 years later... still no improvement with insomnia! The Zoloft caused me permanent damage, it needs to be investigated for its permanent side effects. Doctors have given up and cannot help my insomnia, the damage from zoloft is irreversible and I urge anyone out there to not take this med.

Now over 4 years later and damage from Zoloft has ruined my life. I have not taken zoloft for over 4 years now and I still have this extreme insomnia. I slept great for 35 years until I took this Evil medication, please DO NOT take it! It is not worth the risk!

Felt like I was on speed and I went manic but with a mood stablizer I'm okay now. That lasted only for a month or two.

Zoloft did not control severe depression. I was cured with antibiotics. However, it helps me as someone with BP to keep a steadier mood.

very tired, fed up, burning in back, dizziness, nausea

I started taking 50mg 10 months ago, upped to 100mg after 3 weeks as wasn't doing anything. then upped again to 150mg which I did see a few signs of working. now on 200mg and although have had glimpses of good days I'm starting to wonder if I should try something else. been diagnosed with clinical depression, which I've had for 40 years. if anyone has any similar experience please get in touch.

I am still going through these side effects 4 weeks later;Worst anxiety I've ever hadNausiaDerealizationUpset stomachJumpy

I really didn't think the side effects could be this bad

Decreased libido - still present but not an issue.Insomnia to begin with but mirtazapine helps combat this side effect.Nausea and loose stools but changes in diet have helped alleviate some on this. Plus I would rather have side effects than suffer with anxiety/depression.

Wow!!! Wished I'd known about this year's ago as I've always struggled with anxiety which has prevented me from achieving so much from life! Honestly, I have confidence to talk to people now without worrying or working out what they might say or think about me. I am doing things I was never capable of doing and not over thinking about tasks. I can drive on motorways now, in fact I prefer them now. My brain is no longer racing at 100mph. I'm calm, happier and all the things in life that got me worrying and dreading are no longer present. I feel normal, whatever that is :) my wife cannot believe the changes in me, my kids now benefit from me being happier and doing more with them. My work life has improved due to having more confidence and laughing more. It took around 2 months for side effects to subside but well worth sticking with. It also took about two months to fully feel the benefits. Started in 50mg and raised to 100mg after couple of months.Absolutely a life saver for me. I know this won't be the case for everyone as we all have different experiences but for me I would like to stay on it the rest of my life. I take it around 10am after breakfast.

drowsiness/low energy, dimmer feelings

it made me super tired, i couldn't make it through a day without taking a nap, this got in the way of my school work and negatively effected my performance. i feel like this just dimmed down my experience of life. i credit my therapist and the changes i made to my own life for my recovery from depression, not zoloft.

Had the shakes, nausea and dry mouth at the start. But after a month and put up to 100mg felt fine and more relaxed. Now I have noticed hair loss which is making me more anxious. Anyone else suffering with this?

For the past 6 weeks I have been suffering from chronic diarreah so have tapered off the drug. Other distressing side effects include palpitations, sweats, chills, headaches, exacebation of rash, insomnia and vivid dreams.

It did help with my anxiety and depression, but once the dose was put up from 50mg to 100mg per day, the gastric problems started. My GP tapered the dose and I have now been off the drug for 3 days. The gastric problems are slowly getting better but other side effects remain.

No longer cry at the drop of the hat or spiral into anxiety. Feel amazing. Highly recommend. Have been struggling since I was in 2nd grade and this is the first time I feel like oh my gosh is this how other people feel all the time!?

I once tried citalopram but they gave me a permanent heart flutter that hurt so I had been trying to control my anxiety myself. I think alot of mine has come from my age and hormones but i can't say I don't give in to the anxiety, its been too hard to fight sometimes. I work, but on my days off I would barely clean up, I would sleep and feel sorry for myself with debilitating symptoms, like head rushing and feeling sick. I finally plucked up the courage to try sertraline, and what a difference already. I started on a low dose and it's still early days. The side effects only lasted 5 days, apart from I feel sickly first thing. I'm decorating and up and about, I'm not fixed yet and it's still early days, but I'm very pleased so far.

Ruined my sex drive and gave me anhedonia. Permanently. Quit zoloft 2 years ago and never recovered from those side effects. Ruined my life.

Ruined my sex drive and gave me anhedonia. Permanently. Quit zoloft 2 years ago and never recovered from those side effects. Ruined my life.

Complete loss of libido and any interest in it! Drug works good but I had to max the dose for it to work!

ZOLOFT (SERTRALINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Sertraline is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). This medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. It may decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. It may also reduce the urge to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, and checking) that interfere with daily living. Sertraline is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Started taking Lexapro with Seroquel about 2 weeks ago. I've had spells where I feel quite weak/tired. I've noticed a little delay in ejaculation, but my wife isn't complaining.

It is great for people who do not have regular schedules and can not remember to take pills but there are a lot of negative side effects so I do not recommend for extended periods of time(under 2 years). For the first six months I did not notice any change but lately I have been irritated and sleepy a lot. I have also gained about twenty pounds, which isn't too bad because I've always been underweight. After eleven months of being on it I've noticed some spotting. The biggest problems for me are the fatigue and the anxiety, I am busy with school, work and a family and get regular sleep but it never seems to be enough because I am always feeling like I need a nap and always feel worried and anxious when there isn't anything wrong. I understand that this is different for everyone and hope you do too but I just hope that I can help another woman identify any side effects she may be experiencing and inform newcomers to the possible side effects.

I have to agree with the many reviewers expressing bad side effects. I'm supposed to take this drug for 5 days & not sure I'll make it. I work from home & can hardly keep my eyes open. I'm so drowsy even after 9 hours if sleep. I feel nauseous with diarreaha just starting today. Head ache as well but the worse part is the unusual pain in my left side. Not a good fit for me.

For easy removal I bought a plastic crochet hook which works great!

I stopped taking zyrtec about 1 week ago and have had horrible itching. I thought at first it was from a new detergent but switched back to the old with no relief. Now reading this site I think I am in withdrawl. However I have never taken anything that worked so well for my allergies. I did develop a ringing in my ears shortly after starting it and wonder it anyone else has had that as a side effect? It is not going away since I stopped but it hasn't been that long yet.

chest pains high heart rate feels like I'm going to have a heart attack tummy ache

I was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 20. I had laproscopy done & then was put on Lupron for 6 months. It was the worst experience of my life besides gaining 40 lbs & not being able to lose weight. After that i was put on BCP for a year with out getting my period. Now i'm aloud to get it every three months. Even through my year of not getting my period I was still getting all my symptoms back at times. Now that I get my period every 3 months I have been having more & more episodes of pain & symptoms. Personally I have realized this medicine didn't give me great results & I would rather never go on it again.

I think this drug is good, and actually helps for serious depression. I haven't had any serious episodes while taking it, but it's not a miracle drug. I have gained 20 pounds since starting this medication. I feel like I crave carbohydrates more. The weight gain has really been a struggle for me, but if it keeps the depression to a somewhat tolerable level, then I suppose it's worth it.

I love this drug. Before taking I had horrible heavy periods for at least 5 years and than was skipping my periods. My endometrial lining became thickened and my chances for uterine cancer were increased. I had major hot flashes and night sweats and my moods were horrible. All of these things are much improved as is my desire for intimacy. Every time I discontinue taking the drug my horrible symptoms come back within 2-3 months.

I felt my heart labor, extreme sensitivity to heat(water), my glands burned when I swallowed. I have just been told I have a heart valve problem. I have no history of any heart problems. I am a healthy non smoker with no history of any heart problems.