Wellbutrin xl (bupropion) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Wellbutrin xl (bupropion)

Felt better the next day. More energy, ability to focus. Already lost 10 pounds. Hyper smell and things smell differently especially food. Food tastes differently..no more cravings or getting up at night to snack. Insomnia relieved with benadryl. Strange feeling like anxiety but different more of an uncomfortable sensation to move or run, hard to explain it. Overall I am happy with the results. Medicine has done what I needed it to do.

Worsened anxiety, intrusive thoughts, aggressive impulses

Jitters, fidgety, different kind of anxiousness, food cravings and weight gain

I took this as an add-on to Zoloft 50 mg to help with its sexual side effects. I don't think it really helped with the sexual side effects of Zoloft and made it slightly worse given it increased performance anxiety. I feel good on the Zoloft alone and think maybe the increase in dopamine and norepinephrine is not what I needed, which is what Wellbutrin does. I suspect it would be best for those with lower energy from depression given it was pretty stimulating for me. Zoloft Wellbutrin was not a good combo for me. I was on Zoloft for 6 months prior before adding Wellbutrin. Maybe it would be better alone than as an add-on to a SSRI.

First two days felt ok until I used my albuterol inhaler. I ended up with a horrible headache so I checked my blood pressure which was very elevated, along with my pulse. I had the headache and bad nausea for about 2 hours after which it resolved and I fell asleep.

I am very sensitive to medications and I have adverse reactions to epinephrine (norepinephrine). Since this medication increases the amount of norepinephrine in the body, I’m assuming this is why I had the bad reaction. I stopped the medication after two days.

Permanent tinnitus (ringing in ears) developed subacutely (over a period of a few weeks). Onset of tinnitus was accompanied by stabbing ear pain. I tried the drug again 5 years later and experienced increasing volume of tinnitus along with stabbing ear pain. At no other times in my life did I have stabbing ear pain. Despite only taking the drug 3 weeks, the tinnitus is permanent.

Nausea, vomiting joint pain,sore throat, headache, and the final straw "3 seizures in 1 day".

I highly recommend NOT USING WELLBUTRIN XL or any generic brand

Seasonal affective disorder, ADHD

Severe anxiety, sore throat, racing heart, insomnia, stiff neck, stuffy head. At first it seemed fine but after a few days the anxiety began and worsened each day until i was actually shaky by the last day i took it.

I take bupropion SR 100mg so it is slow release. The only side effect was mildly increased anxiety. So I had to increase my dose of lorazepam but then my anxiety and depression was under good control with no side effects.

For me this decreased the depression and increased my energy and motivation. Did not seem to cause weight gain and did not have any negative sexual side effects. After 7 years, I did have to eventually go on Zoloft to treat my depression which had increased. Then the depression was under good control but Zoloft did have moderate side effects.

Anxiety, Increased Heart Rate, & Shakiness.

Wellbutrin has done wonders for my depression. However, if you are an extremely anxious person, it may make your anxiety worse. It can make you shaky (specifically the immediate release version), but the XL didn't make me too shaky. It definitely helps with libido and did not cause any sexual side effects for me. Honestly the only downside is increased anxiety, but I would rather deal with anxiety than depression. If SSRIs don't work for you, I highly recommend trying Wellbutrin.

Sore throat, agitated, joint pain, just an over all feeling of being unwell, crying, panic attacks.

I have Bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD, and panic attacks.

Anxiety, Depression, Binge Eating

Dry mouth, insomnia, constipation, nausea. I am on week 6 and these side effects are gone now.

So far this medication has really helped me. I have suffered from bad anxiety the last two years, and recently it has caused me to feel depressed. Food has always been my comfort when i feel this way, so i binge eat which just causes more depression. within the first week of this medication,i noticed it greatly suppressed my appetite. I no longer had the craving and desire to eat junk food. I now have lost 10 pounds and eat when im hungry, stop when im full. It has greatly helped my depressed mood, and somewhat helped my anxiety. the anxiety is still there, but i feel like a much calmer level headed person, so i can talk myself out of having panic attacks. I also have alot more energy and wake up each morning ready to take on the day. I feel more relaxed in stressful situations

Very little to no side effects. Or at least none that I noticed.

I have taken multiple medications to try and calm my anxiety with some really gnarly side effects with them. I was nervous because this was an anti-depressant and I do not have depression but I kept an open mind in hopes that it would help. I feel like my mind is more clear and I am able to focus as well as I feel things are more calm and level for me. I rarely have instances with anxiety and I am definitely more mentally organized. I am glad this medication has been helpful to me.

Headache, migraine, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, dry eyes, blurred vision, confusion, sleep paralysis, nausea, tremor, and skin rash/hives

The first 6 weeks were great! some highs and lows with moods and sadness, but no odd side effects outside of fatigue and lethargy. On the 6th week I woke up with terrible vertigo and it continued with blurred vision, nausea, a migraine, facial numbness, rash, and tremor. The side effects lasted 3 days and the migraine finally broke and I was back to feeling fine again.Unfortunately the rash has only gotten worse over the last two weeks (weeks 7&8) and now are looking more like hives. They burn and itch and wake me up at night. I will more than likely have to stop using it.

Insomnia, severe jaw pain, decreased appetite, dizziness

I had a bad reaction immediately after taking my first dose, and have been having worsening side effects happen every day. This has honestly been some of the worst reactions I've had to a medication.

Hair loss, leg pain, restless legs, tremors, felt like my heart was doing the jitter bug, nerve twitching in face, and lack of interest in life.

I was on this drug for nearly 20 years, went off for 2 years and my return to it is a complete disaster. My doctor said some people develop symptoms and it is common. I am convinced that it isn't working for me because it is a generic drug and whatever it is cut with is the issue. Neurological problems now even after off of it. Now I am seeking advice from a Neurologist. Praying the side effects with go away.

Hard time going to bed and staying in bed for more than 2-4 hours.

I am also diagnosed with anxiety & ptsd. I do not recommend this if you struggle from ptsd. I was exhausted, couldn't get off the couch. I had flashbacks & then one night I woke up thought I was dead & pretending to be alive to the point where I was yelling & grabbing my fiance asking him if he was real. I later discovered a few days later after breaking out in hives I was allergic to it. I have noticed increased anxiety since taking even after stopping the medication.

Started out ok. I have started crying every day. I'm not sure if this is something that anyone else is experiencing.

I do know I have to take the Wellbutrin XL brand name. Not the generic. The generic doesn't work for me.

WELLBUTRIN XL (BUPROPION): This medication is used to treat depression. It may also be used to prevent seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs each year at the same time (for example, during winter). This medication can improve your mood and feelings of well-being. It may work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (dopamine, norepinephrine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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